You're doing it all wrong. Not just you. The whole physics community is completely missing what's causing physics to work, and the nature of consciousness.

Best wishes,

Jason Wolfe

The foundation of physics, the simplest mechanism available that could explain everything, QM, GR, standard model particles, it will really surprise you all, if you haven't already guessed it. Quantum gravity is at hand.

6 days later

Hi Joe, what is mostly illuminated by ONE INFINITE type of finite non-surface light. Please could you develop and explain the real meaning Joe ? Illuminated means light, and you say by one infinite light that is finite and also not a surface (or border) - it all seems nonsensical...

6 days later

Dear Steve,

You keep asking finite questions. Nature provided ONE visible reality BEFORE any human beings appeared and started publishing finite questions. It logically follows that Natural Visible Reality MUST be INFINITE. Although human beings have finite-sized eyes and are capable of looking through finite-sized telescopes and microscopes, as there am only ONE Infinite visible surface, they will only ever see some visible surface. In order for the INFINITE visible surface to be seen, it must be finitely illuminated by ONE sort of finite NON-SURFACE light. Have you left Belgium yet? I holidayed in Bruges when I was about 15 years old.

Joe Fisher, Visible Realist

it's been a long time.... Anyone about causality? The universe is a logical system. This means it can only be made of one type of stuff and logically accepts only one type of cause. Then, find only one example of each ... and you have your answer for the ID of the stuff and of the cause. To this end, I give you, once more, my favorite quote from physicist Bil Unruh;

' .. A more accurate way of summarizing the lessons of General Relativity is

that gravity does not cause time to run differently in different places (e.g., faster far from the earth than near it). Gravity is the unequable flow of time from place to place. It is not that there are two separate phenomena, namely gravity and time and that the one, gravity, affects the other. Rather the theory states that the phenomena we usually ascribe to gravity are actually caused by time's flowing unequably from place to place... " arXiv:gr-qc/9312027v2 17 Dec 1993

So, the stuff is Time and the cause is time flowing unequably from place to place.

I am working on another demo involving EM induction ... so I don't have to quote Unruh all the time .. and will be quoting myself :-)


    I call them Planck action quanta because their first manifested physics constant is the Planck constant with units joule-seconds. Planck quantum expand at the speed of light, spherical-ly. I'm trying to explain the invariance of c, the nature of time, quantum states of position, momentum, spin, and the foundation of physics. Also causality.

    Jason; very interesting. documents. website ??

    I have:

    - stuff/substance: dynamic spontaneous process w spherical expansion

    - the Planck is a range of rates within which the stuff will operate logically with each other. i.e. stuff with different Planck value belong to different universe.

    - rate of time process is the variable.

    So, dynamic stuff with one property h, one variable 1/t:

    - spontaneous and generating process = explosive = spherical exp

    Some of it in very short..

    Hi Marcel-Marie,

    No website. But it's something to work on.

    These Planck action quanta, with radius of R=ct, are an unlimited quantity, constantly expanding from a point everywhere in spacetime, since the big bang. They will replace the Copenhagen and many world interpretation of quantum mechanics because, as they expand, they collide with particulate matter and naturally become the "things" that quantum wave functions are describing. Most quantum wave functions have momentum, position and spin states associated with them. These PAQeons (Planck action units) therefor have to have momentum, position and spins states built into them. PAQeons also have all of the physics constants built into them as measureable behavior; at least h, c, G. The gravitational constant is expressed when PAQeons start to overlaps as they get large and become part of the spacetime continuum. PAQeons have a surface area A = 4pi(ct)^2 and a volume V = 4/3pi(ct)^3. The overlapping of surface area by many PAQeons is the "present", the time at which interaction between particles occuplying quantum states is possible. The volume(s) of PAQeons is considered the (hidden) history of quantum states and is considered inaccessible except for one experimentally testable case. If two photons are quantum entangled, that are said to have a PAQeon between them. The quantum states inside of the PAQeon could be used to store gravitation potential energy, opening the door to low energy gravity field manipulation. The PAQeon is the intended answer to the light cone. Why is the speed of light invariant? Answer: because PAQeons do all the work. All of the quantum states built into the PAQeon connect directly to standard model particles. The creation of standard model particles has to do with the high energy interaction of "many" PAQeons in a way that creates particle fields. PAQeons are both clocks and rulers. Short lived PAQeons become the quantum wave functions. Longer lived PAQeons overlap their quantum states of position to become spacetime geometry. So the answer to: why is QM so different from GR? The answer is that one or a few PAQeons create quantum wavefunctions, but very large numbers of overlapped PAQeons become spacetime geometry.

