Mihai, you still didn't give a single example of "nature of things" or "heart of reality" or "thing in itself" (as opposed to relations) that can be known scientifically or objectively, i.e. in an independently verifiable way. The only examples you gave are from mathematics, which was precisely my point in the essay.
Sentience, the ontology of experience by Cristinel Stoica
Hi Christinel,
I wrote the following on my blog area:
Thanks for the boost. Try to read Szangolies' essay on a related development, and Palmer's on the fractal geometry.
Your paper works with the connection between Gödel theorem or self-reference and consciousness. I have thought that consciousness is a sort of epiphenomenology that is an illusion having an illusion of itself. I have not read it in its entirty, and I do see you connect with what look like fractals.
I have been slow. I have had Covid-19. It hit me at the 3rd week of March and lasted about 10 days. It relapsed in April and the fatigue part of this was serious. I still sleep more than I used to, but the most pernicious aspect of this has been dogging me. It is as if my brain has been rewired, or maybe hormone setpoint levels changed. I am not quite the same person I was; I feel as if I am an abruptly changed person. The worst part of this change is that I am more depressed and irritable than I was. It has been hard for me to participate much in this contest.
Cheers :LC
This is a stunning essay, beautifully written. I do have an issue with your regard for mathematics, relatively measured though it is. You write "theories in physics" to be mature need "to be logically consistent and mathematically well formulated." I believe there is another requirement, often missing in quantum physics in particular, that they need to be natural. Just to take one example, "the collapse of the wave function" is an absurdity owing to the inattention to the natural consideration that a "wave function" is actually a purely mathematical "curve function", which merely describes a cognitive transition from not knowing to knowing. An absorption in mathematics has become increasingly detrimental physics - Black Hole physics is a prime example,
I'm not sure you mean to be endorsing "since the collection of all true statements about everything in the world should be logically consistent, it follows that there is a mathematical structure which describes anything that can be said", and "all true propositions about our physical world admits a mathematical model." But to say "I am sentient" is of course not one of those things that can be said. And later you write "consciousness is irreducible to relations, physical processes, or computation." Assuming you're not inconsistent, it seems you need to distance yourself from those statements in the beginning.
Some of my favorites:
"If there is something fundamental about time, this is outside the realm of physics and science in general, since science deals with relations only. Maybe it's the sentient experience of time."
"We doubt that science can fully explain consciousness, even in principle."
"What feature of matter can create experience? Should we update the definition of matter to include sentient experience, and pretend that the word 'matter' still means what it always used to?"
"The claim that there is nothing but relations is a metaphysical assumption."
"Dualism, materialist reductionism, property dualism, panpsychism, idealism, neutral monism etc., [address] the possible relations between [a dynamical system in which all the true propositions about the world are satisfied] and [a dynamical system, which admits a mathematical model too but includes sentience as well as relations]." (Do these admit a mathematical model?)
Beautiful: "The most direct experience we have is that of our own consciousness. We know that we are sentient by direct, unmediated experience. Anything about the external world is secondary, being present in our own consciousness only as a representation."
"We think we are sentient because we are" and "this means that there is a causal relation [between] the system[s]" of sentience and non-sentience.
To be part of science, [consciousness] has to be based on objective evidence, which can be verified independently" so "the ontology of [sentience] is therefore unknowable through the methods of objective science."
If they "have distinct ontologies, how do they combine" and "the simplest answer is that sentience, the ontology of experience, is also the ontology of [all true propositions about the world]."
I'd invite you to have a look at my paper "Quantum Spontaneity and the Development of Consciousness" in Journal of Consciousness Studies, Volume 26, Numbers 1-2, but the copyright seems to have been sold to ingenta connect, and it's no longer free.
My thesis is that the universe is fundamentally spontaneous (not random or causal), and consciousness is just the organized, convergent (rather than emergent) manifestation of universal spontaneity.
