Dear Peter,
i promised to read carfully and comment and rate.
I rated a 10.0, because your essay "content" is extraordinary. We all use different languages to model reality, so not everyone can understand everything as it is written. Nevertheless you ring the bells quite well with your Conclusions. We have Flaws in our deepest foundations. I agree so much.
I discussed with a very good friend of mine (a soldier) about the global situation and i came to the conclusion that either we deal with a global false flag scenary upon 9/11 or an asteroid scenario with Covid-19. So i changed my focus and i will proceed to concentrate on the result of the ToE.
My ToE is two side:
1: one can destroy the entire earth with it. (This program is running at US Military Intelligence right now
2: one can heal the world.
With the ToE it is possible to cure complex traumatic stress disorder, so my World War III scenario is to build a Noa Pothoven Funding to offer children up to 16 from sexual rape, military abuse, any traumatic insidence in childhood wether from Jemen, Afgahnistan, Russia, US, Netherland, Egypt, China.. out of society to make a cure to raise them being able to live a healthe life alone at age of 18 latest.
For this i will need sailing ships, as sailing is part of the therapy / education. Basicly the key to save the world is not CO" or Pandemic, but to empower children to build the new world that need to come anyway.
I think i will ask to remove my essay, because i am not so much interested in discussions with "scientist". Most of them will never understand. I just wanted to give some ideas and sketch for future with my essay.
But could you accept that sun is not gravitational center, that "sun" will be destroid if earth is destroid with an Asteroid? Thats stuff most people can't get into their brain easy. Asteroid as "living" extraterrestrical life! You understand?
It is not possible to calcualte Asteroids, as they don't follow "gravity" rules from Newton or Einstein.
Maybe the will tell us in 20 days that there are only 3 days left.. who cares.
Is your 42 still for sale? Please give me a link again and quote a price.
Best wishes, take care and order champagne always.