Essay Abstract

This essay contains illustrated -metaphors insertions , in an attempt to express better what I'm thinking. If my thinking would have been with a mixture of experiences including smell, i would have crafted an essay with various odors and perfumes instead. The focus is mostly on the things that these long words seems to have in common - strings and cycles. Without knowing precise definitions I try to make valid statements based on various sources. At the end I conclude with an adventurous bold claim.

Author Bio

With am interesst in science, facing the challenges (and desires) of being hard of hearing. follower of the latest the newest and the shiniest, and without. completion of higher education studies.

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Dear Alexandru,

Your essay is very funny in artistic way proving you really have far from standard imagination. However, I think expectations of this contest are more formal and preferred style is like submission to scientific journals.

Best regards,


7 days later

since i have not published articles before i have no idea how that should be done for references i might have missed important ,people , teachers, books from kindergarten or other tv shows. also i'm not sure about the rights of using a name in a document (without asking). so if the person is a dead scientist/researcher he might not care. if he has a will that he does not want to be mentioned in references for scientific papers. and i think is important to ignore that still wanting to show respect, i might use various ways of signaling that ... bleah my head spins round :)) -- one more thing- i have not studied officially basic english so if i'm miss interpreted i could not tell .. my interest (in the medium/long run) is visual grammars , by making mistakes i think learn a lot.

Dear Cristian,

Thank you for replying in my thread. You have quotes from famous scientists in your essay: Poincare, Wiener, von Neumann, Deutsch etc. You could just take a look into their published work to have idea about the topics and style of their writing. You will notice then that it is as much math as there is graphics in your essay:) In scientific literature one should reference any previous work related to the work being presented and explain the relation. Reason for this is a) to show that the work presented is original that is there is something new and not only repeating the previous work, b) to give credit to authors of previous work on which the presented work is based. If a) is not fulfilled than there are doubts if the work is original, in worse case it may happen that the problem was solved earlier and thus the presented work makes no sense. If b) is not fulfilled it may mean that the author is not aware about the previous work in the area or is neglecting contributions of other people on which his work is based. Thus, one has to be extremely careful about references which typically first hard step to prepare a paper. One can learn how all this should be done by reading papers produced by other people.

However, your essay is more of artistic genre. Artistic work should be original, not copying others. Your work looks original and it does not need references.



Thank you for the most imaginative and creative submission I have yet read in this essay contest. Strings and cycles are useful metaphors for the way our thinking progresses. This is particularly true for the foundations of physics and mathematics as they are beset with conundrums that challenge our rational presumptions. Strings get tied in knots and cycles become endless spirals and loops. This reminds me of the lyrics of the song made famous by Dustry Springfield - the windmills of my mind:

Like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel,

Never ending or beginning on an ever-spinning real.

Many thanks, friend! - George Gantz, The Door That Has No Key:

12 days later

Dear Marco,

Brilliantly original format, showing the additional communicative power of images beyond just words. I also liked your pre- indoctrinated thought process. Key point for me? 'How can we form a circle using pixels?' For me that sums up uncertaintly etc. I hope you'll study & like my essay that shows how I think it also resolves QM etc rationally from better foundations. It needs a boost! Have one on me, for presentation, originality and succinctness.



3 years later

three years later
post comment

after sending the work online i wanted to send per postal mail at fqxi address a printed version with extra references that had not enough room at the end , i still have the envelope

an other idea was to publish the image source via github of the drawings, to encourage anyone to modify them .
i was prepared back in the months flowing to answer back with new drawings if someone would have sent me drawing or asked me questions. related

imagine a reading techniques, that every time you read something you draw or explain the words individually ,to prove that you have read it , in spoken conversations this is called shadowing or mirroring it is similar to a techniques used by translators at multilingual international conferences.

why seeing something is better than actually just imagining it ? , a good reason i could think of is because is a source of inspiration for seeing more , a reference scaffold /a space reserved of potential details, the problem with human imagination is that there is a mismatch between what can be imagined and what can be explained ,
a potential solution that sticks with the idea of image communication could be just to imagine less, in a practice such that you can explain it rapidly to others, not a the same speed like words , instead of eighty five words,talked fast , maybe a couple of sketches in the same amount of time.

Dear Alexandru,

Your essay is very funny in artistic way proving you really have far from standard imagination. However, I think expectations of this contest are more formal and preferred style is like submission to scientific journals.