Dear Vesselin,
I forgot to mention something. I make a distinction between ontology and ontology candidate, which I defined for dynamical systems in The negative way to sentience. I consider ontology to not be part of physics (hence science), but of metaphysics. I considered this also in this paper published last year, Representation of the wave function on the three-dimensional space. I could've claimed that I showed that the many-particle wavefunction has a 3D ontology in nonrelativistic QM (NRQM), and a 4D one in the relativistic ones, as opposed to the 3N-dimensional configuration space ontology it has in NRQM. But since it was a paper of physics, and since physics is a science, and since ontology is a metaphysical thing, I preferred to call my finding "representation" (which is, mathematically), but I didn't call it ontology. And I preferred to say that it allows interpretations of QM to consider the wavefunction as their ontology. This is an example of what I called "ontology candidate". What Bell calls "beable" are part of ontology candidate, when we discuss physics, but can be part of ontology when we discuss philosophy of physics. In interpretations of QM like pilot-wave and GRW, there is a discussion about ontology. Pilot-wave theory, according to Bohm and Bell, contains both the positions of the particle and the wavefunction in the ontology. The more recent version of it, called "Bohmian mechanics", considers ontology only the positions of particles, but this can only be an incomplete ontology, because the same positions can go together with different wavefunctions. Similarly, in GRW, there are two versions of ontology, the mass density ontology (GRWm) and the flash ontology (GRWf), both of them being incomplete, because they can't recover the wavefunction, so I call them "partial ontologies". Anyway, since there is no empirical difference between BRWm and GRWf, it means that the ontology is not testable in an objective, independent manner. So it is not part of physics. So, going back now to the Minkowski spacetime, the shapes are 4 dimensional, as he said. 4 dimensional shapes can be ontological, speaking metaphysically, but science has nothing to say about them except their symmetries, which are relations. From physical point of view it's irrelevant what makes those shapes, what is their "true nature", such talk is metaphysica. Now, to explain "the common view" is a perhaps psychological or sociological question. I don't know. What about the common view that planets are three-dimensional, or that the present exists, but the past and future don't? It's a view, and it is still common, over 100 years since Minkowski's proof that shapes are four-dimensional and time doesn't flow. If one wants to take as evidence against my statement the fact that there is a "common view that physics does studies physical objects", perhaps one should take as evidence against Minkowsi's spacetime the fact that there is a common view that things are 3d and time flows, but we don't take it, for good reasons.
Anyway, in both my essay (first half of page 2) and in the longer version (first half of page 4) I showed that experiments and theory deal with relations only. I couldn't find a single example of experiment or theory dealing with the nature of things. And nobody gave me an example that, at a closer look, doesn't turn out to be about relations only. All such examples come from overlapping our mundane intuitions over the abstract notions of science. Just like people overlap their experience of time and space over physics, and have the opinion that time flows and things are 3d. In fact, I gave the particular example with the presentist view in my longer essay, along with the materialist view and others. Of course, my view that sentience is the ontology of experience and in fact of the system S from my shorter and longer essays, it is also metaphysical, but I think it makes some falsifiable predictions.
Dear Lawrence,
Thanks for the visit. I am very sad that you got Covid-19, I hope it is the easiest form and you'll be well as soon as possible. Don't worry about my essay until you get well, but please get well, because I would love to hear some feedback from you, if possible about the longer version, even if it will be long after the contest ends.
> Your paper works with the connection between Gödel theorem or self-reference and consciousness. I have thought that consciousness is a sort of epiphenomenology that is an illusion having an illusion of itself. I have not read it in its entirty, and I do see you connect with what look like fractals.
I didn't appeal to self-reference or fractals, although I'd agree with you that they play a role. But it has strong relation with no-go theorems. As for consciousness, I am interested in the hypothesis that there is something irreducible about it (this irreducible I called "sentience"), and I try to see if this makes testable predictions. My claim is that it does. Indeed, for many who think consciousness is irreducible, the epiphenomenal position seems a good refuge, since it makes the hypothesis unfalsifiable. But I think we should be brave and don't avoid the fact that it does make predictions. So we can test it. We risk, those who deny it risk to see the predictions confirmed, but they can still continue to deny it, since the test of a prediction is not necessarily a proof of what led to the prediction. A rejection of the prediction is a rejection of what led to the prediction, so it is more risky for those who endorse the position that consciousness is not fully reducible. If we want to bring the hard problem into science, we have to take this risk.
I wish you to get back in shape soon!
Hi James,
> This is a stunning essay, beautifully written.
Thank you!
> I do have an issue with your regard for mathematics, relatively measured though it is. You write "theories in physics" to be mature need "to be logically consistent and mathematically well formulated." I believe there is another requirement, often missing in quantum physics in particular, that they need to be natural.
Well, you can take my condition as necessary, but not necessarily sufficient then.
> Just to take one example, "the collapse of the wave function" is an absurdity
I think the same, although we may have different reasons for this. Some of mine are for example here and here.
> owing to the inattention to the natural consideration that a "wave function" is actually a purely mathematical "curve function", which merely describes a cognitive transition from not knowing to knowing. An absorption in mathematics has become increasingly detrimental physics
I am aware of the fashion of blaming mathematics for the failures in physics, or at least successes that are awaited for long time and didn't appear. I would say that we should rather blame the misunderstanding of the math.
