Thanks Gene,

All fluctuations in the condensate (only a 'fluid' to the extent that air is) will indeed propagate at c. The 'range' of the condensate density gradient is also proportionally the same as a low pressure weather system, so near infinite. But these (dark energy) 'particles' aren't 'virtual', just small so below the scale that 'couples with' it's EM waves (the fermion pair).

Yes, most seem to have 'given up' on improving our understanding of nature. We're a small minority! But indeed we are approaching from different directions. That may be a good thing as we might surround the mountain of truth so it can't escape! But yes we should check we're surrounding the same mountain and our approaches are compatible, even co-ordinated.

I'v found getting dissidents to agree on anything is like herding cats, but again that can be an advantage as we all have different strengths. Perhaps even the magnificent 7! I'll take a look over on your string. I still have to apply your (top!) score anyway, which we all seem to need after being hit by the 1.0 trolling more than once!


PS; I look at it not so much as 'uniting' QM...etc, more identifying the errors or omissions in EACH theory that keep them from coherently DESCRIBING the true simple beauty of nature.

Hi Peter...

I have read your paper, and the comments to it.

Perhaps the turning of the tide can be attributed to NASA's posting photos of Black Holes emitting "stuff"... REF: ... but I like to think FQXi as an open channel for thoughtful critical analysis, by you and a growing number of others, has provided impetus for a temporally critical paradigm shift, and I am delighted to see that the turning tide, has focused your thoughtful analysis on the potential for compliance to a visual structural/geometry, to resolve dysfunctional standard model Energy emergence mathematics.

Your ability to do so, in language/semantics relevant to eliminating obvious flaws in the standard model, will alleviate the academic communities' fears that a paradigm shift could "shatter our entire world-view."~ Robert Wilson Essay~ is greatly appreciated... i.e. better you than me.

Language/semantics is one of the major transitional issues that must be addressed to advance the "world-view"... REF: - "Energy Terminology Dysfunction" ... if application is going to overcome dysfunctionality of current "world view", in a timely manner.

REF: s. Lingo Essay Topic: "Modeling Universal Intelligence"

One must define PHYSICAL in order to differentiate it from OTHER THAN PHYSICAL... i.e. Meta-PHYSICAL.

PHYSICAL entities defined in terms of what?... spatial occupancy??

In that the Discrete Field Model (DFM) "suggests an initial physical architecture on which to base modified mathematics", is spatial occupancy a PHYSICAL entity, or a Meta-PHYSICAL concept?

If one can graphically illustrate a theoretical concept... e.g. a spatial unit of occupancy... one can formulate conceptual emergence in terms of multiple copies of symbolic visual representations... i.e. icons... of the PHYSICAL entity, without necessity for interpretive language/semantics ... i.e. Meta-Symbolic representations of the unseen.

Does DFM facilitate multiple minimum/indivisible PHYSICAL entities defined by a single spatial uniform unit of occupancy?... i.e. the "ether" as a unified unit spatial field quantization model of minimum/indivisible spatial occupancy (QI)??

Resolve of a geometry/architecture that facilitates a pulsed point source emission and subsequent distribution of minimum/indivisible Quanta of Energy (QE), inherently generates a unified unit spatial field quantization model.

Is motion a Meta-PHYSICAL concept?

The concept of "3D physical bounded Spaces in motion" is not equivalent to the concept of minimum/indivisible PHYSICAL entities (QE) in motion within 3D PHYSICAL bounded Spaces.

Digital symbolic visual representations of a PHYSICAL entity within a valid 3D Space-Time structural/geometry... i.e. CAD/SIM Environment... facilitates emergent formulation... i.e. applied coded intelligence... of spatially defined minimum/indivisible units of Energy (QE), and can enhance "intelligence and in particular physical dynamic visualization skills.".

Emergence of Space-Time Energy, as Causal Intent, and Q-Tick pulsed QE distribution mechanix/mathematics, based on the geometry/architecture of a valid unified unit spatial field quantization model... i.e. point source geometry resolve... facilitates definition of substance... i.e. a PHYSICAL terms of its spatial occupancy.. which can be anywhere, but not necessarily "everywhere"... i.e. dark matter as unoccupied QI.

Thanks Peter!!!... a hard job well done... I will rate accordingly.

Sue Lingo

UQS Author/Logician

    Thanks Sue,

    Perceptive as usual. Good to see you back. My score just dropped 4 points! I expect yet another trolls 1.0 score. Did you score it yet?


