Dear Kwame A Bennett,

It is wonderful that you picked up logical and realistic thinking at this age. I observed that you write very big paragraphs. Write smaller paragraphs. I am reproducing some of your concluding words from your 20 page paper .................... To gain a complete understanding of the true nature of the real physical universe, our civilization, will first have to acknowledge that, here in the twenty first century, there are many flawed, or at best partially incomplete, models that have become entrenched within the foundations of science.

This is because, in the pursuit of a seamless perfectly symmetrical model, based purely on abstract mathematics, we have been left with countless conjectures and incoherencies that are diametrically opposed to the things observed within the material universe; and this has also resulted in a fundamental decidability, computability, predictability, and measurability limit being reached amongst, or within, these conflicting, contradicting, or paradoxical models. Consequently, the concepts or models that are solely beholden to closed mathematical systems, would only be able to compute or predict a very limited set of things about the universe, before these models would inevitably encounter an undecidability or immeasurability problem (or encounter a value that is deemed to be indeterminable or infinite).......................

Your words are correct, just to sharpen your thinking, i want you to look at a model with different type of ideology, called Dynamic Universe Model developed by us for the last 40 years, with many of its predictions came true...

I hope you will have CRITICAL examination of my essay... "A properly deciding, Computing and Predicting new theory's Philosophy".....

I thought we will have a lot to discuss...

I will stop for noe,



    Thanks for your kind words.

    Unfortunately, my paragraph and sentence structures happen to be very long, because these topics are very complex and i wanted to paint the full picture without using the existing terminologies that have already painted a wrong or misleading picture of the universe.

    Dear Kwame,

    With great interest I read your essay with very important extraordinary ideas, an in-depth analysis of the development of scientific knowledge, clear justifications and conclusions.

    I especially agree: "Therefore, to negate, overturn, or reverse, the numerous decidability, computability, predictability, and measurability problems that exist within the most prominent models related to the nature of the physical universe, physics will, first, have to undergo a "Grand Reset" to correct the many missteps that have been taken in the name of perpetual scientific advancements and innovations, or that have been taken in the name of concepts such as gravity waves, singularities, collapsed clouds, and curved space-time (as well as, in the name of newer concepts such as dark matter and dark energy)." I give the highest rating. I invite you to watch my ontological ideas .

    Yours faithfully,


      Amazing work... I especially love this extended version of the essay;

      The ideas encapsulated within your comparison of the turning machine to biological complexity is breath taking

      His logical and realism are definitely on point (and pretty hard to argue against)

      Dear Kwame A Bennett,

      An exceptional essay for one so young. As noted above, learn to write shorter paragraphs.

      I am very impressed with your research and your thinking.

      I invite you to read my essay and welcome any comments.

      Deciding on the nature of time and space

      Wishing you a very bright future,

      Edwin Eugene Klingman

        I will certainly aim for more concise thoughts going forward, thanks

        Will go and checkout your essay;

        And leave a rating as well

        Dear Kwame,

        Thanks for a stimulating essay.

        I will take up the challenge you pose when you highlighted three of the yet to be fully understood things about the nature of the physical universe. You stated that these were: (1) the mechanisms that facilitated the creation and evolution of the Earth's moon alongside the Earth; (2) the fractal system that shaped the Earth's position in the overall scale of the material Universe; and (3) the process by which energy from the planet helped to facilitate and induce the many nuclear, chemical and physical reactions that led to the emergence of eukaryotic biological complexity on the surface of the Earth.

        In the beginning there was only energy with dynamical 'intent' - to minimize its energy density. Then at a particular energy density something magical happened. Matter formed in the guise of preons (known in my theory as gimlis) and with the matter arose associated force fields (electric, magnetic and gravitational). The gimlis arranged themselves into a variety of quarks and leptons, and these quarks arranged themselves, following the principal of least action, into neutral particles, some of which decayed due to collisions at high kinetic energy, into charged particles, neutrinos and photons.

        I am suggesting that at this magical happening, known in common parlance as the Big Bang, the energy of the Universe did not exist as a singularity, but rather started with a finite amount occupying a finite volume, spawned by who knows what dynamical process. Then this primordial energy expanded uniformly to quite some size, before the phase change we call the Big Bang

        occurred. With this scenario we do not require a cosmological theory of inflation, as uniform expansion happened before the "Big Bang phase change" occurred. After this the universe of particles and their force fields, before any nucleosynthesis began, can easily be accommodated into

        a computational 'Theory of Everything' with about two dozen rules.

        However, the fundamental simplicity of a TOE is irrelevant here, as a radio telescope will always be the goal of an intelligent conscious entity which somehow arose out of a complex system embedded on a foundation of a much simpler system. Now to consider how this may have occurred.

        The first layer of complexity, built out of the primordial matter consisting of hydrogen and helium, was that of supergiant stars that quickly formed supernovae and subsequent gravitational centres we call black holes. Nucleosynthesised dust from the supernovae then coalesced with any available hydrogen and helium under the force of gravity to form new star assemblies called galaxies, that were seeded on the primordial blackholes. As the metallicity of the ejected gas in the various supernovae nebula increased, it reached a point after so many mixings, when it rich enough in all the elements needed to form a star system similar to our Solar System. With some luck some "rocky" planets formed in the Goldilocks zone, at distances and temperatures where liquid water could exist.

