A remark: This stochastic gravitation fits well with G as nonlocal. And it acts as a rubber that delete information, and hence creates a wave of time, at least contribute to it. So the second law again....
Regards Ulla Mattfolk
A remark: This stochastic gravitation fits well with G as nonlocal. And it acts as a rubber that delete information, and hence creates a wave of time, at least contribute to it. So the second law again....
Regards Ulla Mattfolk
The expanding graviton is stochastic by design. They randomly interact. The age range is what determines whether it will contribute to the lepton field, Higgs field or the spacetime continuum.
All those virtual photons that were proven to exist via the Casimir effect, are gravitons.
Curvature of spacetime due to planets, stars, and gravitationally signfiicant bodies are the result of the mass-energy, the stress-energy tensor casting a sort of negative energy "reflection" upon the spacetime continuum, which causes spacetime to warp, and also causes the average of momentum to vary with distance.
https://arxiv.org/abs/1604.00439 here you can see the termal noise as a blue line, actually with a spike near zero... /Ulla
If the mechanism of gravity was a constant stream of gravitons constantly being created from the Planck scale, then there would of course be gravitational noise.
Does anyone else have a theory of how gravitons are related to spacetime geometry?
This paper is a very good paper when we extrapolate the gravitons and the GR and the gravitational waves, but the problem is to consider still only this spacetimes made of photons only , furthermore the gravitational waves are effects on the GR like we know and we have had results due to these BHs colliding and so we have these waves acting on this spacetime and we have ghad results with Ligo . But never the quantum gravitation has been proved to be correlated with these gravitational waves and also that it is different modes for photons . In fact the paper is a good attempt but it considers like strings in fact and onmly photons liuke primordial essence and so they have inserted the noise to find them with the gravitational waves, but it is just photons oscillating, not particles of gravitation. The secret for me is to consider the vaccumm differently , the DE and also this Dark matter like a different non relativistic spacetime superimposed and consider the particles of gravitation correlated with this cold dark matter and we link with the anti matter. That needs a new partitions and new encodings in our nuclei, the fact to focus on this GR and gravitational waves is not the secret, it is not remormalisable and quantisable in this line of reasoning. This paper permits to find the modes of gravitational waves but has nothing to dfo with the quantum gravitation for me. So they have tried to unify the QM and the GR with these gravitational waves in changing the modes of photons giving gravitons, but that does not quantify the quantum gravitation unfortunally, that gives just noises for the modes of phtons oscillating differently due to gravitational waves, Wilczek is very relevant and I respect his idea but it is not quantised and not the good road for me. But it is just my opinion. The noise of gravitational waves is nnot the noise of particles of gravitation, it is different.
That implies this prison that I told you due to our GR and the D branes of strings theorists. They consider these gravitons and wave lenghts different but that does not explain the vector of this quantum gravitational force. The fact for example to take a string closed giving a circle and you can give modes and vibrations giving the properties of spin, charhes or others , that does not solve the problem because the modes are not the main essence giving the topologies, geometries, properties , and this GR is not the only one piece of puzzle, so that has nothing to do with these gravitational waves wich are simply modes of oscillations of photons of this spacetime giving a different interpretation of the gravitation at high velocities and we forget to consider the pure newtonian mechanics. That is why we need to superimpose a deeper logic to this standard model than just these modes, these photons and this GR. The quantum bgravitation is a different force simply than this electromagntism , that is why we cannot try to cobniser the vectors of gravitation for this GR and so we cannot try to utilise the same reasoning to quantify it at this quantum scale, that is whty we cannot renormalise it with the electromagntism reasoning and the modes and the photons and the strings, hope I am clear. We need a balance deeper than these different modes and we can respect the newtoniam mechanics if we consider different distances because the vacuum and the main codes more other particles encoded than these photons solve the problem of renormalisation. The rela problem I insist is to consider this GR like the only one piece ond these modes and so they try to unify the QM and the GR in playing with the Dbrames and photons but that does not converge, because it lacks simply somthing to superimpose. The GR is true for the photonic space time and is a wonderful tool but is not the only one truth of our universe , we cannot explain our unknowns with just this , the problem is philosophical, the majority off thinkers have considered this BB and so that we have just photons and after different modes and after they explain the geonetries , topologies, but it is reductor, the photons are just a fuel permitting the electromagntism, the fact to observe due to light and the heat and thermodynamics, but why are we sure that they are the omly one thing created at this hypotherical BB, the question is there, why we consider the photons and oscillations only instead to try to go deeper in trying to superimpose deeper logics ??? It is even the same with the broken symmetry at this plancl scale with Lorentz, it is there that they try to unify also this GR and this QM , but that does not converge even with the best mathematical tools, that proves that there is a big problem in fact and that it lacks something, it is evident than it is not a question of modes of photons , it is a question of a deeper graviotatiponal logic.
