a month later

A sad reality but al, this is true dear all,

I have created a project here global collaboration on FQXi to unite and find adapted global solutions and try to convice the UN,, but the humans have a problem in the DNA, and they are not able to follow this kind of system, it is sad because it is possible , FQXi is at new york like the WB and UN , the members are nobel prizes, but the vanity, the normality accepted and the problem in the DNA of primates imply that we cannot change and we shall destroy the humanity. And for this kind of project they are simply to find problems because simply the humans and their minds are sick.

all what they want is to nourrish their vanity and their small person , it is only simply than this, they are not ready to make a wise revolution, they are not ready to follow, all what they want is to nourrish this vanity and to be followed.

The primates have simply a problem in the dna and this normality accepted and this vanity shall imply in the future the end probably of the humanity , in all cases an enormous catastrophe because we cannot change , we have created our own destruction.

    Dear Templeton Foundation, of course it is well what you make in giving money , finances to persons and project ,you work in a kind of faith and for the sciencs but if we don t change globally and generally with a kind of real revolution wise and logic, one day the world will be a pure chaos and you shall loose also you capitals simply because the global parameters and the human psychology and the numbers tell us that we shall create our own apocalypse simply. The next 50 or 100 years it is sure it will a pure global chaotical system and all we shall loose you know, the richest like the poorest and all these projects are well but not sufficient to solve our global problems. You want to work for God and for the sciences in respecting the message of Sir Templeton who were a wonderful thinker and human, if he was here he d understand me I am sure and if we don t try this revolution, it is sad simply because these solutions exist and if we are a concrete team with concrete solutions we can success. The evolution, the faith, the wisom it is this also, the fact to be aware of our global problems and aware of this chaotical future if we don t change it , the economical system will fall down in a near future it is sure if we don t act .....

    Hi all, The world must absolutelly find adapted solutions , here is the number of people by country , we have doubled in 42 years , we were 4 billions, we are now 8 billions.

    China, 1,45 billions

    India, 1,10 billions

    USA 335 millions

    Indonesia 280 millions

    Pakistan 230 millions

    Nigeria 218 millions

    Brasil 215 millions

    Bangladesh 169 millions

    Russia 146 millions

    Mexicco 132 millions

    Japon 125 millions

    Ethiopia 120 millions

    Philippine 112 millions

    Égypt 106 millions

    Viêt Nam 98 millions

    RDC CongO 95 millions

    Iran 86 millions

    turky 85 millions

    Germany 83 millions

    Tailand 70 millions

    England 69 millions

    France 66 millions

    Tanzania 63 millions

    S Africa 60 millions

    Italia 60 millions

    Kenya 56 millions

    Birmania 55 millions

    Colombia 51 millions

    South Korea 51 millions

    Ouganda 48 millions

    Spain 46 millions

    Argentina 46 millions

    Sudan 45 millions

    Algeria 45 millions

    Ukrainia 43 millions

    Irak 42 millions

    Afganistan 40 millions

    Canada 38 millions

    Maroc 38 millions

    Poland 37 millions

    Soudia Arabia 35 millions

    Angola 35 millions

    Ouzbekistan 34 millions

    Peru 33 millions

    Malaisia 33 millions

    Mozambic 33 millions

    Gana 32 millions

    Yemen 31 millions

    Nepal 30 millions

    Venezuela 29 millions

    Magagascar 29 millions

    Cameroon 28 millions

    Ivory coast 27 millions

    Niger 26 millions

    Australia 26 millions

    Norsth Korea 26 millions

    Taiwan 24 millions

    Burkina 22 millions

    Sri lanka 21 millions

    Mali 21 millions

    Malawi 20 millions

    Zambia 19 millions

    Syria 19 millions

    Chili 19 millions

    Kazakstan 19 millions

    Romania 18 millions

    Guatemala 18 millions

    Ecuador 18 millions

    Senegal 17 millions

    tchad 17 millions

    Holland 17 millions

    Cambodgia 17 millions

    Somalia 16 millions

    Zimbabwe 15 millions

    Guinea 13 millions

    Rwanda 13 millions

    Benin 12 millions

    Burundi 12 millions

    Tunisia 12 millions

    Bolivia 11 millions

    Haiti 11 millions

    Belgium 11 millions

    S Sudan 11 millions

    Cuba 11 millions

    Rep Dom 11 millions

    Tchekia 10 millions

    Jordania 10 millions

    Greece 10 millions

    Azerbadjan 10 millions

    Portugal 10 millions

    Honduras 10 millions

    Sweden 10 millions

    Emirates 10 millions

    Tadgikistan 10 millions

    Hungary 10 millions

    Bielorussia 9 millions

    papapouisa 9 millions

    Austria 9 millions

    Israel 9 millions

    Switzerl 9 millions

    Togo 8,6 millions

    It was the 100 first countries on the 196 countries, the 96 others decrease in number but are almost 250 millions

    The world , the UN must absolutelly find adapated solutions ........