Best regards,


an aftermath thanks

so there are two threads the letters and the drawings ,sometimes one has more meaning sometimes the other, sometimes they are on the same track ,i have tried on purpose to be more exaggerated, (to encourage other people to try themselves something similar on their own and to do better.)

you have no idea what has happen, you have no idea what has happen

when people communicate use symbols (words) that can be hypothetically reshaped in any way ,they are the way through education laziness inertia,
and they are also reshaped during a normal typical conversation (maybe not that much it depends)
explained differently

if you don't understand a thing while communicating it might be for various reasons:

  • i might try to fool/ deceive you , tell a lie
  • we don't have the same language
  • or i don't care about that thing to make it understandable

there are lots of cases i'm not doing extensive list,
there could be that you dont know that you dont understand it
or you dont want to understand it

returning to fields o meaning or semantics of symbols, or what symbols do to brain in particular conversations/interactions
, they cannot be avoided they have to be used,
a person with no education might have those fields narrower and brittle

i mean you are a person , you must have an education had a childhood somewhere/ somehow learn a particular language
get used and shaped by some particular symbols you have encountered in your lifetime

if you operate with lots of such symbols they loose meaning they are in a different phase
there is an illusion though, that the symbol can be used entirely if the brain memory holds lots of symbols they are being truncated , chopped off , of apparently unessential parts, that become harder /difficult to be applied in communication
studying phonotactics the symbols don't stop at words,
the symbol is decomposed in smaller symbols - letter by letter.
a letter is an entire word


I really like this very original essay. The mixture of writing and images is fascinating. Unfortunately, I have a certain difficukty in grasping the connections between the two, because I have almost always practiced only alphabetic forms of language. But I give you my heartfelt congratulations for this beautiful and unconventional work.

the main idea was that writing and reading is -like you have said

I have almost always practiced only alphabetic forms of language.

something practiced, and we have been habituated/ only in to a certain format of it that has something to do with our sound based communication.

if the theme/ title of the essay would have been different i would have basically made the same essay only replacing a few words ,

i wrote the words and at the same time thought of some images
the pandemics started halfway through the end date has been extended an other two-three weeks
and the second half i had time to work more on the drawings

that have changed a little since the original fast image with letter writing formulation ,
because when you look at a single word in a phrase for more than an hour the initial mind image get to be improved altered

the drawings are made with the mouse under close look-up , where the control of the shape is made by Bezier points , moving and adjusting the bezier point until the desired shape is obtained ,if i am to count how many mouse clicks i have made for each letter there there are estimate 50-100 mouse actions ,so many that i had back pain

at the end some regrets not ending in clear a neutral tone maybe even positive optimistic.
or to stick with the idea of word with images till the end

for example an image missing was something with buildings and a street with a night sky, or the graphs simplex sequences is made in isolation there i could have made some ramifications also at the edges

and a something to do with actual theme of the essay namely a protein doing something like a matrioshka , the end date was coming fast i lost patience and filled the entire thing at the end , not having in mind anything specific
the references initially sold have been spread all around the essay

the idea of not using digits at all i wanted to evidentiate clearly , there is a number only in a place and that is the cesium standard for timekeeping,

when people watch video online there is like a voice and something happening video editing etc
though there is a main huge disatvantage if i watch such a video i 'm unable to communicate back with the authors

matching writing with images is more in the area of story board or comics bande desinee and has other advantages

only if i have the intuition and the same tools that the authors have used to make it (if it is only one author)
in case of a movie there are entire team and this is a many to one communication ,imagine standing on a podium scene stage and all the crew(actors/ behind the camera director etc) of the movie speaks at the same time for two hours and you can understand all what they say/ express

in the case of a book /article there is a reverse only one author with an amplified voice heared by an entire public.

(many to one relation, this one is not unique however in case of movie, versus one/few to many in case of book) ,

going at school there isn't simply just a communication student teacher, also the ministry participate in the conversation, the people that establish what is supposed to be learned are also in the background
and the teacher's own past and values. if the teacher say go home and for homework play that computergame up to some chapter , than also the programming team dev are a conversation members

if the computergame is not to be played at home instead in some special arranged place in a park ,
bla bla bla etc complex scenario situations

returning to language, lets say that all grammar rules are completely abolished, and never to be verified in any formal nor informal setting, what would that lead to ( or there is some system with new rules and institutions designed specially made to make language and interactions evolve ) for this it would be interesting to see how close country s languages interacted and appeared

to change subject to extraterestrial languages i imagined at some point a species that has some ...
hmm how to say it ?, slow communication and fast communication at the same time ,so there is a very harsh environment that has lots of problems to be solved so there is like a puzzle that is assembled slowly in every conversations, unlike the spoken language where the voice is always fast changing, imagine having a second background voice that repeats the same thing until only something significant happens to change the thing that is repeated; in this example a hat , repeat itself , if the hat has a Velcro based in sign that can be changed than is starting to get closer to the image ,if there are many such replaceable insgin pieces they start to create an image like a pixel based screen, to return to the theme of this place, imagine a person (scientist)v that has an entire library carried around and ( all the articles that he has published are like a superhero mantle ) and each time he meets someone he make little revisions in some places or other.

bach accordion play

and knowing sign language for second language interaction.