        On one or more of these planets, which harboured carbon, nitrogen, and liquid water, complex organic chemicals formed primitive amino acids in a process known as abiogenesis. In some particular environments, such as are found in alkaline deep sea vents, some arrangements of these organic molecules were able to replicate themselves by a sort of autocatalysis reaction. The important idea here is that the required complexity was forced by the environment, a form of top down causation. Different environments selected different organic molecule arrangements, and it

        turned out that some of these were able to replicate themselves. Thus was formed the first molecular memory, a very special arrow of time. Forced through endless changes in its environment, this memory enabled greater complexity to arise until, at some stage, what we regard as biological

        life was formed. Then the various processes of evolution continued to drive greater complexity, when finally at some point consciousness arose. Maybe it was just some lucky recursive wiring of neural networks, or maybe it was just a critical mass of them, but what consciousness allowed was

        the formation of intent. It probably started off in simple modifications to the environment coupled with further genetic evolution, but what ultimately occurred was the arrival of intelligence.

        Intelligence coupled with the ability to learn, to record and manipulate memories allowed us to gain insight into our environment, and thus began the natural sciences (physics, chemistry, biology, and geology) and mathematics. When all this knowledge was fine-tuned by scientific method over many centuries, humans gained the ability to build a radio telescope, which, in my biased opinion, is the definition of intelligence as a process.

        Now Mr Bennett, I have given you a skeleton without much meat, but at least you see the overall picture I am painting. A TOE, computational or algorithmic, will not help build a radio telescope, but our science

        and engineering built on a gradual understanding of complexity will. We humans needed to look at the Universe through a greater spectrum than our eyes could show us, for this to happen. This type of goal-oriented behaviour is an imperative for intelligent conscious (skuld) entities like us radioastronomers!

        I hope you will also read my essay, which covers some other topics in the theme of undecidability and unpredictability.

        Good luck,

        Lockie Cresswell

          For this part of your answer: "

          I am suggesting that at this magical happening, known in common parlance as the Big Bang, the energy of the Universe did not exist as a singularity, but rather started with a finite amount occupying a finite volume, spawned by who knows what dynamical process. Then this primordial energy expanded uniformly to quite some size, before the phase change we call the Big Bang "

          ... I will give you this insight:

          On the other hand, within a redefined model of the big bang, rather than being view as a single instantaneous event than unfolded in less than a few nanoseconds, the big bang can be reclassified as simply the start of a process defined under strictly classical thermodynamics, Euclidean geometry and Newtonian mechanics, where: (1) the void of space existed prior to the big bang, and time would not have been created at the big bang or during the big bang; (2) the energy involved in the big bang would not have been created by the big bang itself, but instead the energy existed prior to the big bang and was simply transformed and released from it confinement starting at the big bang; and (3) a single finite geometrical structure or object (or polyhedrons), and not a undefined singularity, would have contained all of the energy of the universe. Consequently, the implications of this is that all the energy currently radiating, permeating and running throughout the entire universe is, in essence, the conserved remnants or preserved fragments of this one central or primary energetic structure from the past; and when this object violently spilled out its entrails into the surround void, all its fragments preserved the temperatures, motions and other forms of energy that they acquired from this process and for the past few billion years objects and systems throughout the universe have been actively transforming, transmuting or radiating away the energy and mass that was acquired during the original process.

          So, instead of the central object being a central location in space or being a central facet (or wormhole) that suddenly got turns on to dispense subatomic and nanoscopic particles from and alternate plane of existence to create the wider universe, it would simply be an finite object (a tangible physical Euclidean geometrical object with a finite and changeable volume and structure) that broke apart due energy spikes caused by ebbs and flows occurring within the non-homogeneous structure of the original or primordial object (the source object). Subsequently, upon its expansion or explosion the matter, particles and energy contained within this object would not be scattered solely as minuscule particles or fundamental particles that would eventually become atoms, or eventually become cloud of dust and gas that could start collapsing in different sections and become almost perfectly distributed across the universe to leave a perfectly distinct haze of microwave background radiation touching all reaches of the observable universe; but would instead be scattered as gigantic superheated lumps of plasma material all linked by gravitational vectors as they disperse away from the epicentre of the original explosion or site of the original object, some would be the size of the size of entire cluster of galaxies and would be continually exploding, rupturing and radiating away heat, mass and energy. Furthermore, other than being very large in size, the gigantic fragments would also be very active (or possess very active, unstable and energy diverse internal structures) and would possess temperatures (or have temperatures locked within their internal structure) that match the temperature of the primary or primordial object, as these temperatures would be an intensive property would be independent of the size of the object and instead be dependent on the internal heat capacity of the substance making up these fragments and the internal subatomic, nuclear and molecular properties of the substance in these fragments; and these high temperatures would remain locked in these objects or structures for millions and even billions of years and would only be slowly be radiate at the outer surfaces of these object; however, as these objects undergo splits or break apart this would provide more surfaces for heat to be radiated away.