    1. PHYSICAL entities defined in terms of what?... spatial occupancy?? That sounds ok, or it's as I define of condensed matter. A "rotation" big enough to 'couple with' EM fluctuations, so using non-zero space.

    2. "Aether". The entities coupling with EM are Majorana free fermion +/- 'pair' dark matter.('space plasma). It's THAT which modulates c LOCALLY on re-emissions, but only at BOUNDARIES to areas of; The "CONDENSATE" which is 'dark energy' but does NOT do the assumed job of the old 'aether' it just the 'stuff of' the fluctuations.

    3. "Is motion a Meta-PHYSICAL concept?. Good question. Arguable. It's a (local, relative) "concept" but requires PHYSICAL entities, to exist so is a measurable property of them. It's more fundamental so transcends the definitions because nothing would be measurable or even exist AT ALL without it! (no rotation = no matter).

    I'll look forward to your essay.

    Very best


    Hi Peter...

    Just scored you a 10.

    Want to read and comment on as many essays as I have time.. will get back to this discussion after the poll closes.


    Hi Sue, Thanks. I'll get to yours soon. I see it's also bee trolled!


    Dear Peter. Thanks for your comment on my comment on your essay. It made me think a lot and change my response "style". Before I was just offering my work as something people should look at to see if it could help them in their work. Now my approach it is to go into their work more deeply and see how I can help them in their work. Thanks! In my essay I say "The SSC model can be useful to scientists in their work". So I reread your essay in more detail to see where I might be able to help. In your essay you question the "fundamentals of logic that is the fundamentals of math". - As well as the fundamentals of physics and thought. My "revised essay" on April 6th emphasizes a new fundamental C*s to SSCU transformation - discussed in the essay appendix -. The transformation converts chaos to order and that order scales up to become "all ordered existence". All ordered existence includes all intelligence - logic, reason, human thought, math, - all physicality, chemistry, etc.. So this one fundamental transformation (foundation) can be the solution to many of the foundational problems that the mathematicians, philosophers, physicists, theologians are having. One solution to many problems would be nice. I believe this transformation is the "hidden middle" that disputes the first law of logic in your essay. It is the cardinality between the integers in the mathematical self replicating/self organizing scale up that becomes the visible universe and its contents. It is the "grade of membership between 0 and 1 in your "space of objects". It also puts " substance" into all ordered existence -including intelligence and consciousness-. It agrees with your end note in your endnotes - "Yet we agree with Minowski; "everywhere there is substance". As you also mentioned a new model has to be "startling at first sight...a radical conceptual renewal...look wrong before becoming simpler... Those comments describe the SSC model. A lot of our two essays are in agreement if one can translate what the other is saying into our different " languages". I will discuss what I see as the major agreements, differences and conceivable resolutions in the next posting on this thread. Talk to you soon thanks again John


      Thank you for your kind comments. Yes, duality and its cyclic nature is a fundamental property聽which I feel yields a much simpler, more tangible and geometric picture of reality. Although I am not at all qualified to weigh in on the increasingly complex physics聽theories聽I see today, their very mathematical complexity seems to obscure what they are trying to describe. My perhaps idealized view is that Nature should be inherently simple and efficient in principle and in form.聽

      I did explore octonians聽but find that quaternions are sufficient to fully describe the double-helix dynamic as 3D rotations in 4D space. Again, less is more!

      I just read and rated your聽excellent article and found much to ponder. Your distinction between physics and metaphysics is a thought provoking one, particularly the idea that numbers and math fall under the latter category as abstractions which are only approximations for nature. My take is that the fundamental laws from which physical phenomena manifest can still serve as a valid and computable "ancient Greek" blueprint for the identical shared properties of all galaxies, suns or grains of sand, even though chaos/complexity/etc. effects distort the ideal and create uniqueness upon physical emergence.

      Your concept of a 180-degree physical analogue for entanglement I found consistent with my thinking too, only I represent it as a 180-degree rotation of the complex plane such that particle/anti-particle聽pairs occur at geometrically identical though polarized positions within the double-helix probability聽waveform. Other ideas we seem to share include electron spin and galactic discs as toroidal rotation, matter arising from motion relative to the Higgs ground state, and all contributing to cyclic spiral fractals of form.

      Thanks again and all the best!


      Thanks Peter...

