Thank you for alerting me to your essay. I got in at the last minute and have had the time to look at only a few essays up to now.
Yours was so unusual and refreshing! Free-thinking, physical physics! What a concept, what concepts!
I love your compilation:
"H.A. Lorentz said in 1906 "we can make no progress without some hypothesis that looks somewhat startling at first sight," Feynman echoed that in 1981 saying new solutions first "look wrong" before 'turning out simpler.' Similarly John Bell predicted QM's classical solution will need "radical conceptual renewal".iv [p172] and an imaginative leap that will astonish us [p27]. Solutions often exists, hidden well, in plain sight! We point to one in3 and below. But what IS certain is dismissal and default to embedded beliefs will STOP new solutions emerging. Good science has no place for beliefs, but we can hypothesize."
And ""(Ψ)..would prove to be a provisional or incomplete description.. It is this possibility, of a homogeneous account of the world, which is for me the chief motivation of the study of the so-called "hidden variable" possibility." J S Bell 1987iv Ch.4
also believing; "the founding fathers were in fact wrong" iv p171. "
And your simple attribution of gravity waves: "Motions of matter cause density fluctuations to propagate through the medium."
Dirac's view that solutions can't be found in "mathematical terms" but need "physical entities."
Mathematics. "There are, at present, fundamental problems in theoretical physics...(which)...will require a more drastic revision of our fundamental concepts than any that have gone before. ...these changes will be...beyond the power of human intelligence to get... by...mathematical terms. (and we must try to find and) terms of physical entities." Paul Dirac. (PRS 1931 A133,60);
And your simple attribution of gravity waves: "Motions of matter cause density fluctuations to propagate through the medium." What? No need to squirrel gravitation-as-geometry into quantum physics???
Thank you for thinking about physics.