Thanks Vladimir,

It's nice to agree on so much patently true. I do love that Wheeler quote so right, but maybe also so wrong as it's patently now identified but nobody's saying; "Oh, how beautiful, (which it is) ..How could it have been otherwise?'. It seems beliefs rule over ontologyy, and few even genuinely understand the problem!! But see my conversation with Ronald Radicot on his string.(1st March on).

It may be summed up as dialectic OAM momenta, with trialectic axes (x,y,z).

I see my score's had a boost after the 1.0 hit earlier! Thank you.

Very best.


Thanks, Peter, for reading my essay. For the first time, I'm updating my essay, considering the virus events and the extension of the deadline. Hope you will read my update. I rated yours nicely on the 20th of March soon after they extended the deadline and I was able to see the rating carnage.

Jim Hoover

    Thanks Jim,

    I've made a note to go back to it, after the pile I still have! And will certainly rate it. (well.. as my initial comments)

    Best Peter


    I found your comments very helpful and incorporated same of your suggestions in my update. Wanted to let you know that I updated my essay and uploaded it a few minutes ago. Personally I feel that it is greatly improved. I appreciate your candor and would like to see any additional comments you might have.

    Please check mine out if you have time. Such honest, No BS, reviews are needed by all of us.

    Jim Hoover

      Dear Peter,

      Thanks for your kind comments and high rating of my essay. I apologise for this a little belated answer; I have been heavily involved in another project and could not follow FQXi entirely; I am sure I must have missed many exciting essays alas.

      I will do my best to follow your interesting works and see whether I can help/critise/... .

      Meanwhile feel free to contact my email if you like to discuss something. I would be more than happy to discuss exciting ideas!

      Keep motivation and following your nice thoughts,


      Dear Peter,

      i promised to read carfully and comment and rate.

      I rated a 10.0, because your essay "content" is extraordinary. We all use different languages to model reality, so not everyone can understand everything as it is written. Nevertheless you ring the bells quite well with your Conclusions. We have Flaws in our deepest foundations. I agree so much.

      I discussed with a very good friend of mine (a soldier) about the global situation and i came to the conclusion that either we deal with a global false flag scenary upon 9/11 or an asteroid scenario with Covid-19. So i changed my focus and i will proceed to concentrate on the result of the ToE.

      My ToE is two side:

      1: one can destroy the entire earth with it. (This program is running at US Military Intelligence right now

      2: one can heal the world.

      With the ToE it is possible to cure complex traumatic stress disorder, so my World War III scenario is to build a Noa Pothoven Funding to offer children up to 16 from sexual rape, military abuse, any traumatic insidence in childhood wether from Jemen, Afgahnistan, Russia, US, Netherland, Egypt, China.. out of society to make a cure to raise them being able to live a healthe life alone at age of 18 latest.

      For this i will need sailing ships, as sailing is part of the therapy / education. Basicly the key to save the world is not CO" or Pandemic, but to empower children to build the new world that need to come anyway.

      I think i will ask to remove my essay, because i am not so much interested in discussions with "scientist". Most of them will never understand. I just wanted to give some ideas and sketch for future with my essay.

      But could you accept that sun is not gravitational center, that "sun" will be destroid if earth is destroid with an Asteroid? Thats stuff most people can't get into their brain easy. Asteroid as "living" extraterrestrical life! You understand?

      It is not possible to calcualte Asteroids, as they don't follow "gravity" rules from Newton or Einstein.

      Maybe the will tell us in 20 days that there are only 3 days left.. who cares.

      Is your 42 still for sale? Please give me a link again and quote a price.

      Best wishes, take care and order champagne always.


      PS.. i tried to explain with simple pictures on my website the idea of sun and earth and the universe as a threesome. Funny is, yes sun is center of solar system somehow, as if we look at sun, we see the surface of earth from the other side.. so if you look in the sky, this is a "mirror" and if earth is destroyed, not only sun will be destroyed with it, but all Galaxies you see in sky. Galaxys are only a "mirror" of planet earth.Attachment #1: excluded_middle.jpgAttachment #2: pythagorean.jpg

        Dear Peter,

        there is a venerable tradition of trying to cook up new logics to better describe the world. Dialetheism has a rich history, and there are of course the attempts by Reichenbach and von Neumann/Birkhoff to capture quantum weirdness with modifications to the propositional structure of logic---Reichenbach with introducing a many-valued approach, von Neumann/Birkhoff through weakening the Boolean algebra of classical logic to the structure of an orthocomplemented set. As such, your approach fits right in with that sort of strain.