          So, first few milliseconds after the explosion (or moments after the energy infused primordial bang) the released materials would not rush outwards as a homogeneous wave or energy enriched soup of photons, quarks, protons, neutrons and electrons, but would instead rush outwards as distinguishable gigantic lumps of superheated material many of which would be size of entire galaxies and entire super clusters of galaxies; and eventually, these lumps would themselves undergo catastrophic explosions to further reduce their overall size and split into even smaller pieces, which would be the size of individual galaxies and would be moving away at similarly high speeds away from the epicentres of the secondary explosions. As the energy rich and very large objects or structures move away from each other there would be a large and intricate maze or web of gravitational vectors linking all these objects to each other (however, as these object or structure continue to break apart and lose mass these vector angles as well as strengths would continue to change and grow incrementally weaker over time) and eventually many of the vectors would no longer point directly back to the centralized location that once connected all these objects as their distribution across the cosmos would be too numerous and too widely dispersed. Consequently, the galaxy size lump would be able to gravitational pull on most stellar size object or structures that are present within their localized vicinity and effectively tow these object along with them as they move through the cosmos; however, their collective vector force would no longer be sufficient in any single to forcible pull all these rapidly moving galaxy size object back to their origin to reconstitute or remain the structure that they were all hurled from at very high speeds.

          However, using standards relativistic model the assumption would be that these object or structure would be too large and would collapse in on themselves or gravity would eventually win and all the object would eventually collective pull on each other enough until the overall expanse of matter across the cosmos would cease and all the matter would start to contract inwards to reform or reassemble the object or structure that all the matter and energy spilled forth from. But in our redefined model of the big bang the continued spreading of matter and energy across the cosmos is the main feature and main expectation and increase rate of this spread is built into these expectation. To understand the above postulations, we first have to understand or added to the concept of conservation of and transfer of momentum or mechanical energy and for true enlightenment within this topic the principles of a gravitational slingshot manoeuvres preformed by NASA would have the most to offer. This is mainly due to the principle that, unlike on the surface of the Earth where the transfer of momentum mainly occur through direct frictional collision between two are more objects, with a lot of the energy being lost as heat or noise, in space, the principle of a flyby gravity assist demonstrates, in a very straightforward way, that the transfer of momentum can occur through assistance from gravity. In other words, the transfer of momentum does not have to occur throughout direct physical contact or physical collision and does not have to occur with a lot of energy being lost as noise and heat, instead it shows or reveals that throughout the universe momentum can be transformed from a moving object simply by other object moving into a substantially part of the gravitational field of that object.


          So, cosmic rays are coming from energy rich sources, or objects that are converting vast amount of mass directly into energy, at a rate or level higher than the capacity or capability of normal stars, and releasing intervals of high energy shockwaves across vast distances. The culprits are pulsars and quasars, both of which is key objects that Marks a transition from instability to stability for stars and galaxies respectively.

          So, in a theoretical model of the universe where galaxies can change and evolve and not just collide into each other, elliptical galaxies would be the oldest galaxies and large galactic size quazar are just they object reaching the end of their lifespan as elliptical galaxies and are transitioning or transmuting into there new farm which is the form of a spiral galaxy which is less energetic, less superheated more stable and more organized especially in its rotation.

          So, Edwin Hubble was indeed right with his postulation or classification of galaxies the tuning fork method, which states that galaxies evolve from one form to the other overtime moving from elliptical, to quazar, to spiral. So, Hubble evolutionary tuning fork model was indeed correct where he devided Elliptical galaxies are shaped like ellipses (stretched circles). They are divided into eight types: E0-E7 depending on how elliptical they are. E0 ellipticals are nearly circular, while E7s are very stretched out. however, next in his diagram is the S0 classification follow by the Sa and the SB arms of galaxies classification but the energic object that should have bridge the E-series and the S-series is a Q-series of quasars.

          So, much like pulsars are stellar size or star size object which represents a transition in a star's lifespan as it move from one type of star to the next and sheds exess heat, mass and energy; so too is a quazar but on a galactic scale, where quazar are galactic object which represents a transition in a galaxy's lifespan as it moves from one type of galaxy to the next and sheds excess heat, mass and energy.

          So, a quasar is not annihilating matter like a black hole, it is not consuming mass and energy like a black hole and it not the fully collapsed center of a a galaxy.

          Instead a quazar is simply converting mass, matter and energy into other forms of energy in the pursuit of coming a more stable galactic centre; and is the galaxy's way of harnesses matter, gravity and other fundamental forces to shed all this excess head and instead that would be permeating through it structure. Otherwise, without a proper mechanism to shed all this excess heat, excess mass and excess instability the galactic size fragments that originally came from the primordial object would forever superheated gughernaut barrelling through space aimlessly with no organized rotation, organized magnetic feild, ways to facilitate the creation of new stars that are more stable. And spiral galaxies are the aftermath of one of these when all the excess energy is released and reconfigured the entire galactic size structure or fragment that once came from the primordial object.

          Spiral galaxies are now seen as the most abundant galaxies in the observable universe, this is because the age of the elliptical galaxies has long passes and most of the galaxies close to the milky way have already evolved and have attained stable galactic structures

          Dear Kwame,

          Thanks for your answer. I agree with your first paragraph up to the sentence "....and when this object violently spilled out its entrails into the surround void, all its fragments preserved the temperatures, motions and other forms of energy that they acquired from this process and for the past few billion years objects and systems throughout the universe have been actively transforming, transmuting or radiating away the energy and mass that was acquired during the original process." with two provisos. The 'void of space' needs careful definition. In my thinking this means the physical volume that the primordial energy occupies. Secondly you state: "a single finite geometrical structure or object (or polyhedrons).. would have contained all the energy of the universe". I would argue that at this point we should not be stating structure (polyhedrons) as it is beyond observation and is only speculation.