    PAQeons are better than superstrings because superstrings need 11D of spacetime. PAQeons provide the building blocks of spacetime, and also the quantum states with which to put particles. PAQeons also radiate from inertial reference frames to spread "information" and to assert: which frame is largest/heaviest to determine which twin ages in relativistic experiments.

    The other nice thing about PAQeons is that we can finally answer: why does time have a direction? Because PAQeons ONLY expand, mix with other PAQeons, and establish a permanent history.


    In my opinion, you're not supposed to write an equation for God. God, the Father, is this omnipotent intelligence that created the universe. Love and supplication, awe. Reverence, holiness, ...

    As to how God creates time, I think there are Planck action quanta that have all the physics constants written into them. I call them PAQeons. PAQeons have time and quantum states built together. Particles attack to quantum states and are therefore subject to the time given by the eternal supply of PAQeons.

    I always thought that metaphysics was a much more reasonable source for the big bang, then all the intellectual craziness of the physics community with their big bangs caused by black holes and universes from nothing. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if the Creator-God used a metaphysical-Astral realm to design this universe and set it up before "Letting their be light". Engineers design their products in a virtual environment. Why wouldn't God?

    8 days later

    The reality about how spacetime and gravity works is much more interesting than what you kind folks are working on.

    6 months later

    I think an event happens at a point, and the causal consequences travel outward, at the speed of light, like ripples on a pond.

    10 days later

    I'm really surprised that nobody in the physics community has wondered if the spacetime continuum is made of quanta of gravitons. It seems almost expected that they would expand at the speed of light into a spherical wavefront (similar to how the big bang expanded). How else would you explain the invariance of the speed of light? If expanding gravitons exist, then they are also the carriers of causality!

    a month later

    The physics community went out of its way to insist that UFO's don't exist (even as Navy fighter pilots were chasing them) and fifty million witnesses. So a quantum gravity theory comes along that could explain the artificial gravity propulsion, but physicists don't even want to talk about that because the guy peddling the theory is a theist. So, we'll all have to wait around for a century or two while the physics community ignores people like me. You can peddle your bizarre theories about consciousness, when it was pretty simple to begin with. God/Creator creates the universe. Souls incarnate into this physical world, live for a while, then die and return to the Spirit World. But you guys want to make it as weird as possible with your Spinoza God, banging branes. Consciousness itself is "magic", so you want to diminish the MOST IMPORTANT THING EVER as something that is not important at all. Imagine the atheist physics community trying to abuse its authority into making people believe that their consciousness is not important.

    The simple fact is that Western civilization is at a stand still because of the atheist physics community. We are in danger of collapsing because of your crap ideas!!!

    5 days later

    One of the problems with physics is that you have made it unnecessarily complicated, but didn't actually permit any breakthroughs. Even special relativity was all done with algebra.

    6 months later
    • [deleted]

    I agree with Jason. Natures processes are simple. 'Physics' is complex because we're confused, clinging on the flawed ideas. Re; entropy. Our view is a parochial 'snapshot' in time. Consider; ALL those things which can only fall apart in out belief STARTED OFF 'apart', as the most fundamental particles! Time didn't 'reverse' for them to form, that's naïve. Consider nucleosynthesis. It's the polar opposite to the entropy we see now! Cyclic universe models are proving far more consistent that the old one most still cling to; The 'Big Bounce', Penrose, Turok etc, and most consistent of all the 'Discrete Field Model' (DFM) which reproduces all CMB peculiar anisotropies and seems able to unite SR,GR and QM in a simpler model. In that model w entropy and expansion are just PARTS of a coherent cycle, free of inconsistencies.

    At ALL times in history 'doctrine' has proved wrong. it's still inconsistent now, why do we think it's suddenly right now and cling onto it?

    6 months later

    there is no evidence for the existence of "ufo" or other alien civilizations, and physics has nothing to say here.


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