> Black Hole physics is a prime example
Black Hole physics is a prime example where the reason is precisely the misunderstanding of the math, and not math itself. I wrote a very critical article against the current trends, Revisiting the Black Hole Entropy and the Information Paradox. The point was exactly that black hole physics became a freestyle abuse of math, but taking math seriously does a better job and show that a lot of myths that lead to thousands of papers are just myths.
> I'm not sure you mean to be endorsing "since the collection of all true statements about everything in the world should be logically consistent, it follows that there is a mathematical structure which describes anything that can be said", and "all true propositions about our physical world admits a mathematical model."
I refer to results in model theory.
> But to say "I am sentient" is of course not one of those things that can be said.
I am sentient. Once I've got to say it, it became just a physical process. But what's the source of this thought? Can this make testable predictions? I think it does.
> And later you write "consciousness is irreducible to relations, physical processes, or computation." Assuming you're not inconsistent, it seems you need to distance yourself from those statements in the beginning.
Assuming that I am inconsistent, maybe you can show it to me, because I don't want to be inconsistent.
> Some of my favorites:...
Thank you, these are among my favorites too :)
> "Dualism, materialist reductionism, property dualism, panpsychism, idealism, neutral monism etc., [address] the possible relations between [a dynamical system in which all the true propositions about the world are satisfied] and [a dynamical system, which admits a mathematical model too but includes sentience as well as relations]." (Do these admit a mathematical model?)
Well, yes. In The negative way to sentience I show how various interpretations of QM connect to different of these positions. Of course, I am talking about P and S from my essay, sentience is not S, sentience is the ontology of S.
> I'd invite you to have a look at my paper "Quantum Spontaneity and the Development of Consciousness" in Journal of Consciousness Studies, Volume 26, Numbers 1-2, but the copyright seems to have been sold to ingenta connect, and it's no longer free.
Thank you for the invitation!
> My thesis is that the universe is fundamentally spontaneous (not random or causal), and consciousness is just the organized, convergent (rather than emergent) manifestation of universal spontaneity.
Sounds very interesting!
Hi Cristi!
Bravo, this is a fantastic essay! I really love how you talk about the hard problem of consciousness along with the idea of coarse-graining and reproducibility. The organization of ideas flows extremely well and the essay is very well-organized.
My questions for you are these: Why do you think nature, particularly biological processes, has some need to coarse grain states? Why at all do you think it occurs, and could it be some unexpected result of thermodynamics for example?
I think a state gets coarse-grained according to the physical abilities of an observer. Observers with vision have the ability to coarse-grain groups of atoms according to color in a painting, while observers that do not have vision would coarse-grain a painting in an entirely different way, based on other senses like touch. The whole process of reproducibility seems to rely so much on the ability of an observer.
Consciousness seems like it could be a special case of an observer coarse-graining itself. Observers are not entirely separate from their environment most of the time, and are embedded as a part of the environment in most cases in biology. I'd be curious to hear about your thoughts here!
Hi Alyssa,
Thanks for the visit and for reading, and I'm happy that you enjoyed my essay!
You ask great questions:
> Why do you think nature, particularly biological processes, has some need to coarse grain states? Why at all do you think it occurs, and could it be some unexpected result of thermodynamics for example?
It is possible, I think, to imagine numerous possible physical worlds, with their laws, which don't present coarse graining. By this I mean that if we try to coarse grain the state space or the phase space, the dynamical law of the system will ignore the coarse graining and cross it as if there is nothing there. But some dynamical systems admit coarse graining that is consistent with the dynamics, that is preserved well enough to make coarse grained level systems emerge. Ours is like this. The dynamical law doesn't preserve perfectly the coarse graining, and this is why the emergent systems are impermanent. But there are important gains. First, the states at the coarse grained level can be made in different ways at the detailed level. Second, but most important, coarse grained level systems can self-organize without having to do it to the finest detail, and they can store information, and, essentially, forget information, dissipate. There would be no evolution without forgetting. So I think coarse graining is needed for biology, and thermodynamics helps systems evolve while forgetting information. The second law may seem like an enemy to life, and it is indeed, but it also makes possible new, more evolved life. Growth and evolution require thermodynamics, and the price to be paid is deterioration and death. But it's worth paying it.
> I think a state gets coarse-grained according to the physical abilities of an observer. Observers with vision have the ability to coarse-grain groups of atoms according to color in a painting, while observers that do not have vision would coarse-grain a painting in an entirely different way, based on other senses like touch. The whole process of reproducibility seems to rely so much on the ability of an observer.