          From there on I disagree with your analysis because we do have sound astrophysical observations that do not support your hypothesis.

          The astrophysical observations support the expansion of space itself, not it's matter contents. If you believe in discrete aether particles, that means these particles are expanding, causing the evolution of the universe.

          If the primordial energy was non-homogeneous as you suggest, then that would show up clearly in the CMB, which it doesn't. I suggest that onc convential matter formed, its gravity molded the first clumps of hydrogen into massive clumps which then quickly coalesced into supermassive black holes, which then acted as seeds for galactic evolution.

          I expect spiral galaxies to form first, on account ofthe angular momentum of the PBH. I would then expect ellipticals to form after the merger of spirals whereby angular momentum is dispersed rather than concentrated.

          Quasars form early on, as the active centre of a galactic BH, forming relativistic jets. As the universe has evolved the quasar space density has decreased. The quasars eventually turn off once they have finished feeding on available resources, and the spiral galaxy settles down to a quieter evolution unless it merges gravitationally with another galaxy.

          I did a thesis on quasars back in 1968, just after Wheeler coined the term 'black hole', which I unfortunately described in a much longer physical description, as the BH term wasn't in common usuage.

          Anyway it is good to think and form your own ideas, as I havedone with particles and fields.




          Recognizing your instinctive observation and calculations that suggest that several changes must be made to conventional wisdom at one time; I agree. And the "dark matter" question is at the center of multiple puzzles; there is a simple answer. As per evolution of life: The dust from outer space does contain significant amounts of life codes encased for space travel. And note that longer type GRB signals are consistent with light speed shock waves decimating star systems.

          I enjoyed your essay very much, thank you.


            Unfortunately, I am simply proposing that those cold objects from space that have already given up vast amounts of thermal or thermodynamic energy resources to their environment long ago, would be incapable of rekindling the sparks needed to fuel the chain reactions or sustained chemical reactions that would be need to brew biological living entities.

            Life is made by active energy rich objects, not objects that are already dead, stagnant, and frozen.

            Hey Lockie,

            The reference to (polyhedrons) it just me definitively stating that real world singularities are not something that I accept.

            Elliptical galaxies are shaped like ellipses (stretched circles). They are divided into eight types: E0-E7 depending on how elliptical they are. E0 ellipticals are nearly circular, while E7s are very stretched out. Elliptical galaxies are made up of mostly old stars, and do not have much gas and dust. There is very little new star formation in these galaxies. Elliptical galaxies also come in many sizes. The largest galaxies we see are ellipticals, but, elliptical galaxies can also be small. About 60% of all galaxies are ellipticals.

            There are galaxies that look like giant stars; these are elliptical galaxies and they contain many of the oldest stars; why does an elliptical galaxy look like one giant star?

            They are about as simple as a gathering of stars can be: massive blobs roughly spherical in shape. Through an amateur telescope, they appear as no more than a round, fuzzy patch of light against the dark background of the night sky. The giant elliptical galaxy NGC 1132 sits about 300 million light-years from Earth

            Get Edwin Hubble classification of galaxies the tuning fork

            Hubble evolutionary tuning fork model was indeed correct

            The existence of elliptical galaxies show that clouds of hydrogen cannot gravitationally collapse instantaneously such clouds of matter can such large scales can only ignite themselves in sections

            Larger quasars are the stage between elliptical galaxies and spiral galaxies where as smaller quasars are the stage between very large star and smaller star such as main sequence star such as our sun. A Quasars is simply a galaxy scale or stellar scale object that harnesses matter, gravity and other fundamental forces to process and object or system that creates an unwavering juggernaut that is a mixture of fastest rotation, high powered very organized magnetic field, more active nuclear reactions, ionization and plasma, powerful gravitational pressure, powerful reverse centripetal force, extreme heat, and high frequency light waves. This quasar is not annihilating matter like a black hole, and it is not consuming mass and energy like a black hole instead this object is simply converting mass, matter and energy into other forms of energy in the pursuit of coming a more stable object either as a galactic centre or as a star.

            Based on the gravity of these large object for matter to escape that can either escape at the equatorial plane or at the poles the reason why escape at the poles is possible is atom within the galactic centre would be so hot you would have streams of nuclei and streams of electrons completely separated from each other swirling around, so all the particles would be charged; additionally, if they get to interact with photons of light that are of the highest frequencies such as x-rays and gamma ray these charge particles would now possess even more mechanical energy or momentum to oppose gravity and swerve along on the magnetic field lines of the rotating structure which would aligned with the rotational axis of this structure. So, it would not be streams or jets of light that these quasar are emitting or ejecting; instead it streams of electrically charged plasma but this plasma or ions would have been endowed with heat radiation related to x-ray and gamma ray and these streams material will start to emit these photons as they start to cool

            While they vary in size, the most common size is most commonly around 5 on this graph, which equates to 100,000 AU, or about 1.5 light years across. That might seem pretty big, but remember that these objects are brighter than our galaxy (consisting of 200 billion stars). On a galactic scale these objects are tiny.

