I just checked. The reactive region of a 21cm near field wavelength would be in the ballpark of the gravitational diameter on an excited free electron modeled on the exponential density distribution rationale I use, So the conventional rationale of the ground state electron in superposition on the proton in a hydrogen atom producing a 21cm photon may not be that physically inexplicable. jrc

A black hole is a matter-action transformation to pure quantum phase. Of course, the BH has all of the original gravity of its matter, but all of the information of that matter is now encoded as quantum phase. This includes the quantum phase of each atom's photon exchange bond, which still correlates with each atom's CMB creation photon.

Of course, gravity as a scalar force is a matter-action scalar monopole just like charge, but in matter action with radiation, gravity is also a vector force as well, just like magnetism is due to moving charge. Vector gravitism is responsible for galaxy rotation without the need to invoke any dark matter mysteries. Likewise, gravitism is also responsible for galaxy motion in clusters and gravity lensing of light, not dark matter.

Hi dear fqxi community, very cool this discussion, thanks, Steve great also this attachment , near field far field, regards

13 days later
13 days later

Hi Friends,

Electromagnetism is a field theory, Because of that, the result of QED was a quantum field theory - a quantum theory that contains a value at every point in space

in QED two particles communicate their electromagnetic information by emitting and absorbing a photon. A photon that acts in this manner is called a virtual photon or a messenger photon, because it is created solely for the purpose of exchanging this information


Can somebody elaborate on QED , Please ?


Raghunath Tiruvaipati


5 months later
  • [deleted]

good to read this post

9 months later

I have been looking for this information for quite some time. Will look around your website.

3 months later

Hi , what is this law assigments help lol we are on a platform of theoretical physics , not about laws , that said the laws in physics are important and and connot the most of the time be violated, regards

Returning about these gravitons. We know that we have this problem of renormalisation with the GR. The QFT and the self similar geometric structures imply problems of quantization of these gravitons. The problem is to consider these gravitons massless like foundamental strings in fact at my opinion. The problem comes from the fact to consider them travelling at c, and so it is still this philosophical problem of the oririn primary of the universe, if we consider the photons and the GR alone to explain the emergent QM and baryonic matter, that does not solve.

It is there that we must think beyond the box , the massless spin-2 field wich would couple to the stress-energy tensor need a deeper logic superimposed. If now we just consider that the 3 known forces are just due to photons encoded but different in number , that is why the photon creates this ekectromagnmetism and after more photons create the weak interaction and after more photons so the gluons create the nuclear forces.

Now this logic implies so a relativistic bridge after this electromagnetism and if my resoning is correct about the fact that this space vacuum of the DE possesses the main codes and so encodes the photons and the cold dark matter, it becomes easier because in fact the standard model is encircled by this ravitation and we have so in respecting newton the auantum gravitation appearing with a force different weaker and we have too a fith force farer than this nuclear force , a stronger gravitational force. This reasoning permits to reduce to Newton's law of gravitation in the weak-field limit.

The planck scale too is problematic and it is still due to this GR alone taken into account and these strings, now if you take these series of 3D spheres and the 3 spacetimes, that solves in all humility. It is not about strings or branes at low-energy vibrational states, no but about 3D spheres occillating and in motions and 3 spacetimes. Furthermore in this reasoning that solves the constant cosmological problem too because they are not massless dear friends.

    The main problem for me humbly is our GR .If we take the GR we know that the gravitation is not vectorial at the difference of 3

    l'interaction gravitationnelle n'a pas une représentation vectorielle, comme les trois autres forces. En effet, elle se fond alors avec la membrane de l'espace-temps : dans le paradigme de la relativité générale, les masses ne s'attirent plus : elles suivent simplement les géodésiques d'un espace-temps ordonné par le tenseur énergie-impulsion réparti dans l'univers. Dans ce cadre, il n'y a nul besoin d'une particule pour transmettre la gravitation, celle-ci étant inhérente à la 'forme' même de l'univers, ou plus exactement à ses déformations locales. Ceci justifie que, en un endroit précis de l'espace, des corps de masses différentes suivront strictement la même trajectoire (en l'absence de l'intervention de forces extérieures : électromagnétiques, par exemple, ou chocs).

    sorry , The main problem for me humbly is our GR .If we take the GR we know that the gravitation is not vectorial at the difference of 3 other forces. so we have a gravitation where the mass don t attract and it is there the problem .

    I have put my post under review because I wrote in french lol, sorry.