I absolutely agree, and it is fascinating that at the same time there seem to be a coarse graining, the one that accounts for thermodynamics in terms of statistical mechanics, which seems to be independent of the observer, seems objective. But it is objective to the observers that live in the same coarse grained level, because they are coarse-grained subsystems in that level. There may very well be other levels where information flows consistently and self-organizes, but we don't perceive it, because they are different level of coarse graining. Just like a computer is not able to gain information about the detailed physics of its own processor, it is confined to work at the level of its logic gates and memory chips.
> Consciousness seems like it could be a special case of an observer coarse-graining itself. Observers are not entirely separate from their environment most of the time, and are embedded as a part of the environment in most cases in biology. I'd be curious to hear about your thoughts here!
This is an intriguing possibility. Indeed, we coarse grain ourselves, we approximate ourselves rougher than the coarse grained level that can be explored from the macro level is. This may explain why we are able to claim that we are the same person as years ago, when our bodies and brains may have changed dramatically at the level of coarse graining that corresponds to thermodynamics, for example our cells, particularly neurons. So a question comes naturally out of this: are we capable to undo the coarse graining we impose on ourselves when we define ourselves, i.e. to perceive our own sentient experience at a more detailed level? Can we increase the resolution of self-perception? That would make us aware of how our thoughts come to be. See how they are automatic, and that in many cases when we think we're rational, we are just rationalizing some emotions, biases, or biological needs. Increasing the resolution through awareness could reveal how our thoughts materialize out of more primitive elements that we ignore, ideas, images, feelings etc. And keep going beyond these. And if we can see the moment when a thought arises in our mind, maybe we can change its course. Be able to overcome depression, anger, numerous biases we have, simply by not letting the snowball become an avalanche. And we could also be able to transform some intuitions into logical arguments, and see where they fail and where they are right. But of course this would require that, within our own consciousness, something higher-resolution exists than our mundane thoughts. That sentience indeed comes from a lower level, from the ignored details of the coarse graining of our regular thoughts. This may be computationally difficult to extract by looking at our brain with fMRI or other tools, for the same reasons you excellently exposed in your essay. But it may be possible by subjective self-exploration, assuming we're not creating yet another coarse graining that we take as finer graining :) This is in fact a huge trap for those who try to explore their own consciousness by means like introspection or meditation. On the one hand, a finer level of awareness would help with all these, on the other hand, as soon as we leave that state and try to put it in regular thoughts and words, we are back at the coarser grained level. This is the reason why, despite having flashes or longer experiences of the finer grained level, we usually end out by distorting them by processing them at the coarse grained level as just regular thoughts. Maybe this interplay between finer and coarser levels are captured by Lao Tzu in the words He who knows, does not speak. He who speaks, does not know.
Thank you very much for the brilliant questions, and good luck with your excellent essay!
Cristi, any domain of knowledge that is able to turn from a domain dealing with (supposedly)real objects, magnitudes and relations found in the outer 'outer world', into an autonomous discipline that is able to take care of its own foundations by thinking itself and using key concepts produced 'from within' could therefore be considered a 'think in it self' in Kant's sense or as something that reaches the essence or strikes into the heart of the that domain, enabling us to understand reality in a much deeper way. Mathematics for instance started out as the 'science of magnitudes' but it has undergone repeated and gradual reconstructions of its basic and most fundamental concepts and ideas, and which eventually finished in the belief all mathematical theories can be considered extensions of set theory and hence a thing that's worth studying in itself and for itself ( as Hegel would say).Modern physics, or rather its foundations, is heading in the same direction so I guess one could say that physics in itself is mathematics, but that of course will be a gross underestimation of other powerful unifying concepts in physics such as field, symmetry, conservation law, etc
Dear Cristi Stoica!
We reviewed your work. The text contains many important and original ideas. We share the initial assumptions made in the article. Yes, science is studying relationships. But there is an ontology - a philosophical theory of being. You correctly noted that there is Time - a strange entity. But in the world there is something called GENESIS - this is an expression of Time. Therefore, we believe that the very principles of mathematics need a deeper clarification. For example, Hegel tried to see the genesis in logic. We think it makes sense to look for the genesis in mathematical structures.
We wish you a successful scientific work!
Truly yours,
Pavel Poluian and Dmitry Lichargin,
Siberian Federal University.
Dear Pavel and Dmitry,
Thank you for the review and the very interesting comments. I'll read your essay in time.