            Light travelling from further away takes longer to get to u; all the galaxies closer to us have already evolved broken apart and became spiral. The objects further away are still very old and have old stars and the light from that far away are just getting to us and they are the remnants of the elliptical structure that would have existed earlier in the universe. One of the elliptical structures could form one giant spiral galaxy or break apart into several pieces to farm multiple spiral galaxies that are so close to each other they remain gravitational linked and seemingly attracts each other.

            In addition to this the larger elliptical galaxies tends to sit at the centre or near the centre of galaxy cluster that can contain thousand of galaxies that seemed to be in billion year orbital periods within these clusters

            To actually observe this evolution mankind would have to be around looking at the sky for a few more billion years to see many of these specific objects evolve.

            Quasars are not black holes devouring matter, instead they are simply 1 or more massive star like object formed from the centre or at the centre of they result from an elliptical galaxies that has used up most of it hydrogen and have many old star and is entering into a new face of its evolution where it starts chain reaction explosion of all its many rotation stars, the exploding stars would not release only heavy elements but a lot of might element all this dust and gas large remain in close gravitational proximity to each other and in the equatorial plane of rotation that original elliptical galaxy has and these brilliantly lit quasar are the captivating and powerfully churning vortex galactic centre of the soon to be spiral galaxy. So, the matter and light being spewed out at the poles of these quasars, perpendicular to the equatorial plane is simply super heated plasma which is in essence charge particles such as nuclei and electron, streams of these essentially electrically units of particles in a dance with the roaring and powerful magnetic field lines of these rotating solar and galactic bodies. So the charge particles bounces from one field line to the next and have enough momentum from nuclear energy and all the heat generated to move upwards and outwards following the magnetic field lines. In the case of one stellar object at the centre of the galaxy the very large unstable and short lived object would carry see ions up from its core via it magnetic field why simultaneously expelling or ejecting vastly more matter neutral nonelectrical charge matter at its equatorial plane to start the creation of the spiral arms.

            However if there are several massive star like objects at the centre these objects would be constantly rupturing their structure would have very violent solar winds consistently emanating from their structure all of them would be rotating in the same direction as well as orbiting in the same direction share conservation of angular momentum given that they were formed from the same elliptical galaxy centre, additionally this shared momentum given that all stars and star like objects have magnetic field and magnetic poles many of them would have their north pole points in the same direction which would cause synchronization of their magnetic field line and charge particles from all their solar winds would dance with these field lines are these objects spin and this would cause matter to be ejected at these shared poles. So, these objects are not consuming or destroying matter they are simply expelling energy from the centre of the galaxy so that the galactic centre and the galaxy as a whole can become a more stable object. These would be some of the most energetic, most violent, most unstable, fastest rotating and fastest orbiting solar objects in the material universe.

            Essentially, an elliptical galaxy is such a densely pack structure, that given enough time, the chaotic motion of it stars, along with the vast amounts of mass, energy, and gravity shared among these structures, would eventually ensure that, over time, a tremendously large number of very volatile objects, or very unstable celestial bodies, would be in very close proximity to each other, or packed together in very cramped spaces (with ever shrinking room to operate independent of each other); which would put the gravitational bonds that exist amongst these unstable celestial objects into overdrive; and would guarantee that this galactic structure would eventually become very unstable. Such that, within certain sections of the galaxy, for a few million years, there would be billions of stars that: (1) would reside within shared orbital paths; (2) would possess interlocked, or synchronized, interstellar magnetic feild lines; and (3) would all explode, or rupture their superheated structures, to release vast amounts of mass and energy, at the same time. Consequently, this would forcibly turn the entire galaxy in to a cauldron of transmuted energy; which, over time, would eventually reconfigure into a roaring juggernaut of mechanical energy, magnetic energy, nuclear energy and ionized chemical energy, or into what is colloquially known as a fast rotating quasar, that would continuously emit many shock waves of exceptionally large amounts of radiant thermal energy and mass; as numerous stars start to get ripped open, or start to congeal into newer or younger stars.

            So, in essence, this roaring interstellar and galactic structure would not just spew out thin clouds of fine particulates, or energetic beams of gamma rays, x-rays and alpha particles, as it starts to change or evolve; but it would instead unfurl entire sections, or entire layers, of its structure, ripping itself open in a myriad of ways; and its redistributed mass would possess the conserved thermal heat energy, nuclear energy, mechanical energy, rotational inertia, linear momentum and chemical energy, or the full assortment of chemical elements and particles, that the original structure possessed. Which means that quasars and the different types of spiral galaxies, that now all possess flattened shapes, or overall structural orientation, that are organized relative to specific rotational axes and planes of rotation, would have all have their origin in structures that were once elliptical or anomalous in shape.

            Hey Lockie,

            The reference to (polyhedrons) it just me definitively stating that real world singularities are not something that I accept.

            Elliptical galaxies are shaped like ellipses (stretched circles). They are divided into eight types: E0-E7 depending on how elliptical they are. E0 ellipticals are nearly circular, while E7s are very stretched out. Elliptical galaxies are made up of mostly old stars, and do not have much gas and dust. There is very little new star formation in these galaxies. Elliptical galaxies also come in many sizes. The largest galaxies we see are ellipticals, but, elliptical galaxies can also be small. About 60% of all galaxies are ellipticals.

            There are galaxies that look like giant stars; these are elliptical galaxies and they contain many of the oldest stars; why does an elliptical galaxy look like one giant star?

