Discussion on facebook with different thinkers
Gerhard Ris Alas the only way to get to their hearts and minds is to show that a different way of understanding what a human is, will make everyone successful.
Yet that needs to be irrfutably proven in a practical test.
Only when teamed up properly and having decent bread and decent games without pestering can humans think properly. We have probably run out of time, yet might stil mke it in the nick of time.
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Steve DufournyEn ligne
Steve Dufourny yes indeed it is well said, a new road tending to this universalism where the nice competing and cooperating nations well governed act with wisdom instead of this unconsciousness, the points of equilibrium can be reached. Friendly
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Ulla MattfolkEn ligne
Ulla Mattfolk Only when teamed up properly and having decent bread and decent games without pestering can humans think properly.
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Steve Dufourny
Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji
Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji You are right.
But what is the main problem?
Don't mind.
And why?
Who they are?
The answer is Atheist. They can target every religion!!!
I saw many timeテ-- 100 in many science groups, that theses atheists target every other religions, so they will destroy our research and our science!!@
Don't mind, Atheists!!
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Steve Dufourny
Steve Dufourny Hello, it is complex, the atheists sometimes can be good humans , I beleive that maybe it is the lack of consciousness,
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Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji
Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji Not all atheists are bad!!!
There are many others in Islam, christianity......, that use bad grammar to destroy our society, but atheists can destroy our characters.
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Steve Dufourny
Steve Dufourny you reach an important point indeed, all seems a question of consciousness and philosphy after all
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Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji
Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji Yes, it is big problem.
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Steve Dufourny
Steve Dufourny Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji Yes , I am worry about the fact that many odd systems unconscious continue, they exist everywhere like the corruptions and the bad governances, maybe it is time at this UN and in all nations to give the keys in the hands of universlists, conscious having concrete global solutions in sciences also to reach these points of equilibrium, if not these unconscious lacking of universal faith are going to destroy all at my humble opinion
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Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji
Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji Steve Dufourny Yes, there are many devils in every society mean in every religion. They are trying to destroy the peaceful environment. United Nations plus us must take action against them , to stop them. But on the other hand side some of the departments of UN failed to work equally for everyone in the world.
For example,
1) WHO in Covid-19.
2) UN failed to solve Kashmir and Palestine territory .
3) Afghanistan fight.
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Steve Dufourny
Steve Dufourny Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji if we must make a war, it is against all these unconscious for me everywhere in all countries, a nice war in sorting them and stopping them, their only one goal is to make money, satisfy their vanity, their greed, their hormons, ego and profit of the global system, they are the global problem , and this reality exists everywhere in all countries, the nice universalists have been too nice maybe in fact simply
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Steve Dufourny
Steve Dufourny Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji yes sure I agree, the UN seems to have too much problems to solve and lack of potential, their goals are essential but they don t reach them, they are just words , it is still due to fact that the majority don t respect these hoals with this said consciousness
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Steve Dufourny
Steve Dufourny Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji if you want , you are welcome on this group that I have created on FQXi , global collaboration, our goal is to unite the real universal scientists and create a manifest of solutions adapted to convice this UN, it is the begining but I will not stop, we must try to solve
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Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji
Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji Steve Dufourny yes, you are right. UN can't solve every problem in the world. I think it is impossible!!
But Kashmir and Israel- Palestine both are problems in which N- number of simple and good villagers were killed. ...Voir plus
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Steve Dufourny
Steve Dufourny Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji I can understand indeed , the hate increases in many nations due to fact that we don t solve generally and globally, so people looses confident in this UN, the same for the hunger the forgot place, children die and we go on mars ,it is more than paradoxal, it is ironical and sad, it lacks several universal parameters, in fact people speaks but don t act really at this UN unfortunally, we must change , if not we shall pay quickly the price and the chaos will be a reality instead of this harmony
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Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji
Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji Steve Dufourny yes Sir, that's the reality.
On the hand side, Since last 6 months American especially President Trump saying, UN working only for Chinese, while Chinease blaming Americans.
People in Asia thinking " American is the UN.
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Steve Dufourny
Steve Dufourny Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji there is a problem of ideology between these two countries, I beleive strongly that the balance between them is a foundamental, the china, and USA could find the points of equilibrium between the capitalism conscious and the socialism conscious, but the big question is, are they ready to work together for the well of all, they must take their responsabilities it seems to me
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Steve Dufourny
Steve Dufourny India, europa and the arabic world also must work with them
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Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji
Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji Steve Dufourny that's the correct 100%.
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ツキ Rテゥpondre ツキ 56 min