I always thought that metaphysics was a much more reasonable source for the big bang, then all the intellectual craziness of the physics community with their big bangs caused by black holes and universes from nothing. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if the Creator-God used a metaphysical-Astral realm to design this universe and set it up before "Letting their be light". Engineers design their products in a virtual environment. Why wouldn't God?

8 days later

The reality about how spacetime and gravity works is much more interesting than what you kind folks are working on.

6 months later

I think an event happens at a point, and the causal consequences travel outward, at the speed of light, like ripples on a pond.

10 days later

I'm really surprised that nobody in the physics community has wondered if the spacetime continuum is made of quanta of gravitons. It seems almost expected that they would expand at the speed of light into a spherical wavefront (similar to how the big bang expanded). How else would you explain the invariance of the speed of light? If expanding gravitons exist, then they are also the carriers of causality!

a month later

The physics community went out of its way to insist that UFO's don't exist (even as Navy fighter pilots were chasing them) and fifty million witnesses. So a quantum gravity theory comes along that could explain the artificial gravity propulsion, but physicists don't even want to talk about that because the guy peddling the theory is a theist. So, we'll all have to wait around for a century or two while the physics community ignores people like me. You can peddle your bizarre theories about consciousness, when it was pretty simple to begin with. God/Creator creates the universe. Souls incarnate into this physical world, live for a while, then die and return to the Spirit World. But you guys want to make it as weird as possible with your Spinoza God, banging branes. Consciousness itself is "magic", so you want to diminish the MOST IMPORTANT THING EVER as something that is not important at all. Imagine the atheist physics community trying to abuse its authority into making people believe that their consciousness is not important.

The simple fact is that Western civilization is at a stand still because of the atheist physics community. We are in danger of collapsing because of your crap ideas!!!

5 days later

One of the problems with physics is that you have made it unnecessarily complicated, but didn't actually permit any breakthroughs. Even special relativity was all done with algebra.

6 months later
  • [deleted]

I agree with Jason. Natures processes are simple. 'Physics' is complex because we're confused, clinging on the flawed ideas. Re; entropy. Our view is a parochial 'snapshot' in time. Consider; ALL those things which can only fall apart in out belief STARTED OFF 'apart', as the most fundamental particles! Time didn't 'reverse' for them to form, that's naïve. Consider nucleosynthesis. It's the polar opposite to the entropy we see now! Cyclic universe models are proving far more consistent that the old one most still cling to; The 'Big Bounce', Penrose, Turok etc, and most consistent of all the 'Discrete Field Model' (DFM) which reproduces all CMB peculiar anisotropies and seems able to unite SR,GR and QM in a simpler model. In that model w entropy and expansion are just PARTS of a coherent cycle, free of inconsistencies.

At ALL times in history 'doctrine' has proved wrong. it's still inconsistent now, why do we think it's suddenly right now and cling onto it?

6 months later

there is no evidence for the existence of "ufo" or other alien civilizations, and physics has nothing to say here.



4 months later
  • [deleted]

As Arieh Ben-Naim [1] says, time does not appear in entropy expressions. Not in the expression of Clausius, Boltzman, or Shannon. Entropy should not be credited with more "power" than it has.

Also, consider that time could well be just a perception.

[1] Is Entropy Associated with Time's Arrow?, Arieh Ben-Naim, arXiv:1705.01467

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