      In that my essay explicitly request my readers' assessment of my application of Absolute Intelligence, as modeled therein, as the only logic evaluation criteria for my essay, and your assessment of my essay as "lovely", "original", and topical, does not concisely infer your assessment of my logic evaluation criteria, I will interpret a 10 score as encouragement for my obsession to verify a connection with the Cosmic Consciousness Computer (CCC://)... i.e. I am notoriously incorrigible, and yes, a flip of a coin was utilized as the only logic evaluation criteria for the content herein.

      In that your essay establishes concepts that can alleviates constrained perception, may FQXi's next essay contest topic, facilitate opportunity for application of those concepts.



      Not a scoring criteria, but as nature is 3D not 2D I am concerned about Boolean coin flips as the most revealing model. viz; Lets say you take a 3D form instead; a spinning sphere to closely model nature. Now flip its axis randomly in ANY direction and record if you get the Clockwise (South/) or ANTI clockwise (North/-) facing you.

      The results should still be ~50:50. Yes?

      Except it's also No! Every so often you'll find the equator facing you! Not only does certainty reduce, but precisely at the equator the decision becomes impossible, so your answers may HAVE to be 50:50.However closely you zero in the 'change point' disappears to infinity!

      There's no agents stress involved as it's valid for all 'exchanges of momentum' in measurement interactions.

      I've shown it's actually the same result if you answer the questions, it the surface momentum 'Left or Right', or 'Up or Down' when it lands at one of the poles.

      I agree ALL nature has this uncertainty, so the coin toss can model it, but in a way that's been rather 'hiding' the solution to the measurement problem from us. It also means the assumptions used for quantum computing are flawed and may continue stopping them emerge, as I suggested in my "IQbit" 'It from Bit' essay a few years ago.

      So I agree but also disagree with your proposition! Does that make sense?

      Very best


      Dear Peter. As I mentioned I am posting to discuss the similarities and differences in our essays. First the similarities: 1.Same goals (for this essay). 2. concurrence about the laws of thought 3. Both obey conservation law 4. Both eliminate singularities 5. Matter comes from motion 6. Both have dynamic motion, vortices, "condensate to condensed matter" 7. Both have action at a distance--8.circular gradients 9. Boundary transition zones 10. Constant c in transition zones ( with a twist) 11. "Everywhere is substance" 12. Need physical entities 12. Can physics be this easy? 13. A new theory needs to be: "... startling at first sight...first look wrong before turning out simpler...radical conceptual renewal... an imaginative leap that will astonish us". 14. Recommend a new field of study. Next posting on this thread will introduce the differences. John

      Hi John,

      Thanks. I've read yours now. Yes I see the fundamental commonalities, and also differences. I'll respond on yours.



      Hello Peter. In our postings we agree our theories have commonalities and differences. I do not believe our differences on the science are necessarily opposing views. I think they are representing different aspects of the processing. In fact I believe the theories could work in tandem - both supporting the other to provide a complete(more complete) theory. The SSC theory provides an "overall framework" of the entire processing. It provides a specific beginning, ending and a mathematical description of the overall processing. The overall description consists of two sets of equivalent and opposite processes. One set is the self creating progression and it's equivalent and opposite self dissipating progression. The other set is two equivalent and opposite process transformations. These transformations are separate in space, synchronized in time and maintain the speed of SSC (equivalent to the speed of light). These transformations connect the beginnings and endings of the self creation- self dissipating processes. The result is a repeating, circulating self creating- self dissipating processing that circulates back through a repeating beginning. This is the process that overcomes entropy, survives and self replicates. The process contains two countercurrent sc/sd processes with TZs in every pulsing activity of its circulating journey. I believe your axial/helictity Quasar like TZ zones in combination with my central core pulsing (Pulsar like) TZ zones could be combined to show how the SSC system propagates through the counter current flows of the universe and creates H atoms, solar systems, galaxies and universes as it progresses. It is an idea that interests me. More work needs to be done but it could be an interesting study. What do you think? One more question before I go. How could I interest FQXi with its foundational basis to investigate a fundamental process that could be the solution to a variety of fundamental problems in different disciplines? Thanks again. John

      Peter I also added a separate reply on our thread in my posting. How can I have it automatically go to our thread in your postings and have you automatically know it has been posted? So it would then be in both of our postings. John

      Dear Peter Jackson,

      I replied on March 25, 2020, at 16:01 GMT. Obviously, you did not get the email notification. I only got four email notifications despite the fact that eight visitors had left comments on my essay. You need not read the updated version of my essay.

