This gravitation is the main chief orchestra like a hand of God, Newton and Einstein were not false, just that their works are not complete......

They have so tried to reduce the dimensions with the GR, the strings or the non commutativity , with the twistors , the loops or even in inserting a 5D and in correlating with Kaluza Klein theory , they have all tried with the geometrical algebras to renormalise this QG , but nothing, they have tried to unify G c and h, the QM and the GR, but nothing, they have even considered the gravitons like the quanta of gravitational waves , but nothing. The problem is philosophical and due to this GR really . All turning in round in this prison and all endoctrinated in this trap lol and whe you explain them that they must think beyond the box and consider deeper parameters to superimpose and that we must modify the einstein equations oh my god they are angry, their vanity is touched, them who thought to be smart and to understand the laws of the universe, so they are more than angry, it is normal because you touch their philosophy , thei works, thei minds, their hearts and souls even, so they ignore or they are jealous if a person think differently, they dislike the differences, they dislike even the innovative thoughts, they are simply humans frustrated . The only one road to shut up their mooths and to give them a lesson is to prove your assumptions and works, There they shall be still more disgusted because they shall be aware that they have lost their time during many years for nnothing and that even all their general philosophy about the universe is fake . Welcome on earth and happy holy vanity day to all ,

We must indeed modify the equations of Einstein and it is a also an enormous philosophical revolution. Now let s take my intuitive equation about the matter energy , it permits to understand why the baryonic matter is due to the 3 systems merging , the photons, the DE and the DM, so here is the equation E=m[c^2+Xl^2]+Y . It changes all about the matter energy equivalaence, about the gravitationa and about the philosophy of the universe.

An important point is this apce vacuum of the DE possessing the main informations and codes , geonetrical, topological and about the properties of our standard model and also can give answer about the consciousness and about the diversity of our atoms , and this evolution for the chemistry and biology, mainly with the spherical volumes and too with the symplectomorphisms preserving the volumes of these spheres.

The spherical topological geometrical algebras are for this , and when we play with the scalars, vectors, motions, oscillations, non associativity,non commutativity , it becomes revlevant in all humility.

The quantum gravitation can be quantified and the constant cosmological problem has a road of explaination with this antigravitational push of this DE and the quantum fluctuations can be better understood.

Einstein and Newton were not false, not it is simply that they must be completed and adapted in function of parameters.

The mach , de sitter , einstein ideas so about this universe must consider deeper parameters , and so the BB must be also adapted . The problem is really to have considered these photons like the primary essence. And maybe too to ave considered them massless , and also to have only considered this mass energy equivalence of the SR.

This vacuum is a key dear all and is the secret of all at my humble opinion, this Energy and main informations is fascinating in fact.

6 days later

If this spacevacuum of the DE is the key for the main codes and informations and that we have so the 3 systems free cosmologically, this DE more the DM and the photons , and that when they merge together they create the baryonic matter, so all can be unified for the standard model in considering my equation and in unifying so the informations, the gravitation and the electromagnetism.

All is a question of balaces , between so the heat and cold , due to the two fuels encoded the photons and the cold dark matter. The electromagnetism appears due to these photons and the quantum gravitation due to this cold dark matter, the mass is simply so activated due to the informations of the DE and so the photons , the higgs and the cold dark matter permit so the different atoms and so different mass and properties.

This reasoning I beleive can help a lot to better understand the deepest unknowns , and also see that a fith force appears with my equation and that this quantum gravitation too is explained with the gravitons wich are not the quanta of these gravitational waves but particles of this DM. See that this fith force due to this DE possessing the main infromations is antigravitational and permit to balance the two others,m the electromagnetism and the gravitation. In fact that becomes relevant and that unifies all at all scales furthermore.

Now let s consider too this 0D maybe of this infinite eternal consciousness, so we have 4 systems in 3D and one in 0D, maybe there is something to analyse there too considering the emergence of this consciousness is after a specific system biological this OD can interact but of course it is an assumption.

The spherical geometrical algebras that I have invencted and these quantum spherical series having oddly this dirac large number becomes intriguing now if this number does not change when the series merge together , that is why the symplectomorphisms correlated with the informations become relevant for the deformations of these 3D spheres preserving the volumes.

Now the real secret and interest is to understand what is really this DE, this main informations permitting the diversity of the universe and its evolution, imagine now that a particle of DE is made like in my model of this serie having this dirac large number and implying this superfluidity due to specifc volumes, imagine that these informations is just a question of motions, rotations, oscillations of these spheres of this DE and so in encoding the DM and the photons it creates this baryonic matter. We need something after all explaining the diversity of atoms, and the moleculs and the biology , and this evolution ,the actual standard model cannot explain this. So in fact DE , DM, photons is like informations, electromagnetris, gravitation, and like codes, heat, cold, and like informations, fields, mass......