well, let s go farer now, we need to explain this DM, this DE, this antimatter and this quantum gravitation and we must unify for this the GR and the QM. So all has a logic of unification and if we don t consider these unknowns, so we cannot, first of all we must superimpose a space time made of cold dark matter at my humble opinion to this GR and we must consider the vacuum like a coded energy , tha main code in fact , it is this DE. that permits furthermore to encircle the evolution abd even the consciousness evolving but it is an other story. Now the dark matter ans the antimatter are correlated , they permit to balance our GR and our actual stadard model and explain also with this DM encoded in nuclei the quantum gravitation . Why ? because we need a balance for our standard model like a gravitation cold balancing this heat and electromagntism and also a link with the antimatter permiiting the same , so that becomes simple but complex in details when we consider the propertices of particles due to these 3 main system merging creating these topologies, geonetries, amtters and peoperties like the charges,spin.....that implies a depper intepretation than this BB with this cold dark matter and this antimatter, we don t need to consider an antiverse but just a matter cold balancing , it balances evenm at all scales , quant or cosmological. That explain even the ahinilations of particles due to these two opposite logic , furthermore this quantum gravitation is reached because we have a deeper gravitational logic due to this coded vaccuum this DE and the cold DM encoded , see that the actual standard model is simply an emergent system but that the main codes are farer and so we can respect the newtoniam mechanics and unify the GR and this QM because the GR is simply noty the only one spacetime,it is just a photonic observable spacetime interpretating the gravitation like a curvature of our space time. It is there the error of thinkers, they have tried to unify this GR and this QM in this reasoning without respecting the newtonian mechanics. So they cannot renormalise it simply. It is evident that we must unify all and not only the GR and this QM. See that the baryogenesis also is solved in this line of reasoning. The importance also is to consider that all is made of particles in a kind of superfluid , my 3D coded spheres respect this reasoning and all is in contact and so the waves particles duality and the fields are not a proble, that can converge and there is even a conjecture with the Mtheory and superstrings. But the main origin is particles and not fields in my model.So that converges with the Hylogeneisis , the baryonic matter primoridal and the non baryonic matter primoridal and this energy also primoridal the DE, the main codes, paradoxally made of particles coded also , my equation becomes relevant in all humility with this matter cold encoded , E=m(c^2+Xl^2) more ven mayve an other to add for this vacuum, I search a road.
I have an idea to find these particles of DM encoded in our nuclei , and proving correctly this quantum gravitation , the particles of gravitation are bosons also and they are the bosons Z´, we could find them in the collisions at the LHC if we utilise maybe the cold also and that can prove this cold cosm Dark matter instead of this amtimatter cosmological , and that permits to explain the cold dark matter encoded in nuclei and so the antimatter correctly , that will prove also that we have not only photons like primordial essence and that this hylogenesis is foundamental and the non baryonicmatter balancing also and we can better understand the evolution furthermore and even predict the future of our universe and the spherisation.
