Dear Sabine,
A novel, beautifully written and slightly irreverent set of valid insights as usual. But am I right feeling low ambition pervades it? Do you really think that aiming high has the same chance of hitting heights than aiming low?
Your description of physics purpose as "describing" observations seems just a mathematical view, but do you not consider "explaining" or "rationalizing" may lead to more advancement of understanding?
You say; "without scientific relevance", but do you see Godel etc as limiting ontology in any way as well as mathematics?
You write QM is "unpredictable by assumption not by theorem." I agree with Bell that some flawed assumption LED to that! I hope you may look and comment on the one I identify; That OAM has two REAL momenta states (linear, and, orthogonally, polar 'curl') which change inversely by Cos Lat over 90 degrees. Bells 'theorem' is then bypassed, as he predicted. Or is that aiming to high for you?!
You say "we can't just go and measure what's happening" behind event horizons, Yes in astronomy we've long studied AGN toroid dynamics (from emissions) and consistent hypotheses emerge; i.e. the atomic 'Mexican Hat' profile and polar jets replacing the mathematical 'singularity' Einstein agreed couldn't physically exist. Blackholes may then just run out of fuel as observations suggest (in FINITE time!). Does that aim to high?
Your comments on plasma instabilities are pertinent. Do they reveal some belief that unpredictability can be reduced by understanding?
I like that you agree reductionism should work in principle, and that "Practical use in not the only thing we care about."
Also your last line, maths matters as long as we rely on it to "understand" nature.
Good food for thought. But I hope you'll get to read and comment on my essay which suggests corrections to flaws in our deepest foundations, and identifies a Dirac "cut off" limit.
An enjoyable read as always Sabine. I hope it scores better this year.
Very best