Dear Narayan,

In addition to your essay, I also read with interest on ReserchGate portal two of your articles with very important ideas: "Everything in a Part: About the Creation of Universe and Consciousness" and "Origin of living matter by a new model of consciousness". I believe that the research that you conduct together with your colleagues will give a very significant result for world science. I wish you success in your research and in the Contest!

With kind regards,


  • [deleted]

Dear Vladimir

Thank you for your valuable feedback about my articles.

We need a contemporary physics about the origin of living matter. It is insufficient to explain the Life and Consciousness only by the Standard Model of Physics. We considered in my articles that our Universe actually unfolds from the Super Unified Gaussian Energy Group SU(11). There exists large number of energy waves of high frequencies and short wave lengths created by the symmetry breaking of different energy sources as explained in my articles called Generalised Gaussian Energy Group ((GGEG). These energy packages created consciousness compared with broadcasting systems without any incumbent players at the centre or audio-visual centers.

Thanks with regards


a month later

There may be created electromagnetic force-fields with several short wave-lengths of "Invisible Rays" together with "Fluxes of Rays" or "Packets of New Energy" by the energy groups of SU(6), SU(12), SU(24),...,etc. simultaneously in their respective framework of "SU(6) テ-- U(1); SU (12) テ-- U(1); SU(24) テ-- U(1)"; ......etc. with strengthen current and may also new unknown bosons of SU(6) are tightly binding by the lepton-likes were formed a large number of "New Unknown Particle-Likes" in wave status which are directly or indirectly linked to the formation of matter elements constituted by quarks for the existences of Life, Consciousness, Sense Datum and all other Biological Phenomena etc. and are given many more answers to the unsolvable questions about the mysterious universe regarding variety of lives etc. Thus we found a new world of primary atoms or elements in the wave status of energies maintain the theory of Quantum-Entanglement of Wave-Wave duality other than the existing secondary material worlds and hence opened a "Pandora Box" for our future generations. These new unknown Atomic-Worlds and Energy Packages with various short wave lengths creates consciousness etc. are now essential for the discussion.

    Requested to my recent published article through the link below.

    23 days later

    We divided the whole universe into three levels a) beyond the 10-dimensional universe as gaseous

    level-1 of the universe, b) beyond 4-dimensional Einstein's universe but up to the 10-dimensional

    space-time as vapour or exotic matter fluid stage level-2 where it was found (10-7)-dimensional flat

    universe of dark energies, 5th & 6th dimensional are associated with black-hole and finally c) the

    Einstein's 4-dimensional universe of level-3 i.e. our physical or material universe where we are


    The universe belongs to the level-1 stage, a gaseous stage of infinite dimensions of high energy

    frequencies of dark energies. In these stages occurred several symmetry breaking (GGEG) leaving

    various new energy sources SU(12), SU(24),...etc. with folding consciousness called spirit stuff are

    responsible for appearance of level-2, the SUT of physical universe of exotic matter fluid stages of

    initial material universe and ultimately lavel-3, the GUT of physical universe of our unfolding

    material universe.

    In my article "How SU-Levels Are Imply Life and Consciousness" Bhadras, considered the new

    unknown energy particles in wave status are the basic quantities of living atoms. In the theory of

    SU(11), bhadras are tightly binding by the bosons of SU(6) with lepton-like creates live status and

    together with quarks of the theory SU(5) creates live atom. Ultimately lives created by bhadras of

    matter atoms.

    Narayan means an energy packets [a set of energies with various frequencies of short wave lengths

    formed by the aforesaid energy sources SU(6), SU(12), SU(24),......etc.] created Consciousness, by the

    energies of SU(6) in the frame-work of SU(6) テ--U(1) formed live soul or Live Consciousness. On the

    other hand minds and sense datum etc. created biologically by the energies of SU(2) in frame-work

    of SU(2) テ--U(1)directed by the aforesaid energies. In the early stages it is possible to creates

    much more bosons of SU(6) which are so strong that the exotic matter fluid changes to the

    ordinary matter then everything. Thus narayan created living soul or physical stuff with

    various lives depending on the qualitative variation of energy packets as stated above. i.e. set of new energy frequencies of SU(12), SU(24),.....etc. creates spirit stuff or absolute soul

    are folded consciousness(an eternal consciousness) created beyond the Super Unified

    Gaussian Theory (SUT) but these will intend to unfold the Live Consciousness with the

    symmetry breaking of the unified energy group SU(5) and we found our Physical Universe

    or so called Material Universe.

    We divided the whole universe into three levels a) beyond the 10-dimensional universe as gaseous level-1 of the universe, b) beyond 4-dimensional Einstein's universe but up to the 10-dimensional space-time as vapour or exotic matter fluid stage level-2 where it was found (10-7)-dimensional flat universe of dark energies, 5th & 6th dimensional are associated with black-hole and finally c) the Einstein's 4-dimensional universe of level-3 i.e. our physical or material universe where we are belong.

    The universe belongs to the level-1 stage, a gaseous stage of infinite dimensions of high energy frequencies of dark energies. In these stages occurred several symmetry breaking (GGEG) leaving various new energy sources SU(12), SU(24),...etc. with folding consciousness called spirit stuff are responsible for appearance of level-2, the SUT of physical universe of exotic matter fluid stages of initial material universe and ultimately lavel-3, the GUT of physical universe of our unfolding material universe.

    In my article "How SU-Levels Are Imply Life and Consciousness" Bhadras, considered the new unknown energy particles in wave status are the basic quantities of living atoms. In the theory of SU(11), bhadras are tightly binding by the bosons of SU(6) with lepton-like creates live status and together with quarks of the theory SU(5) creates live atom. Ultimately lives created by bhadras of matter atoms.