I invite all persons interested to learn more about the Hylogenesis, that solves with my reasoning our unknowns, thew Dark matter and the anti matter and the balance gravitation electromagntism can be explained, that implies hidden variables and particles , we need a balance and we can explain it in unifying the main unknowns , my equantion not finsished is correlated with the matter non baryonic encoded but we must add an negative energy for this vacuum dark energy also but I don t know how , E=m(c^2+Xl^2) + Y in fact, The hylogenesis permits also to better understand the creation of this universe with a different deeper logic than this BB, the violations CP is a key also , see that we can consider my main primordial series of coded 3D spheres, one for the DE , one for the photons and one for the DM cold, I ask me if we could take these series having the same number than the dirac large number and where the space disappears due to specific series and volumes and so that implies a superfluid for the universe, we can superimpose 3 E8 and we can play with these 3D spheres and we can explain the evolution spherisation,
Dr. Agnew,
I'll follow your lead on this paper, its approach is from the primordial quantized state rather than diffeomorphism from a primordial continuous field state into a quantized field state. So I'll try to watch and learn.
As I read it, the point is well taken that LIGO is bathed in chaotic gravitational perturbations, and I can accept the notion of that 'noise' resulting in quantum fluctuations precipitating virtual particles that might well be taken as hypothetical 'gravitons'. Thermodynamically, it could equate as mechanical pressure in the material lattice of the physical superstructure of the LIGO detectors, so the mathematical treatment should correlate with the time dependent 'spread & choke' of the LIGO arm length. thanx - jrc
Yes but if the gravitational waves have nothing to do with the quantum gravitation and that they are just photons and different modes , so there is an enormous problem John, why the thinkers want to unify the GR and the QM to find the quantum gravitation ? maybe they consider that we have only photons oscillating for the primordial essence and it is not sure, and that they consider strings or geometodynamics like foundamental objects and it is not sure also , but this paper is a good attempt well generalised about the modes, we must recognise this. LIGO was about the gravitational waves, but why these waves are correlated with the quantum gravitation if we must respect the newtonian mechanics and that this GR is about a curvature of the spacetime photonic ????
I beleive that many forget to think beyond the box in considering a deeper logic, the gravitational waves are effects on the spacetime so on the photons that we observe in this GR, the fact to consider that these photons are the only one piece primoridal of our universe is not sure, the gravitational waves are just an effect at this cosmological scale, and has for me nothing to do with the newtoniam quantum gravitation of bosons encoded wich are probably not electromagnetic, the modes and the noises are not the problem, the problem is to consider that we have not just this photonic spacetime ,
Steve (Dufourny),
The distinction is that photons are travelling at light velocity, whereas a virtual particle, which theoretically exists only momentarily (quantum fluctuation) is either at relative rest or at some subluminal velocity. So in the norms of QM they would be different identities. jrc
Yes I understand, I just tell that they are just photons oscillating differently with different modes due to these waves due to these primordial BHs colliding, but why we consider that they are gravitons implying the gravitational quantum force ? I have difficulties to understand why they consider that it explains the quantum weakest force, the fact that they are photons oscillating differently don t affirm that they explain the quantum gravitation , the quantum gravitation is due to particles encoded in nuclei and they are bosons but why photons oscillating differently and not particles encoded not baryonic ??? this GR and the photons have created a real prison and we turn in round in trying to play with the fields and modes, but that does not explain nor the unknowns and that does not quantify this quantum gravitation.
the problem is mainly philosophical at my humble opinion, the thinkers have considered an infinite heat before this hypothetical BB and after they have found the photons like quantum of E and after we have detailed the bosons and the standard model, after we have found with Einstein the GR and SR and now hop we comclude that we have only these photons oscillating and after they have created the strings in 1D at this planck scales and after they utilise the geonetrical algebras and try to change the mode to explain this quantum weakest force, but why can we affirm that the photons are the only one piece of puzzle abd that this GR is the onmly one spacetime, we are youngs and we have 100 years of relativity, but we know nothing still, the photons are just photons , particles permitting the heat, the electromagntism and the fact to observe, they are just a tool for this universe, but why they are cvonsidered like the primordial essence and origin of this Universe, it is nor proved, nor sure and even I d say it seems reductor to affirm this,
John, this paper that I liked because I find Wilczek very relevant is about the gravitational waves, but not about the gravitons, for me and it is just my opinion , it is interesting for the modes of photons showing the gravitational waves, but I don t understand why they try all to unify this GR and the QM to find the quantum gravitation, of course we have probably particles of gravitation encoded in our standard model but why photonic particles ??? the real problem is there for me, because I find odd to consider only like I told the photons like the only one piece of puzzle. If they cannot renormalise and quantify it with this GR and the photons, there are reasons, all they have tried and they continue to try in this reasoning and that does not give the answer, I must formlise my model but I have reached it in simply respecting the newtonian mechanics and in encoding these particles of Cold dark matter and that explains also this anti matter, in fact the standard model and the electromagntism is just emergent but we have a deeper logic gravitational ölike if it was the main chief orchestra, the photons are just a fuel permitting this life death, the heat, the electronagntism, the light and the fact to observe, but they are not the primordial essence, see the relevance of the Hylogenesis and the vacuum for this Dark energy, see the 3 main systems, the space vacuum DE , the cold dark matter and the photons, see if they merge what they give if the codes are in this DE....