    But retruning at all this, this reasoning can too improve the broken symmetry and the properties of Higgs bosons, it is not only with this broken symmetry that the mass appears but in fact this broken symmetry activates a process and permit the distribution of the mass of this cold dark matter encoded. An other point too wich can be considered in this logic where the space vaccuum of the DE possesses the main codes and informations is so that these photons have more energy than mass and the cold dark matter it is the opposite.

    Se that this reasoning can solve many problems , due to the 3 main systems merging together to create our baryonic matter . The stings or points in 1D at this planck scale and the fact to consider the GR and photons alone like primary essence imply too much problems that we cannot solve. The vibrational states and differenmt energies of these strings inside these photons connected with this GR and the EFE have created a kind of philosophical prison.The problem is that we can actually only observe this GR and photons, but the two other spacetimes are relevant to consider . See too that these broken symmetries too are relevant for the spheres and the transformations considering the 3 main series of 3D spheres.

    If the matter antimatter broken symmetry has explained the mass , it is not that the mass appears like this but is under a deeper logic of this cold dark matter.

    All this implies a better understanding of whjat is the matter and antimatter and why we have not only photons but the DE and DM too to consider. That solves the constant cosmological rpoblem and we have a deeper logic to add to this BB .

    It is there that we can unify all , the matter , the antimatter, the photons,the cold dark matter, the DE and the Spheres like primary essence , like foundamental objects. There are matrix and probablilities for all this puzzle and rankings , we must just think beyond this relativistic bridge .

    you know a very weak mass for the photons don t contredict the electromagnetism and the gauge invariances , that can be correct in modifying the maxwell eauqtions and the lagrange works and so we have equations of motions concrete.

    we just stop the gauge invariances with the massless photons.

    that changes even all about the speeds of electromagnetic waves.

    we can try to prove this with an experiment with the speeds of electromagnetic rays and the frequences but how.

    If I am correct, einstein is false for several things,an other idea to prove that these photons have a mass is the polarisations and lorentz transformation,

    we must too differenciate the electromagnetic analyses in taking a difference between the electric field and the magnetic field.

    the electromagnetic interactions are the keys and if they are not infinite ......that will prove my reasoning

    the spheres and their volumes and also the gauss works can help about the charges but I am not sure

    we need for a photon with a mass to break the symmetries for the standard model and for this we need to add other particles encoded and if this cold dark matter is the key and the bridge with the temperature , there is a limit somewhere very precise and if the neutrinos and this DE and DM in the standard model are the keys, so I can prove my reasoning

    if I am right it is revolutionary in all humility, that disproves the photons massless

    and that solves the quantum gravitation, the constant cosmological problem and that reconciliates newton. it is indeed important because we need to superimpose new groups of symmetries for the standard model and so we have broken symmetries,

    I have look at several datas and our actual models, we need really to modify the equations of Einstein, it is not the MONDs wich are relevant but the fact to superimpose the DE and DM to the newtonian mechanic and the GR and EFE in ranking the metrics in function of paramters and in function of measurements and observations. The fact to consider only one spacetime is a problem and the fact to consider this special relativity too with the mass energyu equivalence.

    This GR and the SR have really created a trap and a prison ,that is why now they turn all in round in this philosophical prison in trying to find with the geom alg , the tensors, the hilbert actions, the flows, the strings, the fields an explaination for the emergent baryonic matter and its topologies, eometries, it is really a problem of philosophy about the transformation matter energy, they are not the same , we have in logic 5 main systems, in my model made of series of 3D spheres in a superfluidity for the 3 spacetimes. We have the photons, the cold dark matter and the DE for the systems free cosmologically speaking , and after when they merge we have the baryonic matter, We can so superimpose 4 E8 probably in considering instead of points or strings the 3D spheres. And after we have probably a 0D of this infinite eternal consciousness paradoxally beyond and everywhere in this physicality, if we superimpose the 5 systems we have a kind of GUT .I need help for all this puzzle, Newton and einstein were not false, it is just that they need to be adapted in function of several parameters and in considering this DM and DE .

    If we consider so the superfluidity and the 3 spacetimes , so we must modify the einstein equations or adapt them. The second law of thermo mayis important and the pressure . That implies that this DE is important for the momentum and energy densities. We can of course too conside this reasoning for the quantum mechanics wich is in this reasoning not a result of fields of this GR with the geometrical algebras but due to the 3 spacetimes mer4ging together to create this baryonic matter, see that the quantum gravitation is easier to renormalise.

