the main idea was that writing and reading is -like you have said
I have almost always practiced only alphabetic forms of language.
something practiced, and we have been habituated/ only in to a certain format of it that has something to do with our sound based communication.
if the theme/ title of the essay would have been different i would have basically made the same essay only replacing a few words ,
i wrote the words and at the same time thought of some images
the pandemics started halfway through the end date has been extended an other two-three weeks
and the second half i had time to work more on the drawings
that have changed a little since the original fast image with letter writing formulation ,
because when you look at a single word in a phrase for more than an hour the initial mind image get to be improved altered
the drawings are made with the mouse under close look-up , where the control of the shape is made by Bezier points , moving and adjusting the bezier point until the desired shape is obtained ,if i am to count how many mouse clicks i have made for each letter there there are estimate 50-100 mouse actions ,so many that i had back pain
at the end some regrets not ending in clear a neutral tone maybe even positive optimistic.
or to stick with the idea of word with images till the end
for example an image missing was something with buildings and a street with a night sky, or the graphs simplex sequences is made in isolation there i could have made some ramifications also at the edges
and a something to do with actual theme of the essay namely a protein doing something like a matrioshka , the end date was coming fast i lost patience and filled the entire thing at the end , not having in mind anything specific
the references initially sold have been spread all around the essay
the idea of not using digits at all i wanted to evidentiate clearly , there is a number only in a place and that is the cesium standard for timekeeping,
when people watch video online there is like a voice and something happening video editing etc
though there is a main huge disatvantage if i watch such a video i 'm unable to communicate back with the authors
matching writing with images is more in the area of story board or comics bande desinee and has other advantages
only if i have the intuition and the same tools that the authors have used to make it (if it is only one author)
in case of a movie there are entire team and this is a many to one communication ,imagine standing on a podium scene stage and all the crew(actors/ behind the camera director etc) of the movie speaks at the same time for two hours and you can understand all what they say/ express
in the case of a book /article there is a reverse only one author with an amplified voice heared by an entire public.
(many to one relation, this one is not unique however in case of movie, versus one/few to many in case of book) ,
going at school there isn't simply just a communication student teacher, also the ministry participate in the conversation, the people that establish what is supposed to be learned are also in the background
and the teacher's own past and values. if the teacher say go home and for homework play that computergame up to some chapter , than also the programming team dev are a conversation members
if the computergame is not to be played at home instead in some special arranged place in a park ,
bla bla bla etc complex scenario situations
returning to language, lets say that all grammar rules are completely abolished, and never to be verified in any formal nor informal setting, what would that lead to ( or there is some system with new rules and institutions designed specially made to make language and interactions evolve ) for this it would be interesting to see how close country s languages interacted and appeared
to change subject to extraterestrial languages i imagined at some point a species that has some ...
hmm how to say it ?, slow communication and fast communication at the same time ,so there is a very harsh environment that has lots of problems to be solved so there is like a puzzle that is assembled slowly in every conversations, unlike the spoken language where the voice is always fast changing, imagine having a second background voice that repeats the same thing until only something significant happens to change the thing that is repeated; in this example a hat , repeat itself , if the hat has a Velcro based in sign that can be changed than is starting to get closer to the image ,if there are many such replaceable insgin pieces they start to create an image like a pixel based screen, to return to the theme of this place, imagine a person (scientist)v that has an entire library carried around and ( all the articles that he has published are like a superhero mantle ) and each time he meets someone he make little revisions in some places or other.
bach accordion play
and knowing sign language for second language interaction.
π° π° π° π° π° π° π° π° π° π° π° π° π°
the language of (browser website address video) links
i mean, this is an other extreme ...
why bother writing any sentences ? when i could just send links?
so i imagined people read the essay and they sended the links of it to to other people , or even had reacted telld/ told stories to other people using voice language

i ve started watching tv many hours a day since 1995 then lan games than up to 2005 with the first pc with internet, always available sources of media/info consumption and nothing that was extracting the same thing from my mind has inspired me to start thinking about extraterrestrials that communicate with images./ videointeracting
i dont want to practice keyboard letter typing in principle any more)
when something gets habituated it is posible to return to a mindstate where that learned thing seems strange and unusual i'm not sure is there a trainable procedure to obtain that evrytime
for example
i had a dream when moving the mouse sensation with the hand was disconnected from what appeared to be on a screen as if the hand/arm index fingers/ was somehow separated from the body and the eyes were doing the screen movement,
also in last years since i've started writing english more than usual i have sound letter tongue sensations
i knew it was going to happen before started doing it , this comes from previous expereince with completely imersion in a computergame played many hours , and the interface was like a shadow background audio visual experience.
this language connection is much stronger than a computer game played for 300 hours because it has ramifications in previous past experience and native language or first learned foreign language ,