    If we don t change the global system, we shall add an ocean of chaotical exponentials soon , the number don t lie. The econnomy and the ecology are the 2 main points.

    A revolutionary industrialisation must be made by the UN and this world bank , the solar systems is there, we must create jobs and these wheels in orbit are a solution and the harmonisation of ecosystems, we must absolutelly focus on this , a town like new york also must be more ecological with revolutionary systems on the buildings. We can multiplicate the plants and animals , so it is possible and the fact to industrialise this solar system correctly is a key , we begin with these wheels, that will give space and will decrease also the number on earth of people. The cology and the economy are the 2 basis to reach the points of equilibrium to give, water, food, energy, jobs, hopes to majortity,I don t understand how is it possible that the UN does not understand this, nmaybe they are to much occupied with the conflicts of interest or the competition instead of this collaboration and complementarity, in all cases it is this or we shall pay all the price soon , the richest like the poorest.

    25 days later

    I d like to have the support of Elon Musk in this project, I have listened youtubes from him where he speaks about the global problems, he sees clear and I share many points of vue anout the ecology, the AI, Mars,.....we need to be united and aq concrete teams with concrete adapted solutions, divided we shall not success .

    2 months later

    I have already explained but I d like to insist, the soils are essential , we must absolutelly improve the qualities of our soils and everywhere , the composting at big global scale is a foundamental, without this we cannot reach the points of equilibrium in the future ......the afrgilo humic complex is a key for the ecology and the agriculture and our forest

    16 days later

    Happy New Year to all, Hope that in 2023 we can unite and success this project on FQXi , it is not easy to unite and convice, the humans are occupied with their lifes, the collective consciousness is unfortunatelly not easy to accomplish, theere are also persons doubting or this or that, but I will continue , we can change this planet for a better in uniting the good systems, persons, ....and in creating concrete adapted global solutions, take care ,

    16 days later

    I know that it is not easy to convice and unite, the humans prefer to be followed or follow when there are interests, but I continue because I know that they exist these universalists skilling having concrete adpated global solutions. Imagine what we can do in being a concrete team with concret ideas, it is possible in all cases.

    The aim is not to disturb the politicians or the persons governing or to create problems , the aim is simply this win win at all scales in focusing on concrete solutions , mainly in global ecology, about the fact also to create more jobs with a kind of revolutionary indusatrialisation and the solar system is there I repeat, we are obliged to evolve and improve the system , the fact to create these wheels in orbit mimating the gravitation seem an essential step of evolution for the animals and vegetals of this planet earth . It is not an utopy, the jobs like the ecology seem essential to reach the points of equilibrium.

    If solutions are put ito practice by the high spheres of power, the humans shall be reasured and that implies better psychologies of adaptation, that will decrease naturally the odd comportments.

    We must do it you know , we must try, only a concrete team with concrete solutions can convice the UN and Wall Street ,

      Steve, It's very complicated. So many things are intertwined that we must be careful not to cause harm in trying to do good. I have read about detrimental effects of Covid lockdowns such as more family violence, physical and mental health harms and negative effects on child development. Consequences of trying to do the best Just today I heard that paper straws are more costly for the environment than plastic. I have not looked further into the matter so can't verify it. They did repeat something I had heard already, That most harm to wildlife from plastic is due to commercial fishing waste. Maybe then well intended plastic straw bans may be more detrimental to the environment. When new plastics recycling technologies may be a solution. Just two examples of possibly making things worse by trying to make things better; by not understanding all that needs considering and how the many factors are .involved directly and indirectly. Where to begin to make sense of it all? The science, gaps in our knowledge, human health, biosphere health, social factors , financial factors, natural resources cost and political considerations all the feedbacks and things I've forgotten to mention-climate there's one! Maybe mapping webs of interactions. I can remember Greenpeace protesting about how Shell oil was decommissioning one of its oil rigs. It turned out they were doing it in the most environmentally friendly way. Protesting is easier than doing the right and beat all-round.

      Hi Georgia, yes indeed it is very complicated , thanks for sharing your thoughts. I agree , I believe that we can success if the team and the solutions are concrete and adapted in considering the actual global systems, the psychology , the conflicts of interests...... Like I told I don t want to harm or disturb in making a revolution not wise if I can say, I just believe that these solutions exist and mainly the ecology and these wheels in orbit to catalise the global economy, create jobs, reasure these humans. The richest, these billonaires, these royal famillies, the scientists, thinkers understanding this universal altruism have at my humble opinion a responsability . Friendly, regards

      Sorry I have told Georgia instead of Georgina, I write too quickly without rereading lol , you know Georgina, the problem is to convice to participate , the humans follow when they have interests, or when the vanity is satisfied mainly, it is our nature unfortunatelly, but I know that the real universalists exist and FQXi and its members are relevant, the butterfly effect can be a reality, we need just a small catalyser and it will be ok, if the books of concrete adapted global solutions is well made, if the team is relevant, these high spheres of power with the humans following and supporting us , we can success, the aim I repeat is just an improvement of this global system and not to harm, disturb or this or that, we just create solutions rational considering our potential