In my model of Spherisation, this DE is essential cosmologically speaking and we see an acceleration but we shall have in loic a deccelration towrds the maximum spherical volume and after a probable Big crunch but towards the points of equilibrium, it is logic due to the fact that this baryonic matter in logic increases in mass. A relevance is that this future can be extrapolated considering the DM disponible and explaining the mass in being encoded in this space vacuum of the DE of this baryonic matter.

The photons are just a fuel permitting this observable GR, permit the fact to observe, the heat and the electromagnetism too. These photons are not in logic the primary building blocks of the universe and the strings don t seem to e the foundamental objects .

The fact that we have an evolution is essential and that the photons , the DE and the DM merging to create this baryonic matter is important to predict the future of the universe but also the future of the baryonic matter and its complexification. It is really the meaning of my theory of spherisation with these quantum spheres.

Can we consider this DE like a field of informations, maybe but I prefer a superfluid having the main codes and informations. If the motions of series of spheres of these particles of DE are the key , so their motions, rotations, vibrations and their volumes become the informations. The fact that this DE is anti gravitational seems important too and permit to balance the two other systems ,the photons and the cold dark matter being gravitational in fact and for the two scales, cosmological and quant . The baryonic matter and the standard model too is balanced .

The entropy information of this DE can be predicted in logic but wowww it is a big puzzle, we don t check it at this moment but this DE is there in our baryonic matter and at this comsological scale too .It is even a fith force in considering the stantard model.

You know, for these deepest unknowls like this DE and DM , at the two scales , quant and cosmological , it is difficult to measure or observe them due to probably problems of scales but also problems of relativity and photonic observations and measurements. But in logic there are roads to measure them, we can see their properties and interactions. In logic it is about the fact to factalise the dimensions but about the fact to factalise the dimension 3D. It is different for the geometrical algebras.

This DE and DM are free cosmologically speaking when we observe them, but at this quantum scale for the baryonic matter, they are in our standard model and interact and have properties, but how and where it is the problem.

    It must exist experiments to find these parameters unknowns and interactions in our standard model, the problem is mainly they are not relativistic, but I have an idea, we could light these particles of DE and DM , and like they are going to react with these photons during a time, and after probably loose these photons, we could observe them during a time due to these photons anjd so we could deduce properties or others. The statistics and probabilities can be utilised. For some scales it is very difficult to predict what we have But maybe there are roads .

    To my great regret, I was just introduced to this 2020 article. My highest congratulations to the authors.

    I just want to draw your attention to the figure in this short paper, the treatment of the epsilon-epsilon' configuration, in the Gaussian domain of a simple harmonic oscillator. Like a pendulum, a state change in the line is action in the system.

    radiation without annihilation

    And yes, the importance of noise:

    space roar

    I can't help thinking we're on the brink of a coherent theory of quantum gravity.

      Hi Tom,of course it is a good attempt this paper but that does not quantify the QG and don t solve the problem of gravitons insteravcting with themselves even with harmonic osciilations and actions with different paritions in the domain.

      Like I said the main problem at my humbloe opinion is the philosophy of origin of our universe, the majority continues to turn in round in this prison of the GR and SR in consideirng only these photons like primary essence. I don t understand why they don t try to superimpose deeper paraneters, and this DE and DM are there to help, so why they insist always on the points or strings and the correlated geom alg and the fields like origin and extradiemnsions i n trying to unify G c and h, since that all they try we see well that it is not renormalisable in this line of reasoning, regards

      Tom, Steve,

      I think it is important to conceive of "a state change in the line is action in the system". This is naturally a continuum, and perhaps the most easily envisioned definitive recognition of simple connectivity that is quintessential of the whole of real, physical Spacetime.

      Time is treated in a variety of applications, both linear and nonlinear, specific to the task under analysis. But all those characteristic properties of action must also be naturally coexistent in a unified reality. "That dog don't hunt!" is an old saying generally referring to the keen sense of smell canines are famous for, and if a dog can't follow it's nose, it can't track down the source of the scent. So treating Time as only one dimension, or one operative property, is following only one characteristic of the scent. We can, and must, accept the bounded interval of light velocity as a universal constraint; but that Dog 'hunts' for what that velocity might physically, really might be across any theoretically expressed proper measured interval. And that Speed of Time can only be something, anywhere, between nil and light velocity. And physically operating as a continuous 'hunting' between those bounds. We can arbitrarily structure that hunt theoretically; and propose that Time searches for its operational rate as an exponential function, rising from nil to its upper limit and back again. So it also argues that anywhere along a line across a spatial distance, that 'hunt' for existential velocity of Time, is a continuous changing of state. best as I can express the idea at the moment :-) jrc


      Good insights.

      By a state change in the line, I mean the same thing as meant by measuring the motion of a pendulum bob forced from its equilibrium state.

      The question of whether the bob was ever initially in its equilibrium state is the deep question posed to Lemaitre.

      Nevertheless-- because I propose that time is a local nonlinear phenomenon (as opposed to those quantum theorists who characterize time as a nonlocal linear phenomenon)--every quantum measurement is time-dependent. As a consequence, as Einstein said, all physics is local.