Dear Cristi,
Thank you indeed for re-opening the discussion, I thought you had closed it. And I must say, I liked the intensity and forthrightness of your later response as truly heart warming. I am sure, you must be socially and professionally successful for keeping such fierceness within, and presenting only the kind of response you offered me first. I have not learned this trick.
I respond only to one point you mentioned that includes several contentious issues between us. Let me apologize upfront for this being long, yet non-comprehensive, I do trust in your acute abilities to discern and see things beyond what is presented. For detail, please refer to Fundamentals of Natural Representation . I would request you to be kind first to give a serious consideration, then to be exceedingly critical.
>> You make a profound observation, "science deals with relations only, not with the nature of things", and yet you let that slip out of hand.
> Well, thank you, but you could point out where I let it slip out of hand. Or perhaps it just went in a direction you disagree with?
Most of us have not seen yet that the relations are all that we can observe, not the underlying reality, which may not be deterministic. Every observation is relative to some configuration of instrument, every deduction is relative to a reference, every description is an expression of relations, and every information is constructed of relations only. It troubles most that how can one create a definition or a description of an object in terms that are not in themselves absolute; that is, a description is not complete without a firm basis. But the absolute basis does not exist. Even the definition of an electron is based on constancy of certain relative causal state descriptions, (rest mass 0.511 MeV, 1 negative electronic charge, and one half spin) that remain preserved under transformations; the accountable constancy of causal states gives it an identity.
Fundamental primitive (elemental semantics) of all descriptions is the causal power of physical systems, so let me define the limits of natural causation first. Natural universe, as observed from within, undergoes change. Changes exhibit certain uniformity and regularity (constancy), such that an observable state S of a physical system P bears dependence on certain other states {S_i} within limits, where {S_i} may include relative static or dynamic values (rates of change). That is, if {S_i} were not to form a part of contextual reality within the limits, the state S of P could not have an existential reality either. Therefore, if a state C bore a dependence on B, and B on A, then it is possible to define an order on the sequence of dependence. A mutual dependence indicates conjugate state variables evolving together. It is ascertainable then that A is a precursor to B, while A and B are to C. It is noteworthy that A is not said to cause B, but rather B depends on A; B may depend on other factors in conjunction or disjunction. This relation of `precursor to the consequence' is referred to here as `natural causation'. It is referred to as `natural' to imply the independence of this relation from any model or interpretation, to mean what really exists, an ontological connotation.
From the first principles of constancy of causal relation in the nature of change, if an interaction among physical systems results in an observable state S of a physical system P, then S of P must remain congruent with, or correlate with the information of the causal context effecting the change. Otherwise, measurements do not have an interpretation relating to the cause. Let me be forthright and ask, can we deny this? One must take a moment to either except or deny this for this is critical. If not, then we have an ontological basis to existential reality of information of causal correlation, independent of an interpreter.
Causal context includes precursor state descriptions of interacting systems. For example, mass of a physical system Q denotes its causal power in an interaction, which constitutes Q's function or the basis of its relation with other systems. If a system P interacts with Q and gains a state S due to this causal function of Q, then S of P is said to correlate with this information; `mass' is mere label for the causal power of Q. Causal power of Q (mass) forms a semantic primitive from which higher level structured semantics can be constructed. This is how semantics gets grounded in physical function. The information of causal correlation of state S is referred to here as semantic value represented by the state S; this statement connects the term `semantics' to the physical function while also defining `representation'. That is, the term semantics is used only to refer to what value (relation) an information expresses.
For the same reasons of natural causal dependence, S of P also must correlate with what the observed precursor states of interacting systems correlate with. This is a second order correlation which inductively takes into account all causal descriptions responsible for S of P. Can we deny this either? It is the second order correlation that allows construction of all structured and abstract semantics as shown in the cited publication above.
A few more definitions:
Object: An object has a specification in terms of functional relations with other objects, or in terms of a structural relation among its components, it is always expressed in relative terms; therefore, an object description or definition is equivalent to a semantic value. Structural and functional relations suffice to construct specification.
State: A description of causal quality associable to a physical entity having an observable consequence defines an element of state.
Relation: A relation among objects is an expression (description) of constancy that holds over the objects even when objects undergo change or transformation. The term `constancy of relation' refers to this description. Therefore, a relation functions as a constraint over objects related.
Interaction: An interaction is defined by the `observable transitions in the states of physical entities' that are accountably interdependent on the description of causal powers (qualities) of the states.
From the perspective of a transition to an observable resultant state S of a physical system P, an interaction is equivalent to a specific transition from a priori configuration of precursor states of accountable interacting systems to the state S of P. An interaction is describable as a disjunction of specific conjunctions (configuration) of precursor state descriptions of respective interacting systems that result in the observable state S of P. That is, information processing occurs at each interaction by this expression. Furthermore, this expression forms a constructor of all expressible semantics. Please refer to the cited publication above.