    Narayan means an energy packets [a set of energies with various frequencies of short wave lengths formed by the aforesaid energy sources SU(6), SU(12), SU(24),......etc.] created Consciousness, by the energies of SU(6) in the frame-work of SU(6) テ--U(1) formed live soul or Live Consciousness. On the other hand minds and sense datum etc. created biologically by the energies of SU(2) in frame-work of SU(2) テ--U(1)directed by the aforesaid energies. In the early stages it is possible to creates much more bosons of SU(6) which are so strong that the exotic matter fluid changes to the ordinary matter then everything. Thus narayan created living soul or physical stuff with various lives depending on the qualitative variation of energy packets as stated above. Set of new energy frequencies of SU(12), SU(24),.....etc. creates spirit stuff or absolute soul

    are folded consciousness(an eternal consciousness) created beyond the Super Unified Gaussian Theory (SUT) but these will intend to unfold the Live Consciousness with the symmetry breaking of the unified energy group SU(5) and we found our Physical Universe or so called Material Universe.

    4 months later

    I think Pan-Consciousness explained that widely spread electron-based Mind of Possibilities which may be called as material based Consciousness.

    In my theory, it is quite explained that there may be possible different phases like Gas-Vapour-Liquid-Solid state of matter.

    I think energy never created or not to destroyed still before Big-Bang, now and future only changes.

    There also exists several symmetries from infinite space-time(Big-Rip Singularity) as explained details in my articles as SU(23) whose Sub Sets are SU(12) テ-- SU(11) テ-- U(1),...........etc.

    Our material Universe actually unfolded with the symmetry breaking of the Super Unified Gaussian Energy Group SU(11) SUT, whose Sub-Sets are as SU(6) テ-- SU(5) テ-- U(1), where the Unified Gaussian Group SU(5) GUT, whose Sub Sets are as SU(3) テ-- SU(2) テ-- U(1). An important is that U(1), the magnetic monopole once created does not destroy any how and relics till now.

    I think SU(2) creates Mind in the framework of SU(2) テ-- U(1) and SU(6) creates Consciousness in the framework of SU(6) テ-- U(1) normally.

    More specifically photon-like bosons of the aforesaid new energy sources are made Photo-Electric Effects on the brain-like plates or neurons of the humans nerves systems etc. are the causes of Emotions, Sads, Thought,... etc. and photo-electric current created as human or living sensation.

    a year later

    A new article published recently regarding Consciousness in the link below

    6 months later

    Our physical or upconverting quantum masses of universe was unfolded with 10-dimensional space time or by the symmetry breaking of Super Unified Gaussian Energy Group SU(11) with gravitational forces instead of GUT of SU(5 or 4-dimensional Einstein's Universe. Standard Model of Physics can't explained properly the appearance of Biomolecules, Consciousness with Vacuum Energy etc. Thus obviously needed a "Revision of Standard Model of Physics". Such theory may assumed my articles as there clear explanations, one such article is "Structure Formations of Bio-Elements".

    Our physical or upconverting quantum masses of universe was unfolded with 10-dimensional space time or by the symmetry breaking of Super Unified Gaussian Energy Group SU(11) with gravitational forces instead of GUT of SU(5 or 4-dimensional Einstein's Universe. Standard Model of Physics can't explained properly the appearance of Biomolecules, Consciousness with Vacuum Energy etc. Thus obviously needed a "Revision of Standard Model of Physics". Such theory may assumed my articles as there clear explanations, one such article is "Structure Formations of Bio-Elements".

    a year later

    We studies consciousness from empty or vacuum spaces which are filled with a series of new energies from the sources of SU(6), SU(12), SU(24),……….∞ creating non local & local information as consciousness continuing with random symmetry breaking of different unified groups of energy in the scalar field tending by exerted forces from energies to the situation for construction like bounded close-dynamic-conscious body system in large scale physical universe as well as in small scale quantum universe. [ORCID ID:]

    2 months later

    Some valuable speculated characteristics of the new energy source SU(6):
    In the theory SUT of SU(11), it is possible after symmetry breaking by exchanging the bosons of SU(6) into SU(5), the strength of SU(6) gradually decreases with increasing the strength of SU(5) then another symmetry breaking GUT of SU(5) for the appearance of matter elements with decreasing strength of weak force of SU(2) & increasing strength of strong forces SU(3) as a result creating different material elements for constructing parts of lives otherwise for nonliving purposes creates animates & inanimate. The characteristics of SU(6) like as weak force of SU(2) hence interacts with electromagnetic force of U(1) (as it creates magnetic monopole) in the framework of SU(6) × U(1) creates local consciousness, it's behaviours also lepton-like but quark-type thus it's strength assumed to be very strong which changes exotic matter fluid into different kind of ordinary material elements including Bio-Elements within the bounded conscious close body-system like humans & others as parts within the close conscious physical universe where SU(3) of QCD helps to form matter particles through Quarks.

    Details are explained in my articles. Our physical universe appeared by a phase change system from another phase. Comparing like Gas-Vapour-Liquid phases. Initially our matter universe appeared after symmetry breaking of the super unified energy group SU(11). Then sub energy group SU(6) are so strong that it changes the exotic matter fluid into ordinary matters then everything. So, before 4-dimensional GUT universe including black hole the universe filled with exotic matter fluids. Thus our physical universe actually unfolded with 10-dimensional Space-Time instead of 4-dimensional Einstein's universe. Black hole is a nascent stage of a birth are associated with 6th & 5th dimensions for the unfolding physical universe arising with adiabatic stage, whereas (10-7)-dimensions having no adiabatic stage due to its flatness.You can compared the black hole stage with nascent initial stage of human birth.