Dear Tung,
Goof analysis of Bells view. Very brave to offer a model. All say it doesn't work, but I perceive some elements which could correspond to one which does. if you can think ontologically for a moment;
OAM has TWO momenta states available for momentum transfer by vector addition on interaction; CURL is max at poles and 0 at the equator. Then also LINEAR; 1 at the equator and 0 at the poles! What's more both these change in value by the cosine of the angle of latitude over 90 degrees!! Also a sphere axis can be orientated anywhere in 3D, so rotate on it's 2 secondary axes.
First consider the pair as having the same random axis angle but opposite orientation. Now consider the polariser screen electron, angle set by A & B. Work out the vector addition, then do it again at the photomultiplier electrons, then the 'click rates' (major axis orientations) DO produce the QM data set, the Dirac equation and Bells inequalities, and just as Bell anticipated! (output verified independently by computer plot.)
So I think you were on the right track, just needed a bit more ontology. Let me know if you can follow it, or see my last years essay which I touch on this year.
I think your very low rating is a travesty, so will help it.
Very best