    For the cosmological constant problem, it is really this expansion the problem in the GR and so the second law of thermo, and so the adiatbatic process.If we consider now this superfluidity for the 3 spacetimes due to specific series of spherical volumes, that becomes relevant , we can adapt the pressures and densities.

    This gravitation is the main chief orchestra like a hand of God, Newton and Einstein were not false, just that their works are not complete......

    They have so tried to reduce the dimensions with the GR, the strings or the non commutativity , with the twistors , the loops or even in inserting a 5D and in correlating with Kaluza Klein theory , they have all tried with the geometrical algebras to renormalise this QG , but nothing, they have tried to unify G c and h, the QM and the GR, but nothing, they have even considered the gravitons like the quanta of gravitational waves , but nothing. The problem is philosophical and due to this GR really . All turning in round in this prison and all endoctrinated in this trap lol and whe you explain them that they must think beyond the box and consider deeper parameters to superimpose and that we must modify the einstein equations oh my god they are angry, their vanity is touched, them who thought to be smart and to understand the laws of the universe, so they are more than angry, it is normal because you touch their philosophy , thei works, thei minds, their hearts and souls even, so they ignore or they are jealous if a person think differently, they dislike the differences, they dislike even the innovative thoughts, they are simply humans frustrated . The only one road to shut up their mooths and to give them a lesson is to prove your assumptions and works, There they shall be still more disgusted because they shall be aware that they have lost their time during many years for nnothing and that even all their general philosophy about the universe is fake . Welcome on earth and happy holy vanity day to all ,

    We must indeed modify the equations of Einstein and it is a also an enormous philosophical revolution. Now let s take my intuitive equation about the matter energy , it permits to understand why the baryonic matter is due to the 3 systems merging , the photons, the DE and the DM, so here is the equation E=m[c^2+Xl^2]+Y . It changes all about the matter energy equivalaence, about the gravitationa and about the philosophy of the universe.

    An important point is this apce vacuum of the DE possessing the main informations and codes , geonetrical, topological and about the properties of our standard model and also can give answer about the consciousness and about the diversity of our atoms , and this evolution for the chemistry and biology, mainly with the spherical volumes and too with the symplectomorphisms preserving the volumes of these spheres.

    The spherical topological geometrical algebras are for this , and when we play with the scalars, vectors, motions, oscillations, non associativity,non commutativity , it becomes revlevant in all humility.

    The quantum gravitation can be quantified and the constant cosmological problem has a road of explaination with this antigravitational push of this DE and the quantum fluctuations can be better understood.

    Einstein and Newton were not false, not it is simply that they must be completed and adapted in function of parameters.

    The mach , de sitter , einstein ideas so about this universe must consider deeper parameters , and so the BB must be also adapted . The problem is really to have considered these photons like the primary essence. And maybe too to ave considered them massless , and also to have only considered this mass energy equivalence of the SR.

    This vacuum is a key dear all and is the secret of all at my humble opinion, this Energy and main informations is fascinating in fact.

    6 days later

    If this spacevacuum of the DE is the key for the main codes and informations and that we have so the 3 systems free cosmologically, this DE more the DM and the photons , and that when they merge together they create the baryonic matter, so all can be unified for the standard model in considering my equation and in unifying so the informations, the gravitation and the electromagnetism.

    All is a question of balaces , between so the heat and cold , due to the two fuels encoded the photons and the cold dark matter. The electromagnetism appears due to these photons and the quantum gravitation due to this cold dark matter, the mass is simply so activated due to the informations of the DE and so the photons , the higgs and the cold dark matter permit so the different atoms and so different mass and properties.

    This reasoning I beleive can help a lot to better understand the deepest unknowns , and also see that a fith force appears with my equation and that this quantum gravitation too is explained with the gravitons wich are not the quanta of these gravitational waves but particles of this DM. See that this fith force due to this DE possessing the main infromations is antigravitational and permit to balance the two others,m the electromagnetism and the gravitation. In fact that becomes relevant and that unifies all at all scales furthermore.

    Now let s consider too this 0D maybe of this infinite eternal consciousness, so we have 4 systems in 3D and one in 0D, maybe there is something to analyse there too considering the emergence of this consciousness is after a specific system biological this OD can interact but of course it is an assumption.

    The spherical geometrical algebras that I have invencted and these quantum spherical series having oddly this dirac large number becomes intriguing now if this number does not change when the series merge together , that is why the symplectomorphisms correlated with the informations become relevant for the deformations of these 3D spheres preserving the volumes.