Dear Rob,
As I expected, your comments largely confirm my essay.
In particular I hope our different approaches may eventually agree on consequences concerning QM. You didn't quote my complete sentence. I wrote:
"Unfortunately, one cannot even prove the theory of quantum mechanics wrong, because it was not logically derived but just heuristically fabricated by Schrödinger as well as by Heisenberg."
I meant the impossibility to prove something logically wrong that was not logically derived.
I vehemently maintain my utterance: "So far it is reasonable practice to tolerate so called non-causalities for instance in the current theory of signal processing for the sake of elegant calculability."
You obviously don't believe me when arguing: "It is not necessary to tolerate it - the problem you are addressing can be (and always is, in any properly functioning system) entirely avoided, by simply introducing enough delay into the processing, that everything that is being processed, already exists in the past (via a delay sampling buffer), so the future has no relevance to the only thing that is actually being processed (the previously buffered-up, past signal)."
While such more or less unnecessary maneuvers may hide the non-causalities to some extent, they do already obviously not work for ideal low pass filters.
Concerning the digital vs. analog issue, I imagined for instance an originally acoustic or optic (i.e.analog) content.
What about the laws abstracted from reality, I don't suspect the primary problem in the finiteness of observation. I rather understand the brain as selecting, combining and checking patterns which were positively evaluated from the amygdale. Nonetheless, I share your attitude concerning wild speculations. When Jonathan Dickau mentioned on p. 7 of his current essay with reference to [11] his "wild suspicion", I feel a layman.
Having participated for many years in discussions among leading experts of auditory perception including the outsider Steven Greenberg who picked me up, I don't deny tonotopy in cochlea, CN, ICC and beyond. If there is a mistake then not in physiology but in standard theory of signal processing.
Let me take a break for today.