Abstract and abstraction: The term `abstract' as an adjective is used as a qualifier to refer to a definite class of objects or instances, or to a relation that describes the class. `Abstraction' refers to the process of forming a class, or the emergence of a class from its instances. Therfore, a reference to an enumerable set of instances, or to a range of values is a reference to a class descriptor, an abstract entity, which is describable as disjunction of discrete values, or overlapping range of values.
As promised earlier, a proposed definition of consciousness is as follows:
Consciousness is a phenomenon of representation of structured information that specifies objects and their inter-relations, where one of the objects refers to the very system of representation at a level of abstraction that includes the system as an observer, and effector of change. The generic term object includes all that is referable. Every term used in this definition has already been related to causal function, thereby avoiding any intermediate hidden miracles. This definition is stated to be minimal, which only requires a representation of an observing self relating with other objects to control action. A stronger definition is one where a step higher abstraction of structured self is required that includes specific references to self as an observer of observing and controlling self.
Though I had not planned to enlist what you let slip out of hand, even though you captured the most critical element about the role of relations in science, but since you asked, let me state.
1. The most fundamental causal qualities (states) that give rise to all observable changes can have only relative description. That is, observations are limited to relations, and we can never have direct access to physical reality of causal states.
2. All information is only expressions of explicit or implicit relations. This recognition takes the discussion away from Shannon's measure of information to the semantics of information, and to semantic processing.
3. The reality of information is associated with the observable states of physical systems as given by causal relation among precursor states, not with the system itself. Whereas, among several other considerations of information in physics today, one is the information content of a physical system is a description of its own (model) state such that a measurement in specific context conforms to it. If it were to be so, then no matter what information processing occurs via physical interaction, information can never be anything but a state description, never the kind what a brain represents and processes. That is how we have created an artificial barrier. That is why universe appears to compute its own evolution. Funny thing is, even in the domain of computing, artificial semantic values (information) are associated with (assigned to) the states of registers rather than to the registers themselves. In the natural context, the relation of causal dependence forms the ontological reality of information.
4. If information processing occurs at logic gates in computing devices, so it must take place at all interactions in natural context; all that one requires is to found a generic expression of relation that holds true at each interaction. The constructor expression stated above serves this purpose. Now, all that is required is processing in modular hierarchy to construct higher level semantics as neurons do. No coding or decoding is required, a neural state correlates with specifics of information intrinsically, and given by disjunction of conjunctions of semantics represented by pre-synaptic neurons. This is only mechanism suggested so far on how information processing occurs in neural system. Neurons representing contextual elements in coarse coding method share synchrony, which can then be used to activate other neurons in hierarchy. A preliminary simulation is presented in the cited work.
5. Since, information cannot be separated from observable states, the only knowable reality is information, even though not directly measurable, everything else is interpretation. And, as defined above consciousness is constructed of specific information, that includes a semantic description of self as an observer, as an actor, as a controller, and so on, along with its relation to all other represented objects, even the phenomena of consciousness has a basis in relation, and information. Please note that objects are created by relations, they have no absolute correspondence to external reality.
First para from my essay: If we look around, we observe objects and their inter-relations embedded in 4.pi steradian (sr) space; consider relations as objects too. We particularly note that all of the observable descriptions are constructed of information. For instance, the paper or the computer right in front, is constructed of shape, size, color, texture, brightness, distance from us, material it is made of, and its placement relative to the table which in turn has a description made up of similar information, and so on. Next we notice is the ontological realism of all this information. Here, we are not concerned with whether or not the computer and the table exist, not even with the consciousness that relates this information to the observing self, merely with the descriptive information. Are we in a position to deny the existential reality of this information? Observe carefully! One may draw an immediate inference that all elements of consciousness, including the self and its relation with other objects, are constructed of information based on natural causation.
Sir, you read my essay, but did not offer any comments, for you may have determined the futility of such an exercise. Sometimes, one observes the strength of an argument, when one tries to critique it. Of course, I am at loss to understand why. Yet, it may make sense to visit the above cited work, which does not deal with consciousness, only with physics of information, where every inference is drawn from established experiments in physics.