      It is of course an important point to check this nuclear fusion, the climate change that said it is too late, what we must do is to find the adaptations mainly and the preventions. We must absolutelly improve the global ecology and be more responsible, the vegetal multiplication is essential and harmonisation of ecosystems and also the improvements of soils with the composting at big global scale and we insert this compost in the soils and we create optimised argilo humic complex and also we must wash and improve also the oceans,

      the compost is important for the soils and this vegetal multiplication, the food chains begin with the soils and after the animals and vegetals in respecting the ecology help to have the points of equilibrium

      a thing that I have tested like I am passionated by ecology and horticulture is to test the plants in this compost and argilo humic complex, the results are incredible, they grow better the plants, their qualities are optimised and also their resistance to diseases is better, they are stronger and so that implies that we don t utilise phytoparmaceutical products wich destroy the ecosystems , imply mutations and permit to disease to become more resistant furthermore, it is always a question of generality simply , the monocultures and phytopharmaceutical products are not the solution , even for the humans who eat these products, it is better natural products simply

        Water use exceeding regeneration of supply in some places, is a problem you haven't mentioned. Cattle ranching can be problematic in this regard.

        Hello Georgina, thanks,indeed it important also, do n t hesitate to share your ideas for the water , it isan important foundamental point also the cycles, recyclings of this water globally and locally , regards

        2 months later

        Dear All,

        I don t know if the persons are aware of this but we have created due to our evolution and technologies an extinction of the Holocene , it is due to deforestation, hunting,industrialisation ,pollution,climate change, bad ecologies,.....we create a chaotical system and we are going to pay the price in a near future .

        I don t understand how it is possible that the UN does not oblige all the governments with laws to change this. The future of this planet is in the hands of actual governments. These governments and UN must listen to the scientists, philosophes, thinkers aware of what we make .

        The restabilisation of ecosystems and harmonisations of ecosystems are essential to reach points of equilibrium, we cannot accept this, it is not in accepting our human evolution only in believing it is like this that we shall solve the major problems. The problem is psychological we accept simply a kind of normality of human evolution without really considering the other animals and vegetals. I don t understand how it is possible that at this UN the laws are not created for a better globality. Is it just the money now the most important and the economy , are we just governed by secretaires billonaires not aware of these problems . It is an extinction of the Holocene it is not nothing, and don t believe that our intelligence is going to find the solutions and adaptations if we don t change . We must absolutelly change now with adapted laws obliging all governements to solve .

        I am sad because they exist these solutions and I don t understand how it is possible that our collective logic universal consciousness does not act correctly in the high spheres of power.

        9 days later

        Greed and apathy, produce shortsightedness... If things don't change you're prediction will manifest.

          Michael McKay Hello , thanks for coming on FQXi, I know it is sad, this vanity, greed , this normality accepted, ....that destroys our potential about this collective consciousness, all what wants the humans is to satisfy their vanity and also this wallet for the majortity, they are not ready I believe to be united and make a difference. Here on FQXi the members are relevant but they are too much occupied with their life and have been already satisfied in being recognised so they don t care, they care only about themselves, I find this sad because we shall change nothing if we are not united and FQXi is the best place because the members are the smartest of this earth and in logic the most aware of global problems, I am sad in a sense , this vanity and the fact to be all divided in trying to find our place in this global system is a sad reality, if the institutes like the future of life institute, FQXi and others more the thinkers relevant in philosophy and the scientists aware of this universal altruism could be unified and if they focus, we shall be taken seriously by the high spheres of power in being concrete with these adapted solutions, with the help of celebrities also and some universities. The humans must be conscious that we have destroyed this Holocene in a short period and that our actual ways of life shall imply an ocean of chaotical exponentials soon , I don t understand how is it possible that nothing is made concretelly, of course there are many systems working but they are divided and this vanity does not arrange the problem unfortunatelly ,

          7 days later

          Fqxi is a wonderful platform and the members are relevant, several are Nobel Prizes even. I have created this forum to unite and create these solutions like I said. Alone I cannot success, and I know that the members are occupied with their lifes , Jobs or others. That said this project is possible if and only if we are a concrete strong team, the high spheres of power, the medias, the institutes....shall listen and help only if the team is concrete and relevant, me I work my theory but I am not known like several members, so with the help of members and celebrities , it is sure we can success because the systems shall tell, this team is relevant and concrete simply , so we can listen to them and what they have like solutions of win win for this planet. The butterfly effect can be a reality if we focus and if the persons, thinkers, members, celebrities follow , I don t want to be the leader of this project, I just believe strongly that it is possible to improve the global systems with determinism in considering all the parameters. We are all divided and alone, it will be ok only if we are united and with a concrete team , relevant .