        I'm not completely sold on such ideas. Consider Putnam's classical essay 'Is Logic Empirical?': the question always remains---if it is, how would we assert this? It must be the case that empirical evidence should force us to reconsider our basic laws of reasoning---but that is itself something that depends on those laws: we can only conclude that empirical evidence has a certain consequence by making some sort of deduction from it, but if we question the very principles of reasoning, then that deduction itself would be suspect---so the idea that logic is subject to empirical revision seems to be self-undermining in that respect.

        I rather think about this by means of the 'principle of tolerance': different logics are, ultimately, different tools, and may be differently well suited to certain areas. As such, there's not really a fact of the matter regarding any one logic to be the 'correct' one. For instance, it's perfectly well possible to describe inferences in quantum mechanics within classical logic, if one e. g. uses a Bohmian ontology. Since the evidence doesn't suffice to choose between Bohmian and Bohrian quantum mechanics, it also doesn't adjudicate between classical and quantum logic.

        That's not to say I'm opposed to such ideas. Studying different approaches to logic has intrinsic value; but I fear that wherever one skirts close to asserting that the 'world out there' follows this logic rather than that one, one runs the danger of confusing map and territory.

        However, I think you are aware of this danger---you speak of the distinction between the physical and the abstract and, I think, relegate the logical description to this abstract layer. This is something very close to some of my own ideas---I think in terms of the 'structural' and the 'non-structural', with the former essentially conforming to the abstract realm, the map, and the latter being the territory (in fact, I believe there are interesting issues in that distinction for the philosophy of mind---see my recent article in Minds and Machines:

        I'm not entirely convinced by some of the arguments you propose. There might be only one Aristotle, but he can be referred to in different ways---the Fregean distinction between 'Sinn' and 'Bedeutung': so, Aristotle is 'the most well known pupil of Plato' and 'the author of the Nikomachean Ethics', and a sentence like 'the most well known pupil of Plato is the author of the Nikomachean Ethics' expresses a perfectly fine equality of the two 'aspects' under which one might refer to Aristotle.

        Furthermore, the absolute identity of quantum particles is something upon which the statistical approach to quantum mechanics is founded---and indeed, if we supposed particles were distinguishable, the distributions we calculate for them would differ from what's empirically observed; only the assumption of their identity makes the predictions come out right.

        There is more in your article than I have space here to reply to. Furthermore, many of your arguments seem to be only developed in other articles of yours; I think this article would have benefitted from trying to present as much of a self-contained argument as possible, focusing on a single, clear point you wish to make. As is, I felt sort of lost, with no clear sense of direction.

        Still, I wish you the best of luck in this contest.



          Jochen, Thanks, My mentor Freeman Dyson agreed, ANY advancement means all OTHERS will "feel sort of lost", also Lorentz, Feynman etc. And yes I also studied logic & philosophy, both in crisis! Yes I pack a lot in, testing conventional thinkers, but all refs are given.

          You wrongly infer I suggest loosing "the absolute identity of quantum particles.", I just suggest they can have different polar axis angles, except when 'paired', but I DO challenge that only a "statistical approach to QM", can work, & show how we can "do better" as Bell suggested! Shocking? Tes. But seems also true (I cited the verification plot). That's what I'd like you to test.

          I hope you get a mo as it may be rather important to advancement.

          Very Best



          Thanks, but as an astronomer whose long studied and built up an intimate familiarity with our solar system, galaxy and the universe I struggle to fine any data consistent with that hypothesis. Do you have any access to the AJ or MNRAS? If not the arXiv is a rich source, if rather tied to old doctrine. None the less I'm always open minded so will have a look and study your evidence and logic.

          I'll also ensure I score your essay.

          Very best


          You don't need evidence or arxiv. You must just build upon your logic. You have earth and sun. No one can be sure if earth is encirceling sun or sun encirceling earth. Therefore you take center of earth (dot) and center of sun (dot) Then you draw a line between those points and make 55/50 = 1/1 = pi

          Then you have three dots. To materialize them now you need to make "volumes". for that you use a sphere Volume. Three times : pi / pi = pi is the setup for sun, earth and center of universe. Center of universe is then surface of earth (3-dim surface c^2 : m c^2)

          Then universe (earth system) has a fixed center and can drift through space and time.

          You don't need to "observe" this, this is logic also a blind use to navigate on earth. Solar system is the only calculated with Electromagnetic force.

          You can't find that on arxiv or anywhere else.

          It is the pythagorean advanced universe. Takes us back 2000 years into future.

          Very best



          Thanks. Yes, I agree logic is also important, as my essay suggests. I understand your logic (though there are many different 'logics'!) I'm also always interested in fresh ideas and approaches.