            They are about as simple as a gathering of stars can be: massive blobs roughly spherical in shape. Through an amateur telescope, they appear as no more than a round, fuzzy patch of light against the dark background of the night sky. The giant elliptical galaxy NGC 1132 sits about 300 million light-years from Earth

            Get Edwin Hubble classification of galaxies the tuning fork

            Hubble evolutionary tuning fork model was indeed correct

            The existence of elliptical galaxies show that clouds of hydrogen cannot gravitationally collapse instantaneously such clouds of matter can such large scales can only ignite themselves in sections

            Larger quasars are the stage between elliptical galaxies and spiral galaxies where as smaller quasars are the stage between very large star and smaller star such as main sequence star such as our sun. A Quasars is simply a galaxy scale or stellar scale object that harnesses matter, gravity and other fundamental forces to process and object or system that creates an unwavering juggernaut that is a mixture of fastest rotation, high powered very organized magnetic field, more active nuclear reactions, ionization and plasma, powerful gravitational pressure, powerful reverse centripetal force, extreme heat, and high frequency light waves. This quasar is not annihilating matter like a black hole, and it is not consuming mass and energy like a black hole instead this object is simply converting mass, matter and energy into other forms of energy in the pursuit of coming a more stable object either as a galactic centre or as a star.

            Based on the gravity of these large object for matter to escape that can either escape at the equatorial plane or at the poles the reason why escape at the poles is possible is atom within the galactic centre would be so hot you would have streams of nuclei and streams of electrons completely separated from each other swirling around, so all the particles would be charged; additionally, if they get to interact with photons of light that are of the highest frequencies such as x-rays and gamma ray these charge particles would now possess even more mechanical energy or momentum to oppose gravity and swerve along on the magnetic field lines of the rotating structure which would aligned with the rotational axis of this structure. So, it would not be streams or jets of light that these quasar are emitting or ejecting; instead it streams of electrically charged plasma but this plasma or ions would have been endowed with heat radiation related to x-ray and gamma ray and these streams material will start to emit these photons as they start to cool

            While they vary in size, the most common size is most commonly around 5 on this graph, which equates to 100,000 AU, or about 1.5 light years across. That might seem pretty big, but remember that these objects are brighter than our galaxy (consisting of 200 billion stars). On a galactic scale these objects are tiny.

            Light travelling from further away takes longer to get to u; all the galaxies closer to us have already evolved broken apart and became spiral. The objects further away are still very old and have old stars and the light from that far away are just getting to us and they are the remnants of the elliptical structure that would have existed earlier in the universe. One of the elliptical structures could form one giant spiral galaxy or break apart into several pieces to farm multiple spiral galaxies that are so close to each other they remain gravitational linked and seemingly attracts each other.

            In addition to this the larger elliptical galaxies tends to sit at the centre or near the centre of galaxy cluster that can contain thousand of galaxies that seemed to be in billion year orbital periods within these clusters

            To actually observe this evolution mankind would have to be around looking at the sky for a few more billion years to see many of these specific objects evolve.

            Quasars are not black holes devouring matter, instead they are simply 1 or more massive star like object formed from the centre or at the centre of they result from an elliptical galaxies that has used up most of it hydrogen and have many old star and is entering into a new face of its evolution where it starts chain reaction explosion of all its many rotation stars, the exploding stars would not release only heavy elements but a lot of might element all this dust and gas large remain in close gravitational proximity to each other and in the equatorial plane of rotation that original elliptical galaxy has and these brilliantly lit quasar are the captivating and powerfully churning vortex galactic centre of the soon to be spiral galaxy. So, the matter and light being spewed out at the poles of these quasars, perpendicular to the equatorial plane is simply super heated plasma which is in essence charge particles such as nuclei and electron, streams of these essentially electrically units of particles in a dance with the roaring and powerful magnetic field lines of these rotating solar and galactic bodies. So the charge particles bounces from one field line to the next and have enough momentum from nuclear energy and all the heat generated to move upwards and outwards following the magnetic field lines. In the case of one stellar object at the centre of the galaxy the very large unstable and short lived object would carry see ions up from its core via it magnetic field why simultaneously expelling or ejecting vastly more matter neutral nonelectrical charge matter at its equatorial plane to start the creation of the spiral arms.

            However if there are several massive star like objects at the centre these objects would be constantly rupturing their structure would have very violent solar winds consistently emanating from their structure all of them would be rotating in the same direction as well as orbiting in the same direction share conservation of angular momentum given that they were formed from the same elliptical galaxy centre, additionally this shared momentum given that all stars and star like objects have magnetic field and magnetic poles many of them would have their north pole points in the same direction which would cause synchronization of their magnetic field line and charge particles from all their solar winds would dance with these field lines are these objects spin and this would cause matter to be ejected at these shared poles. So, these objects are not consuming or destroying matter they are simply expelling energy from the centre of the galaxy so that the galactic centre and the galaxy as a whole can become a more stable object. These would be some of the most energetic, most violent, most unstable, fastest rotating and fastest orbiting solar objects in the material universe.