We have a choice to make, either we observe every detail in our consciousness as information, representation of which can be shown to arise from second order causal correlation alone, or we continue to consider that as mystical. Indeed, the hardness of the hard problem arises when we consider the feel as ontologically fundamental, rather than the feel being a representable semantics of feel related to representable self; naturally, the feel is as real and as concrete as the self. One often asks how can a represented information feel like any thing, but they forget to see that the self is also the represented semantics in the same domain of reality with causal power of control. Hardness also arises when we refuse to see and evaluate consciousness as emerging from ontological reality of information. It is the correlation of physical state with causal information that connects the physically observable state with the non-measurable information bridging the gap between material universe to consciousness.
We have no problems now accepting that the sense of pain in a phantom limb is an attribution of pain to a non-existent limb, or even the dreams do not need a reality to be present, just the semantic representation of objects constructed merely via relations, but we have tremendous problem in accepting that the sense of consciousness is yet another representable semantics attributable to semantics of self as a sensor, an observer, and an actor. If the object descriptions were not based on relations, requiring presence of absolute objects (absolute feels in absolute limbs), one cannot have phantom limb and dream experiences.
Glad I got to your essay. Well up to the expected standard. I agree about relationships of course, indeed I've long argued that also finding ways to explore the 'what is' will be the only way to escape our present poor understanding (the other 99 thousandths of 1%!). You seemed to agree, if in a diffuse way!
I also agreed much of your thinking on consciousness, very much in line with my own in my essay 2yrs ago, though I did actually describe a 'what is' ontological layered feedback mechanism which could replicate it. Speculative of course but its architecture is similar to the latest advanced AI.
Nicely written, but I was left wondering about the connection with the topic, which seemed to be rather obtuse. None the less good on all other scoring criteria and nothing I feel the need to take issue with.
I hope you may get to mine, very fundamental in allowing is 'what is' approach, identifying sound evidence for a simple physical mechanism for uncertainty at 'measurement' momentum exchange!
Very best
at the end I had the chance to read your essay. Sorry to be late but this year everything is totally different.
Thanks for the wonderful essay which I gave my highest possibel vote.
I'm glad that we agree that relations are more important, also relations between relations (as often used to define a mathematical structure).
You wrote also about onsciousness and its reducability. I also analyzed onsciousness from a math point of view. Here, onsciousness is also purely relational and I'm not sure that the fact that it consists of matter is important.
See the paper
Very nice essay! Clearly written and interestingly argued. Aesthetically the prettiest-looking essay I've seen. I like the use of blue for various headings/citations, and the figures you produced are all very beautiful and clear.
The point about Wolfram's Rule 110 cellular automaton was strikingly mind-boggling. I can't even object on the grounds that there is some infinity-related trick being used, because the set of all sequences of conscious thoughts (given finitely many brain states and finite human lifetimes) is finite...
I agree that science is all about relations. The idea of a particle's mass, for example, is only meaningful insofar as it helps us predict how a particle will behave when interacting with other particles. But on the other hand, this makes me worried when it comes to consciousness. I feel like the hard problem of consciousness is deliberately posed to exclude all scientific investigation (experimental, modeling, etc)---like you said, if you can measure it, it's not part of the 'hard' problem anymore.
Maybe I did not read carefully enough, but I am not sure I understand the consequences of your argument. How can the collection of all true propositions about the world, and the collection of facts about sentient experience, be equal? Does that mean the world may be one big collective dream?
Dear Cristinel,
Glad to read your work again.
I greatly appreciated your work and discussion. I am very glad that you are not thinking in abstract patterns.
"Interested especially in the geometric aspects of the physical laws".
It is necessary to understand that all elements of matter from the micro- to macroscales have a quantum and fractal structure of their geometry. This is given and experimentally confirmed in my work.
While the discussion lasted, I wrote an article: "Practical guidance on calculating resonant frequencies at four levels of diagnosis and inactivation of COVID-19 coronavirus", due to the high relevance of this topic. The work is based on the practical solution of problems in quantum mechanics, presented in the essay FQXi 2019-2020 "Universal quantum laws of the universe to solve the problems of unsolvability, computability and unpredictability".
I hope that my modest results of work will provide you with information for thought.
Warm Regards, `
Thanks for visiting my page and reading the essay and for leaving interesting comments.
> "I also agreed much of your thinking on consciousness, very much in line with my own in my essay 2yrs ago, though I did actually describe a 'what is' ontological layered feedback mechanism which could replicate it. Speculative of course but its architecture is similar to the latest advanced AI."
This sounds impressive.
> "Nicely written, but I was left wondering about the connection with the topic, which seemed to be rather obtuse. None the less good on all other scoring criteria and nothing I feel the need to take issue with."
The central starting point of my essay is that, since science can only deal with relations,
1. The nature of things is undecidable from within science, which is only about relations.
2. The nature of experience is undecidable from within science, which is only about objectively and independently verifiable.