          But scientific modelling is principally about correspondence with Nature and observations, so, in terms of Academia or most anybody, nothing that doesn't do that will be taken at all seriously. It's quite difficult enough to get a theory noticed that DOES do so!

          We have many billions of pounds worth of probes out there feeding us data. To just dismiss all that won't make a theory popular or likely to be correct! But of course I'm sure you know that, and all should be set out and argued, however strange sounding!

          Very Best


          Dear Peter Jackson, I read your informative essay and I completely agree with you that rotational movement, i.e. vortices play a major role in the appearance of mass in corpuscles. To the question, what moves? I answer - space moves relative to itself. Copernicus, when he noticed that the Earth revolves around the Sun, lost sight of the fact that with it all the solar space revolves around it.

          聽聽聽聽聽聽I invite you to discuss my essay, in which I show the successes of the neocartesian generalization of modern physics, based on the identity of Descartes' space and matter: "The transformation of uncertainty into certainty. The relationship of the Lorentz factor with the probability density of states. And more from a new Cartesian generalization of modern physics. by Dizhechko Boris Semyonovich ". At the very beginning of the essay, I repeat twice the idea that rectilinear motion, in essence, is a motion around a circle of infinitely large radius and, if this radius is reduced, then in infinitesimal laws of motion according to the theory of relativity will go over to the laws of quantum mechanics.

          Next come mathematical formulas that only spoil my essay, but without them in any way. I will be pleased if you catch their main meaning and bless me for the further generalization of modern physics. I give high ratings to those who visit my page and leave her comment on it regarding the neo-Cartesian generalization of modern physics, even if they did not agree.

          Sincerely, Dizhechko Boris Semyonovich.


            you did not take into account the most important finding in my work. It is quite easy. E=hf is wrong and to correct that the definition of time must be changed to

            1 meter = distance a photon travels in x seconds

            1 second = duration a photon need to travel 1/x meter

            With this, 100% (all = every single bit of "Data" you are talking about is wrong.

            Every of your observation then is wrong.

            I am explaining that sincs a year and i am sure some people in the world did understand that.

            There is no stange thing about that, because the definition of time with a caesium atom is strange. Well they do it since 2000 years now, as no one listened to Jesus and they nailed him on a cross because they don't wanted to see reality. But someday realitiy will come to catch us (actually reality now arrived)

            Take care


            Dear Peter Jackson, with your comment you have lifted my mood. I had a hope that our path in science would leave at least some trace and that scientists would pay attention to the fact that space is matter, and matter is space that moves, since it is matter. It is motion that turns space into observable matter - substance. The rotational motion of space is the most energetically favorable motion in comparison with a rectilinear motion. In order to force a space, for example, a body, to move rectilinearly, it is necessary to expend infinitely large energy, i.e. inertial systems do not exist. Their existence can only be talked about in infinitesimal dimensions, which are realized in quantum mechanics.

            Peter, I wish you success in your scientific research and become one of the winners of this competition.

            Regards, Boris Dzhechko

            5 days later

            My thoughts are that eventually we might conclude that everything and everyone is a parallel universe and the mathematics that might connect all these multiverses probability might be quantum mechanical. Our sociology, biology and many such endeavors might benefit if the society transitions to these higher dimensional information processes. With digitalization these transitioned cultures might successfully eliminate frictions in interactions to make humanity closer to divinity than ever in the past.

            Dear Peter

            Nice essay you have written, quite illuminating. I must confess that I have never entertained the idea that statements are provisional and metaphysical. I think you are right about this. We put these idealizations on a top level, in a level of perfection and take them as reference. We talk about the infinite but in reality we do not measure infinities, similarly, we talk about identity although things are not identical. So, the logical laws are mere metaphysical statements living in the realm of perfection. To be more realistic, it would be more correct to say that something is similar or approximately equal to something else. I am still digesting all of this. Good contribution to the contest!

            Good luck!


              Thanks Boris, but the judges have long made it clear John Templeton's aims are forgotten and nothing advancing doctrinal paradigms or our understanding of nature will be entertained! Peer pressure I suppose.

              Yes, I agree there is no entirely rectilinear motion in the universe. Light has a notionally linear 'optical axis', but only within moving systems, so not 'real' and also non-linear with respect to all other systems.

              Very best of luck to yours.


              Thanks Israel,

              I was confident you'd comprehend what so many don't and dismiss due to cognitive dissonance (or 'beliefs'). Lawrence's responses for instance typify that. But it's the implications of those new foundations that most important for understanding. Following those is indeed hard.

              Well done for yours to.
