We must indeed modify the equations of Einstein and it is a also an enormous philosophical revolution. Now let s take my intuitive equation about the matter energy , it permits to understand why the baryonic matter is due to the 3 systems merging , the photons, the DE and the DM, so here is the equation E=m[c^2+Xl^2]+Y . It changes all about the matter energy equivalaence, about the gravitationa and about the philosophy of the universe.
An important point is this apce vacuum of the DE possessing the main informations and codes , geonetrical, topological and about the properties of our standard model and also can give answer about the consciousness and about the diversity of our atoms , and this evolution for the chemistry and biology, mainly with the spherical volumes and too with the symplectomorphisms preserving the volumes of these spheres.
The spherical topological geometrical algebras are for this , and when we play with the scalars, vectors, motions, oscillations, non associativity,non commutativity , it becomes revlevant in all humility.
The quantum gravitation can be quantified and the constant cosmological problem has a road of explaination with this antigravitational push of this DE and the quantum fluctuations can be better understood.
Einstein and Newton were not false, not it is simply that they must be completed and adapted in function of parameters.
The mach , de sitter , einstein ideas so about this universe must consider deeper parameters , and so the BB must be also adapted . The problem is really to have considered these photons like the primary essence. And maybe too to ave considered them massless , and also to have only considered this mass energy equivalence of the SR.
This vacuum is a key dear all and is the secret of all at my humble opinion, this Energy and main informations is fascinating in fact.