So it's very topical I think.
Despite this undecidability, I take the hypothesis that sentience is fundamental and show that some of its variants make empirically falsifiable predictions.
> "I hope you may get to mine, very fundamental in allowing is 'what is' approach, identifying sound evidence for a simple physical mechanism for uncertainty at 'measurement' momentum exchange!"
This sounds very appealing!
Dear Torsten,
Thank you for reading my essay and for the comments!
> "I'm glad that we agree that relations are more important, also relations between relations (as often used to define a mathematical structure)."
Yes, both what we can talk about and what can be made into a mathematical structure are relations of various arity and including between relations.
> "You wrote also about onsciousness and its reducability. I also analyzed onsciousness from a math point of view. Here, onsciousness is also purely relational and I'm not sure that the fact that it consists of matter is important."
If something is reducible to relations only, its material substrate shouldn't matter. My point is that, when it comes to consciousness, reducibility to relations corresponds to the "easy problems". Thank you for the link to your article!
Thanks again for the comments, and good luck in the contest!
Dear John,
Thank you for the comments and for reading my essay!
> "The point about Wolfram's Rule 110 cellular automaton was strikingly mind-boggling. I can't even object on the grounds that there is some infinity-related trick being used, because the set of all sequences of conscious thoughts (given finitely many brain states and finite human lifetimes) is finite..."
I agree with you.
> "I agree that science is all about relations. The idea of a particle's mass, for example, is only meaningful insofar as it helps us predict how a particle will behave when interacting with other particles. But on the other hand, this makes me worried when it comes to consciousness. I feel like the hard problem of consciousness is deliberately posed to exclude all scientific investigation (experimental, modeling, etc)---like you said, if you can measure it, it's not part of the 'hard' problem anymore."
Part of the reason I constructed this argument was to explain the fact that there is a hard problem, and it's not just some way to move some cherished belief in a gap where science momentarily didn't arrive yet. Nothing has changed in the definitions of sentience as a result of the advance of science. I mean, people always identified it with something unreachable by objective means. But, what I also try to bring with this essay, is that some variants of the hypothesis that sentience is fundamental make empirically falsifiable predictions. More details in my longer essay.
> "Maybe I did not read carefully enough, but I am not sure I understand the consequences of your argument. How can the collection of all true propositions about the world, and the collection of facts about sentient experience, be equal? Does that mean the world may be one big collective dream?"
In my longer essay I analyze more possible relations between P and S. Here I mention one of them, which is the simplest that solves Problem 2, of unifying the ontologies of P and S. One way to interpret it would be the one of a big collective dream that you mention, but I think this metaphor wouldn't do justice to the proposal that P=S. First, as we explore deeper the physical world P, we realize that at finer grained levels things are not how they seem at the coarse grained level, and in fact are very different from what we used to think. I expect nothing less from exploring S. So in this case, "dream" is just some manifestation at the coarse graining of S. And even so, "just a dream" assumes that we have any clue what dreams are, but we don't really know. We hallucinate even when we are awake, but we do it in a consistent way in tune with the others, and our brains create representations that we describe to others and since we all use them, we think reality is like this. But this is what we think it is, see endnote 5 of my essay. A distinguishing characteristic of dreams is that they are unstable and inconsistent, while the world P seems rather consistent and persistent. P=S would not break this persistence and consistency, it would just provide it with an ontology, one able to endow it with experience, rather than a cold dead ontology.
Thanks again for your excellent observations, and good luck with your essay!
Dear Vladimir,
Thank you for reading my essay and for the interesting observations.
> "I greatly appreciated your work and discussion. I am very glad that you are not thinking in abstract patterns.
I'm just a neural network, with all the inherent biases and training-dependency features, that work well in some setting but fail in other settings. At least from the point of view of P. So what may seem abstract or concrete in my thinking depends on the context and the interlocutor, of course.
> "It is necessary to understand that all elements of matter from the micro- to macroscales have a quantum and fractal structure of their geometry. This is given and experimentally confirmed in my work."
This seems very interesting to hear more about it.
> "While the discussion lasted, I wrote an article: "Practical guidance on calculating resonant frequencies at four levels of diagnosis and inactivation of COVID-19 coronavirus", due to the high relevance of this topic. The work is based on the practical solution of problems in quantum mechanics, presented in the essay FQXi 2019-2020 "Universal quantum laws of the universe to solve the problems of unsolvability, computability and unpredictability"."
Thank you for sharing this here!
Best luck with your essay and with fighting the pandemics!