🟰 🟰 🟰 🟰 🟰 🟰 🟰 🟰 🟰 🟰 🟰 🟰 🟰

the language of (browser website address video) links

i mean, this is an other extreme ...
why bother writing any sentences ? when i could just send links?

so i imagined people read the essay and they sended the links of it to to other people , or even had reacted telld/ told stories to other people using voice language


tv head

i ve started watching tv many hours a day since 1995 then lan games than up to 2005 with the first pc with internet, always available sources of media/info consumption and nothing that was extracting the same thing from my mind has inspired me to start thinking about extraterrestrials that communicate with images./ videointeracting

i dont want to practice keyboard letter typing in principle any more)
when something gets habituated it is posible to return to a mindstate where that learned thing seems strange and unusual i'm not sure is there a trainable procedure to obtain that evrytime
for example
i had a dream when moving the mouse sensation with the hand was disconnected from what appeared to be on a screen as if the hand/arm index fingers/ was somehow separated from the body and the eyes were doing the screen movement,
also in last years since i've started writing english more than usual i have sound letter tongue sensations
i knew it was going to happen before started doing it , this comes from previous expereince with completely imersion in a computergame played many hours , and the interface was like a shadow background audio visual experience.

this language connection is much stronger than a computer game played for 300 hours because it has ramifications in previous past experience and native language or first learned foreign language ,

    marcovici alexandru

    also in last years since i've started writing english more than usual i have sound letter tongue sensations
    i knew it was going to happen before started doing it , this comes from previous expereince with completely imersion in a computergame played many hours , and the interface was like a shadow background audio visual experience.

    this language connection is much stronger than a computer game played for 300 hours because it has ramifications in previous past experience and native language or first learned foreign language ,

    just having a teacher in front of a classroom speak from time to time and making students speak also by themselves one after the other , its not a good idea
    however if you go if you try to have conversations with foreigners and those don't manifest any interest in to teaching and correcting mistakes its a lesser kind of good idea

    so far an experience to language only to hear and write and not to speak at all
    what other combinations might be possible

    to read and get used to language in the wrong voice

    imagine giving books to foreign people and teaching them the that letter have other sounds they have, how much sense those book will make ?
    (there are constraints on vocals and consonants so a recombination could happens only interchanging vocals |(aeiou )|! 120 * |(bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz)|!= 5.1090942e+19, is a smaller number because some letters cannot follow others

    the same with mathematics trying to learn mathematics only from books (written in a certain historical interval), not seeing the actual Realtime maneuvering is a harder logic puzzle than its might seems

    if i am to work on inventing new language ,
    there is an entire list with things that has to be adapted ,
    means activities that i shall do or do not

    lets say i want to do mathematics , and a specific knowledge is written with letters

    first of all to clarify the way i've tried to learn is to not remember the names and use those to replicate the behavior,

    this is a primary asumption of teaching : the replication of terminology across generations
    first of all to clarify the way i've tried to learn is to not remember the names and use those to replicate the behavior,

    than a wave of pollution has spread across internet ,
    ha do you want to use this knowledge, is free, but you have to pay in other modes of existance

    to be able to focus on the actual problem a person has to do adaptation/ cleansing work

    a book also has the same problem to a much lesser degree ,
    but if you are a person that has arrived at the conclusion that letters are bad ,
    than there is a certain weird impossible situation.
    what am i supposed to do ?

    why letters are bad : more reasons

    lets look at the deciphering process

    the --reading ---------------- is-----------an eye -- movement with --- certain ---stops
    there is not really a standard for how to do those things
    they clutter together easily
    people care only to understand them dancing - after that they are easily discarded (the dance is forgotten)
    the symbols are fixed separated and create connections only at the perception level
    those are filtered / intermediated by the sound spectrum of experience,
    there are only two colors usually black and white,

    they are made only with thin lines ,
    that are well rooted in occupying most of the surface surrounding them like a concrete sponge and
    cannot be overlapped because they create confusion and loose their meaning of existence
    [QqWwEeRrTtYyUuIiOoPp AaSsDdFfGgHhJjKkLl ZzXxCcVvBbNnMm]
    some of them keep an area with no exits
    they are flatlanders

    create/self impose narrow mind states roads flows by the
    way words are composed and ready to connect with the other words

    they are not bad in themselves per se is the way they are transmitted, and small deficiencies are overamplified.
    and shape larger structures (socially )
    shape individual structure for example overamplifying intentions and mixing signals
    or by bounding the actual thought process, for example abstracting mind states
    they made their way through various medium , and they created their own -a medium of letters for letters
    slowed the apparitions of other symbols/ interactions modes ,with their dryness potentially overaccelerated apparition of image πŸ–ΌοΈ and video πŸ“ΉοΈ creating a false separations between other areas of visual communications like (A, +,1)
    sound only visual only etc


    real objects 🟰🌩️ultra overly separated/divided 🌩️ 🟰 name of objects

    something similar can be said about the production
    part except that here for example here i could type on a keyboard with my eue closed, and not verify what i have actually written , or hand write with the same features.
    why bother create symbols that are complex/different to use
    there is a sweet spot of writing at the speed of thoughts, that imply either slowing or accelerating the writing or the thoughts, just because there is doesn't mean it could not be different.

    (also sweet spot in scientific writings is not really a case) i'm not sure if some complex with various decipher graffiti would be a good idea ,

    still the writings as it is offers a hard to brake pattern uniformity for the eyesight,
    maybe emoji /emoticons might be the way to start doing changes πŸ™, maybe there are other viable models with different sweetspots for doing the things around communication. interaction

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