I have writen this also on the blog of FQXi about this consciousness , I spoke about your ideas also.
This Hard problem of consciousness is indeed important and complex. Like told me Edwin Eugene Klingman, it is great that now we can discuss about these things , because in the past it was more difficult. The ideas of The professor Klingman are interesting about a kind of field of consciousness at this quantum scale, correlated with probably geonetrodynamics and points or strings and geonetrical algebras where the main essence is these fields. It is correlated with this infinite energy that we cannot define and this Gr and photons like main primordial essence, so it exists a thing that we cannot define oscillating these photons with strings,at this planck scale. And so the branes, strings in 1D and this Cosmic field create the geonetries, topologies, matters, fields and properties. I respect these ideas and if we have a kind of infinite eternal consciousness, so we can consider these fields of consciousness and rank them.
In my theory of spherisation, this optimisation evolution of the universal sphere or future sphere and these quantum 3D coded spheres and the cosmological spheres, I see differently, I consider that we have mainly particles coded and so the philosophical general origing is not from these fields. I consider that this infinite eternal consciousness, and infinite energy is not an infinite heat but an infinite consciousness and this thing that we cannot define is beyond this physicality and it needs to transform and code the energy to create these particles coded. That is why the universal transformator in my model is the central cosmological sphere, it is there that this thing codes and transforms this energy in particles. I consider 3 main series of coded 3d spheres sent from this central cosmol sphere, one for the space and two fuels, the photons and cold dark matter. And when they merge they create the topologies, geometries, matters, fields. We need a balance between cold and heat, negentropy entropy, matter anti matter,electromagnetism gravitation...If these finite series primoridal have the same number than our cosmological finite series of spheres, so the complexity and combinations are infinite when they merge. It become relevant to consider all the parameters of this merging. The consciousness so become relevant, because all comes from this infinite eternal consciousness but it is transformed and coded, so all can be conscious at its levels and the evolution is essential because this consciousness evolves inside the physicality due to biology evolving. In the past I thought that only the biological Brains can be conscious but now I tell me that all is conscious at its level simply because the main energy beyong this universe is a pure infinite consciousness for me. The evolution is essential I repeat to better understand this consciousness, it is fascinating I must say.
All this becomes very philosophical and nobody can affirm the real secret of our universe and its origin, why we are, why we evolve, how we are created. I can understand that this sciences Community is divided and that all we are free to interpret like we want this physicality. A part consider that we come form an energy and a mathematical accident if I can say, others consider strings oscillating transforming this energy in a physicality, others Think like me in a kind of infinite eternal consciousness coding and transforming the energy in matters to create these topologies, geometries, matters, fields and properties. But nobody can prove their philosophies, it is beyond our understanding but when you study the generality of sciences, a kind of limited truth appears, we have something coding like a chief orchestra creating something. Einstein said that God does not play at Dices and he thought about a kind of God of Spinoza, in respecting the pure determinism of this physicality, this beleif has nothing to do of course with the religions. What I find important also is that all the best past thinkers considered this parameter, they were numerous , like if an evidence appears in studying the generality of sciences , like an evidence that something transforms this energy that we cannot define, here is the list and nobody can tell that they were stupid, they were the best, all they considered a kind of God with determinism, Einstein, Planck, Newton, Heisenberg, Tesla,Maxwell,Galilei,Godel,Cantor,Lorentz, Feynman, Fermi,Euler, Lie,Schrodinger and so more, why they considered this ? it is important to analyse this, they had probably understood a philosophical evidence, the others against can tell all what they want, it is like that, they thought about this and they were the best I repeat, maybe even it is essential to better understand the energy matters transformations. This consciousness so become a relevant parameter to analyse deeper, it seems that we come from an infinite eternal energy of consciousness, why this thing creates this universe, why we are conscious and in evolution, it is the real question in fact, what we create in fact ? we are Tools maybe of optimisation simply with this consciousness evolving and the Environments in complexification. In all case, all this is fascinating I must say, this optimisation evolution seems an important piece of this universal puzzle.