      Joe Fisher

      determinancy is in direct proportionality to uncertainty. But eventually we must come out of this blonde-brunette paradox. A "Gray region".which we in part or wholly try to dodge. very well illustrated supporting documentation.You have my votes. I have done something simple on how the Human reason in an attempt to avoid "fence-sitting " comes up with logic in such instances. I have proposed.Here- .kindly take your time to review /rate. All the best in the contest

      Dear Peter,

      I found your essay quite challenging, but that's good! I had to read it twice as it is densely packed with information and ideas, that I am still contemplating.

      I'll start off with a single question: With respect to the cosmic microwave background, where you comment "Two main underlying mysteries are an 'axial flow' and helicity," might not this be explained if we have a finite rotating universe?

      I hope we will have further discussions,


      Lockie Cresswell

        Regarding paradigm changes, I decided to ignore maths, philosophy and the current thinking in physics and start off my thinking back in classical physics, which I saw back then as 'pure'.

        I was lucky enough to stumble onto particle physics via a SciAm special book printed in the 1980's which took my interest in a topic that I totally ignored in 3rd year Uni physics. But thanks to a typo in a Paul Davies book called "Superforce", I had a reverie - out of which I discerned a fundamental difference between protons and neutrons that had been previously overlooked. I used my new found discovery to find flaws in some particle interactions on a Fermilab webpage eighteen years ago, and they replied back to me thanking me for correcting the errors. I have had the luxury of the last 18 years to hone the theory and work towards a TOE.

        For the first decade I did no reading in physics other than immediately what I was working on, for fear of tainting my theory with other ideas that were most likely red herrings. This approach paid off, and it is only in the last 7 years that I have started to read widely. What I have achieved is a working Preon theory, a theory of time and a theory of aether, which together appear to dovetail nicely (With minimal maths and philosophy). But this TOE can answer the big questions, make predictions, that you would expect a well developed theory to do. It is firmly based on classical physics and does not rely on any quantum field theories, yet can do what they do with both explanation and understanding.

        When Feynman said that the most important single piece of information he would pass to the future was the idea of the existence of atoms, I would modify this to include fields as well, such that fields and atoms cannot be seperated in reality. It is only in the insufficient models we use to describe the framework of physics, that we tend to view them individually.

        I say all of this in respoonse to what was quoted of Freeman Dyson. Some of us don't bother with challenging or supporting the current paradigm. We just push on in our own bubble, being creative. Some of this is Art, some science or science fiction, but at least we are creating!


        Lockie Cresswell


        Yes, that's absolutely correct, indeed that model then solves a wide tranche of other 'anomalies' and theoretical fallacies. Even a coherent evolutionary sequence of galaxies emerges! I think I referenced my published consortium paper on that in my essay.

        I picked up your subsequent post under another string further above so I'll reproduce it below and comment there;



        Regarding paradigm changes, I decided to ignore maths, philosophy and the current thinking in physics and start off my thinking back in classical physics, which I saw back then as 'pure'.

        I was lucky enough to stumble onto particle physics via a SciAm special book printed in the 1980's which took my interest in a topic that I totally ignored in 3rd year Uni physics. But thanks to a typo in a Paul Davies book called "Superforce", I had a reverie - out of which I discerned a fundamental difference between protons and neutrons that had been previously overlooked. I used my new found discovery to find flaws in some particle interactions on a Fermilab webpage eighteen years ago, and they replied back to me thanking me for correcting the errors. I have had the luxury of the last 18 years to hone the theory and work towards a TOE.

        For the first decade I did no reading in physics other than immediately what I was working on, for fear of tainting my theory with other ideas that were most likely red herrings. This approach paid off, and it is only in the last 7 years that I have started to read widely. What I have achieved is a working Preon theory, a theory of time and a theory of aether, which together appear to dovetail nicely (With minimal maths and philosophy). But this TOE can answer the big questions, make predictions, that you would expect a well developed theory to do. It is firmly based on classical physics and does not rely on any quantum field theories, yet can do what they do with both explanation and understanding.

        When Feynman said that the most important single piece of information he would pass to the future was the idea of the existence of atoms, I would modify this to include fields as well, such that fields and atoms cannot be seperated in reality. It is only in the insufficient models we use to describe the framework of physics, that we tend to view them individually.

        I say all of this in respoonse to what was quoted of Freeman Dyson. Some of us don't bother with challenging or supporting the current paradigm. We just push on in our own bubble, being creative. Some of this is Art, some science or science fiction, but at least we are creating!


        Lockie Cresswell