            Essentially, an elliptical galaxy is such a densely pack structure, that given enough time, the chaotic motion of it stars, along with the vast amounts of mass, energy, and gravity shared among these structures, would eventually ensure that, over time, a tremendously large number of very volatile objects, or very unstable celestial bodies, would be in very close proximity to each other, or packed together in very cramped spaces (with ever shrinking room to operate independent of each other); which would put the gravitational bonds that exist amongst these unstable celestial objects into overdrive; and would guarantee that this galactic structure would eventually become very unstable. Such that, within certain sections of the galaxy, for a few million years, there would be billions of stars that: (1) would reside within shared orbital paths; (2) would possess interlocked, or synchronized, interstellar magnetic feild lines; and (3) would all explode, or rupture their superheated structures, to release vast amounts of mass and energy, at the same time. Consequently, this would forcibly turn the entire galaxy in to a cauldron of transmuted energy; which, over time, would eventually reconfigure into a roaring juggernaut of mechanical energy, magnetic energy, nuclear energy and ionized chemical energy, or into what is colloquially known as a fast rotating quasar, that would continuously emit many shock waves of exceptionally large amounts of radiant thermal energy and mass; as numerous stars start to get ripped open, or start to congeal into newer or younger stars.

            So, in essence, this roaring interstellar and galactic structure would not just spew out thin clouds of fine particulates, or energetic beams of gamma rays, x-rays and alpha particles, as it starts to change or evolve; but it would instead unfurl entire sections, or entire layers, of its structure, ripping itself open in a myriad of ways; and its redistributed mass would possess the conserved thermal heat energy, nuclear energy, mechanical energy, rotational inertia, linear momentum and chemical energy, or the full assortment of chemical elements and particles, that the original structure possessed. Which means that quasars and the different types of spiral galaxies, that now all possess flattened shapes, or overall structural orientation, that are organized relative to specific rotational axes and planes of rotation, would have all have their origin in structures that were once elliptical or anomalous in shape.

            Hey Lockie,

            The reference to (polyhedrons) it just me definitively stating that real world singularities are not something that I accept.

            Elliptical galaxies are shaped like ellipses (stretched circles). They are divided into eight types: E0-E7 depending on how elliptical they are. E0 ellipticals are nearly circular, while E7s are very stretched out. Elliptical galaxies are made up of mostly old stars, and do not have much gas and dust. There is very little new star formation in these galaxies. Elliptical galaxies also come in many sizes. The largest galaxies we see are ellipticals, but, elliptical galaxies can also be small. About 60% of all galaxies are ellipticals.

            There are galaxies that look like giant stars; these are elliptical galaxies and they contain many of the oldest stars; why does an elliptical galaxy look like one giant star?

            They are about as simple as a gathering of stars can be: massive blobs roughly spherical in shape. Through an amateur telescope, they appear as no more than a round, fuzzy patch of light against the dark background of the night sky. The giant elliptical galaxy NGC 1132 sits about 300 million light-years from Earth

            Get Edwin Hubble classification of galaxies the tuning fork

            Hubble evolutionary tuning fork model was indeed correct

            The existence of elliptical galaxies show that clouds of hydrogen cannot gravitationally collapse instantaneously such clouds of matter can such large scales can only ignite themselves in sections

            Larger quasars are the stage between elliptical galaxies and spiral galaxies where as smaller quasars are the stage between very large star and smaller star such as main sequence star such as our sun. A Quasars is simply a galaxy scale or stellar scale object that harnesses matter, gravity and other fundamental forces to process and object or system that creates an unwavering juggernaut that is a mixture of fastest rotation, high powered very organized magnetic field, more active nuclear reactions, ionization and plasma, powerful gravitational pressure, powerful reverse centripetal force, extreme heat, and high frequency light waves. This quasar is not annihilating matter like a black hole, and it is not consuming mass and energy like a black hole instead this object is simply converting mass, matter and energy into other forms of energy in the pursuit of coming a more stable object either as a galactic centre or as a star.

            Based on the gravity of these large object for matter to escape that can either escape at the equatorial plane or at the poles the reason why escape at the poles is possible is atom within the galactic centre would be so hot you would have streams of nuclei and streams of electrons completely separated from each other swirling around, so all the particles would be charged; additionally, if they get to interact with photons of light that are of the highest frequencies such as x-rays and gamma ray these charge particles would now possess even more mechanical energy or momentum to oppose gravity and swerve along on the magnetic field lines of the rotating structure which would aligned with the rotational axis of this structure. So, it would not be streams or jets of light that these quasar are emitting or ejecting; instead it streams of electrically charged plasma but this plasma or ions would have been endowed with heat radiation related to x-ray and gamma ray and these streams material will start to emit these photons as they start to cool

            While they vary in size, the most common size is most commonly around 5 on this graph, which equates to 100,000 AU, or about 1.5 light years across. That might seem pretty big, but remember that these objects are brighter than our galaxy (consisting of 200 billion stars). On a galactic scale these objects are tiny.

            Light travelling from further away takes longer to get to u; all the galaxies closer to us have already evolved broken apart and became spiral. The objects further away are still very old and have old stars and the light from that far away are just getting to us and they are the remnants of the elliptical structure that would have existed earlier in the universe. One of the elliptical structures could form one giant spiral galaxy or break apart into several pieces to farm multiple spiral galaxies that are so close to each other they remain gravitational linked and seemingly attracts each other.

            In addition to this the larger elliptical galaxies tends to sit at the centre or near the centre of galaxy cluster that can contain thousand of galaxies that seemed to be in billion year orbital periods within these clusters

            To actually observe this evolution mankind would have to be around looking at the sky for a few more billion years to see many of these specific objects evolve.