        If Steve Agnew is still around, I would like to engage. From an earlier post of Steve's:

        "Graviton noise seems to be that perturbation and yet Science does not yet realize that this is actually the basis of physical reality. Once again, no one that I know believes this except for me...but I believe that one person can change the universe...and am... "

        I'm with you.

          Hi Tom, It is total nonsense because it cannot be massless and cannot comes from this GR and from these gravitational waves, you make all the same error . I know that it is difficult to accept , the only one way to success with the GR is to consider a massive gravity and it is not possible because if yes the speeds of gravitational waves change and so there are problems. These graitons must have a totally different logic and must have a mass .

          And you can even cponsider the quantum state of the gravitational fieldam and a tensor product of the Hilbert states of the individual graviton mode, that will not change the problem.

          The massless state of foundamental strings too have the same problem of renormalisation, if the thinkers cannot see this evidence and that we must consider a deeper logic than this GR , so frankly they are just encodctrinated by the photons and the GR simply, and the perturbations, the fluctuations, the degrees of freedom in this GR are not the problem, the problem is philosophical and the fact to add a deeper logic to this GR.


          and one person cannot chage the universe, let s be humble please too . One person maybe can change the earth but apparently the vanity is a problem because I have created a concrete project to solve the major problems on earth with the forum Global collaboration, but all they are vanitious or sometimes jealous or other, that makes me laugh the humans frankly , all they beleive they are special, we are not special , we are all equal.

          So to be frank you are oing to engage what lol, you have quantified it this QG, no , he has quantified it l, no , Wilczek has quantified it, no, is it really necessary to discuss about a general false reasoning about these gravitons massless ., lol you are going to make what, to change the energy tensor product with the geometrical algebras like this E8 and a non commutativity with different groups and orders, let s be serious, it is not renormalisable like this simply. The feynman diagrams cannot solve,m the GR cannot solve becaiuse the infinute resulsts cannot disappear and also the gravitons interact with nthemselves infinitelly.If the thinkers don t understand this, there is a serious problem there. And the planck scale it is the same still , it is just an assumption and all they try to unify G c and h with foundamental strings in 1D at this planck scale, is it a joke in fact , a hidden camera maybe and after hop hocus pocus a low vibrational state of energy and the ADS CFT correspondance, and after hop hocus pocus, different vibrational states in this GR explain the DM, I see an ocean of nnon sense still due to this relativistic prison, they are not able now to consider a deeper logic than just these photons, these strings and this GR,and it is sad because the 3D spheres and the DM and DE are there to solve.

          and too I am going to tell you an assumption, for me our biggest error is to have considered only these photons like primary essence and this GR. And in fact the EFE and the SR and the mass energ equivalence have create this prison , because if the photons are not massless and that the gravitons are not massless and that we superimpose this DE and DM with the main codes for this DE, we can explain many unknowns in respecting the logic.Sometimes I tell me thaqt this GR and the EFE and the SR have simply been invented and improved by very smart persons to creatre this prison , like this during this time, the others that we don t see them continue to rank correctly the unknowns in secret in respecting newton, if you understand this, you understand the internal conpetitions about the physics and the conflicts of interest. I don t affirm but I tell me that it is not possible all this in fact , it is a joke. The best actual thinkers work in secret somewhere and don t publish , the otehrs makie a circus of vanity in trying to explain things not possible to explain with our actual lines of reasoning and this GR and SR. Threy give prizes lol but it is a joke

          So in resume, if and I tell if my reasoning is correct, our biggest error is to have considered these photons massless and if the photons and the DM are simply fuelds of mass and of energy encoded in the real particles massless the DE , there all can be solved , and when they merge together the 3 systems due to fact that this DE possesses the main codes, the bayonic matter appers and so we must change the mass energy equivalnce for the baryonic matter in considering my intuitive equation.

          so that implies even that this DE is pure energy and pure information and probably massless , but I am not sure of course, I try just to see how the universe acts to create this baryonic matter. If you consider the photons like the primary essence and the only one truth, many things are not renormalisable or explainable , I don t understand why the thinkers in majority consider only these photons and this GR and the fields like origin of the reality instead of particles in a superfluidity with the 3 systems free cosmologically speakinga nd the fourth when they merge the baryonic matter , many things are easier to explain in this line of reasoning.

          You can see easily that if these particles,bosons in our standard model have a non zero mass , a very very very small mass , that solves the quantum gravitation, but also the constant cosmological problem, so yes I insist the biggest error if to have considered this GR like the only one piece of puzzle, the error of the SR and mass energy equivalence and also to consider thes ephotons massless and now these gravitons, and also to consider the fields like primary essence, It is not coimplicated to consider these photons have a very small mass and more energy and the opposite for thecold dark matter, all this reasoning does not contridict the thermodynalics, it even don t contredict the observations of a kind of GR wich must be simply adapted in superimposing the deeper parameters and a superfluidity for the 3 spacetimes.