I realize that FQXi invites open participation in the forum, but that is precisely why I will follow Dr. Steven Agnew's lead on discussion of this paper. He has the distinguished career in Quantum Mechanical theoretics and engineering prior to pursuing his own line of theorizing in retirement, so it is he whom best understands the paradigm underlying the arguments presented by the authors, and it is that which I would like to know more about. In every thread in any topic, I can read what others want to think about what professional people have done, and darned little about what those professionals actually present. jrc
It is not about to be professional or not you know John, but about the fact to be able to unify the generalityy and explain our unknowns, Mr Agnew speaks about an anti verse, it is an assumption, Mr Wilczek speaks about the gravitons unifying the GR and the QM, and it is not proved, in fact , the real secret humbley is to study all days and many professionals are very relevamt and many others are not, the same for the amators, nothing never falls down from thje sky, I study all days and I cannot stop to study the maths and others, what I tell is simple, we cannot affirm that the photons are the primordial essence and that the gravitons are photons oscillating and that we can link with the gravitational waves, a few number are able to be innovative John and the fact to be professional is not a reason to agree with all, when it is proved, I accept, when it is assumption , I doubt and all waht we have actually are assumptions , and the vanity of people will not change this truth, onmly the proved laws, axioms and equations are accepted, and this paper is relevant but is not proved simply, they have nor explained the gravitons nor proved them, they just make a partition and modes to try toi unfify, it is a good attemps, that is all, and Mr agnew can rell all what he wants, that will not change this reality, like his antiverse, it is an assumption, like these gravitons photonic also, I respect the different thinkers but we must be logic, we must doubt and try to explain the unknowns, and this prison of GR and photons is a reality John and not need to create a poems with beautiful words to show our education to understand what I tell, so let s wait Dr Agnew to see what he has of interesting to tell us about these gravitons and this paper and the noises, I have discussed with many philodioctorates and I am invited to many conferences and they are from all countries , and I am not a professional but I know many things john, don t never be surpised by a person being professional, be impressed by the capacity to imagine new general things respecting the foundamentals, me I don t affirm my assumptions John, I doubt and I try to åprove them, I am a problem inside the sciences community but fortunally it exists real generalists humble also in this very vanitious community if you see what I tell ...
what I like is to discuss with relevant professional or genius able to imagine and able to doubt accepting the proofs. I like also to have persons educated teaching me things that I don t know and at this moment I shut up , like with a friend the dr Steven duplij and his symplectomrphisms, there wiuth him I learn, but don t wait from me to accept assumptions not proved. It is rare to have these persons, they are unfortunally not on net the most of the time, they are isolated , I d like to have Penrose or Hooft personnally to learn more, them they are relevant , I d like to share my assumptions and discuss, but frankly the majority on internet wants just to satisfy their vanity due probably to a frustration or others, we learn rarely on facebook or here even, we just discuss in trying to impress, but it is the life, I have that said learn a lot here on FQXi due to articles, but the discussions are rarely relevant, it is rare to have discussions where we can go deeper in our works because the persons are too much focused to their ego and themselves and I make the same , so the critic is for me also,