If this spacevacuum of the DE is the key for the main codes and informations and that we have so the 3 systems free cosmologically, this DE more the DM and the photons , and that when they merge together they create the baryonic matter, so all can be unified for the standard model in considering my equation and in unifying so the informations, the gravitation and the electromagnetism.
All is a question of balaces , between so the heat and cold , due to the two fuels encoded the photons and the cold dark matter. The electromagnetism appears due to these photons and the quantum gravitation due to this cold dark matter, the mass is simply so activated due to the informations of the DE and so the photons , the higgs and the cold dark matter permit so the different atoms and so different mass and properties.
This reasoning I beleive can help a lot to better understand the deepest unknowns , and also see that a fith force appears with my equation and that this quantum gravitation too is explained with the gravitons wich are not the quanta of these gravitational waves but particles of this DM. See that this fith force due to this DE possessing the main infromations is antigravitational and permit to balance the two others,m the electromagnetism and the gravitation. In fact that becomes relevant and that unifies all at all scales furthermore.
Now let s consider too this 0D maybe of this infinite eternal consciousness, so we have 4 systems in 3D and one in 0D, maybe there is something to analyse there too considering the emergence of this consciousness is after a specific system biological this OD can interact but of course it is an assumption.
The spherical geometrical algebras that I have invencted and these quantum spherical series having oddly this dirac large number becomes intriguing now if this number does not change when the series merge together , that is why the symplectomorphisms correlated with the informations become relevant for the deformations of these 3D spheres preserving the volumes.