"In a way, yes, the relational point of view...Separability from the rest of the world is condition under which the formulation of laws and definition of concepts is possible."
So your own personal ontology is, very generally speaking, a 'relational objective realism'? And you claim that we can save the objectivity of a relational interpretation of QM by physically closing the system?
Now a relational interpretation is a natural language mode of interpretation so it will be semantically closed which means in my terms, it is fundamentally incommensurable with the mathematical languages of QM formalism, but also more or less closed with certain other natural language ways of interpreting QM such as objective collapse theories. Different sub-cultures can express very different meanings using the same language... and here we are trying to communicate globally in English!
Yet these natural language ontologies together are (semantically closed) quantum foundational ways of thinking about how we might apply the (semantically open) QM formalism to any quantum system. Your particular natural language interpretive strategy guides how you think about the calculations ... or depending on your ontology so goes your maths ... or as Lbar's computer says in my essay "quantum foundations do not compute"!
"Wigner's friend has only a mixed state being an entangled subsystem of the whole. In that sense Wigner's view is more objective."
So my question remains, from what physical (formal mathematical) and ontological (natural language) perspective can this statement be true? From the Friend's perspective they do not experience themselves as a mixed quantum state entangled with the whole ... unless you're just describing one's normal experience from a Many Worlds perspective! In which case the same goes for your objectively privileged Wigner and they are now both on the same footing as entangled subsystems of the wave function of the universe (ontology alert!--no matter how hard I swim against it I keep drifting back towards wave function realism).
Otherwise, the Friend's alleged entanglement only makes sense from Wigner's perspective but you would then need to justify that observer bias--why should we privilege Wigner over the Friend? What semantically closed natural language ontology is driving this interpretation?