One of the problems is the difficulty to unite and convice. The majority now wants to be followed and wants money even or follow celebrities or others. I find this very sad and it can be understood by the human psychology our sad common past of adaptation, We are here on FQXi on the best platform for the theoretical physics and the members are relevant. So like it is at new york like the world bank, the UN, wall street and it is the MIT , yes it is possible but the humans even the smartest and most aware of this universalism prefer this normality or to be themselves the creators of this kind of system, that is why they don t participate, and of course I am not going to develop our vanity.
This project can be a success if the thinkers participate and if we are united and a good team with concrete adapted global solutions to cinvice this UN and the high spheres of power. Maybe it is just this vanity the problem and this normality simply more our psychological defaults and the fact that we are all divided.
Give to the humans some money, some notoriety, some responsabilities and tell them they are special and wonderful and that we need them , there they are going to participate , tell them even that without them we cannot success and are essential pieces , there they are going to do it. We have the same problem for the theoretical physics researchs, all they are individual and want to be special , the china and india maybe are less like this, and the china we don t see them a lot but they evolve and work in team probably , the error of the occident ,the europe and USA is there, they believe they are alone working, It is the same for the sponsors or the institutes giving money, they always give the money to the same institutes and thinkers in specific universities, it is like a sphere of activity for the MBA even, if we don t change, we shall loose the good train you know.
In all case , I find this very sad and I am anxious about our future due to this global psychology and the fact that we are divided a lot . Maybe the humans , this planet is not ready to change , maybe this normality accepted is difficult to change. maybe we are a specie like this us the humans, individual, vanitious,divided, accepting the things like they are .It is sad unfortunally. But I have hope , I know that the real universalists and the real skilling global general thinkers exist. The butterfly effect can be a reality ....