            Quasars are not black holes devouring matter, instead they are simply 1 or more massive star like object formed from the centre or at the centre of they result from an elliptical galaxies that has used up most of it hydrogen and have many old star and is entering into a new face of its evolution where it starts chain reaction explosion of all its many rotation stars, the exploding stars would not release only heavy elements but a lot of might element all this dust and gas large remain in close gravitational proximity to each other and in the equatorial plane of rotation that original elliptical galaxy has and these brilliantly lit quasar are the captivating and powerfully churning vortex galactic centre of the soon to be spiral galaxy. So, the matter and light being spewed out at the poles of these quasars, perpendicular to the equatorial plane is simply super heated plasma which is in essence charge particles such as nuclei and electron, streams of these essentially electrically units of particles in a dance with the roaring and powerful magnetic field lines of these rotating solar and galactic bodies. So the charge particles bounces from one field line to the next and have enough momentum from nuclear energy and all the heat generated to move upwards and outwards following the magnetic field lines. In the case of one stellar object at the centre of the galaxy the very large unstable and short lived object would carry see ions up from its core via it magnetic field why simultaneously expelling or ejecting vastly more matter neutral nonelectrical charge matter at its equatorial plane to start the creation of the spiral arms.

            However if there are several massive star like objects at the centre these objects would be constantly rupturing their structure would have very violent solar winds consistently emanating from their structure all of them would be rotating in the same direction as well as orbiting in the same direction share conservation of angular momentum given that they were formed from the same elliptical galaxy centre, additionally this shared momentum given that all stars and star like objects have magnetic field and magnetic poles many of them would have their north pole points in the same direction which would cause synchronization of their magnetic field line and charge particles from all their solar winds would dance with these field lines are these objects spin and this would cause matter to be ejected at these shared poles. So, these objects are not consuming or destroying matter they are simply expelling energy from the centre of the galaxy so that the galactic centre and the galaxy as a whole can become a more stable object. These would be some of the most energetic, most violent, most unstable, fastest rotating and fastest orbiting solar objects in the material universe.

            Essentially, an elliptical galaxy is such a densely pack structure, that given enough time, the chaotic motion of it stars, along with the vast amounts of mass, energy, and gravity shared among these structures, would eventually ensure that, over time, a tremendously large number of very volatile objects, or very unstable celestial bodies, would be in very close proximity to each other, or packed together in very cramped spaces (with ever shrinking room to operate independent of each other); which would put the gravitational bonds that exist amongst these unstable celestial objects into overdrive; and would guarantee that this galactic structure would eventually become very unstable. Such that, within certain sections of the galaxy, for a few million years, there would be billions of stars that: (1) would reside within shared orbital paths; (2) would possess interlocked, or synchronized, interstellar magnetic feild lines; and (3) would all explode, or rupture their superheated structures, to release vast amounts of mass and energy, at the same time. Consequently, this would forcibly turn the entire galaxy in to a cauldron of transmuted energy; which, over time, would eventually reconfigure into a roaring juggernaut of mechanical energy, magnetic energy, nuclear energy and ionized chemical energy, or into what is colloquially known as a fast rotating quasar, that would continuously emit many shock waves of exceptionally large amounts of radiant thermal energy and mass; as numerous stars start to get ripped open, or start to congeal into newer or younger stars.

            So, in essence, this roaring interstellar and galactic structure would not just spew out thin clouds of fine particulates, or energetic beams of gamma rays, x-rays and alpha particles, as it starts to change or evolve; but it would instead unfurl entire sections, or entire layers, of its structure, ripping itself open in a myriad of ways; and its redistributed mass would possess the conserved thermal heat energy, nuclear energy, mechanical energy, rotational inertia, linear momentum and chemical energy, or the full assortment of chemical elements and particles, that the original structure possessed. Which means that quasars and the different types of spiral galaxies, that now all possess flattened shapes, or overall structural orientation, that are organized relative to specific rotational axes and planes of rotation, would have all have their origin in structures that were once elliptical or anomalous in shape.

            Dear Kwame,

            You wrote a nice, original and provocative Essay. This is more remarkable if one considers that you are a high school student. In all honesty, I only partially agree with your claims. On one hand, you are correct to stress that today there is too much mathematical abstraction in developing modern science. On the other hand, I have read too much complains about "the mathematics of Einstein". Mathematics is the language of science, and science cannot be developed without mathematical rigor. The same logic and arithmetic, that you claim one must use to reference the things contained within the material universe, are part of mathematics. Nature is often complex, but sometimes less complex than one thinks. "The Lord God is subtle, but malicious he is not. " was the famous Albert Einstein's remark during visit to Princeton University (1921).

            In any case, I liked reading your Essay. Thus, I will give you a high score. I wish you good luck in the Contest.

            Cheers, Ch.

              Dear Christian

              In general, my issue are not necessarily with the mathematics itself, but it's that we no longer question or recognize the thought experiment, postulates, and notions that led to those tensor equations or those mathematical models in the first place; such that, if there is a flaw, it might not be present in the maths, but present in the flawed ideas that came before the maths or that lay at the foundation of the maths.

              5 days later

              Hello Kwameh. Fantastic work coming from an upcoming mind like you.You are a great inquirer and this will surely propel you high in the future.Rated you well. please take your time to read my ideas on how I think the three UnS emerged here- the best in the essay contest, and also in life.