in conclusion and it is important, we cannot confound a photon oscillating differently implying all the different noises and gravitational waves with gravitons wich oscillate and are precise and they don t change, it seems evident like reasoning, the gravitons are not the quanta of gravitational waves if we take a deeper mass energy priniple and the wave lenghts really well analysed, me I want well but think about this ,
The Noise of Gravitons
well, so the problem was to consider this link , the gravitons are not the quanta of gravitational waves to resume. The noises of gravitational waves, yes, the noise of gravitons no, it is two things totally different in my reasoning, if I am false I will accept but we must prove and at this moment we have no proof still. See well this importance of different noises due to all these different objects in interavtions, colliding or others different in time and space furthermore, the locality and the evolutive time must be taken into account to rank the noises and we must differenciate the photons of graviotons, the gravitational waves are different. If we knew now this anti matter and dark cold matter like the other spacetime and if we knew the effects on this spacetime, maybe we could have quanta of gravitation , and even others gravitatiponal waves , but it is not the same than with this GR and the photons and their modes,
we arrive even at incredible new assumptions about their mass and their velocities and wavelenghts in considering the reasoning that I explained about thje other spacetimes, the cold dark matter and the DE, we have in fact 3 aethers in logic , and we could analyse the non baryonic one for the real quanta of gravitation and even others gravitational waves , and for the DE it is a vacuum energetic probably a negative energy , but it is an assumption, if we understand all this puzzle, we find the road to all our unknowns, the evolution of the consciousness even, the DM, the DE, the quantum gravitation, so why the photons only their modes instead to go deeper in superimposing these two other spacetimes,
I have really difficulties to understand how is it possible that the thinkers that I respect have had this prize considering the explaination that I have given, the gravitons are not the quanta of gravitational waves and the quantum gravitation has nothing to do with this quantum gravitation, it seems evident even generally speaking when we consider the noises mixed and all the modes of this GR oscillating due to these photons and all these objects different in the localities and in the time, I cannot understand this frankly, Of course it is a beautiful paper for the gravitational waves and the noise correlated and all these modes due to a kind of ocean of noises aqnd gravitational waves due to all these objects acting on this spacetime of this GR , but how is it possible to consider the quanta of gravitational waves being gravitons ??? you understand this you ? me frankly seeing the whole and having studied so many papers about this gravitation quant , and having renormalised it, there I need an explaination, the gravitons cannot be correlated with these gravitational waves, it is so evident, I don t know how they give the awards and who vote , but respecting the skillings of these persons , that has no sense there really , all is an assumption and they play with photons and modes and hop a prize ??? I see that thomas edison has created this foundation , could you explain me please this ? I try to understand but I don t understand in fact lol
Well finally...people are interested in graviton phase noise...I cannot emphasize how important graviton phase noise is for any understanding of physical reality.
This pleases me greatly. Noise is such a throw-away concept of Science that simply accepts noise as the limit of measurement...but does no posit noise as the basis of neural free choice. Continuous spontaneous localization depends on some perturbation to collapse a wavefunction.
Graviton noise seems to be that perturbation and yet Science does not yet realize that this is actually the basis of physical reality. Once again, no one that I know believes this except for me...but I believe that one person can change the universe...and am...
Hi, I liked this paper about these noises, of course it is a very interesting work about these waves and how they interacts with this spacetime, and I liked the tools and partitions utilised for this ocean of gravitational waves . But I just tell that we don t know these gravitons and we cannot affirm that these gravitons are the quanta of these gravitational waves, the perturbation of collapse of wavefucntion is about the phtons and the GR and we cannot affirm if it is the link to affirm these gravitons, first of all we must really prove these gravitons and what they are really and after we can make an experiment to check them and after we can correlate in unifying the GRand thr QM or we unify with a depper logic, I just tell a thing logic, if these gravitons are not the quanta of gravitational waves, so the perturbation is just about waves acting in this GR, like a partiton of ranking of all the noises, I liked the equations utilised in this paper, but we cannot affirm still what are these gravitons, the best seem to find them in our nuclei and for this the LHC could help with the good experiment. Regards
What I find relevant is the signals for the noises , and the links with the informations, these gravitational waves carry kinds of informations and we convey them to explain this phenomenom, we have so like a partiton of all these noises acting on this spacetime relativistic, because we see these pertubations and the collapsing of wavefunctions, it is logic in fact , we have the effets of cosmological objects in time and locally and so we rank these waves in function of the noises in time and space respecting the photonic spacetime and this GR, but what I explain is simple, if these gravitational waves are just effects on this GR and that the quanta of gravitational waves are not gravitons but here just photons oscillating differewntly in function of objects and in ranking them in time , so we must be prudent about the conclusions, we cannot affrim that the gravitons are correlated.
we must find these gravitons and their properties , and we must maybe find this conjecture between the strings and the coded particles, let s imagine this, let s consider higher spacetime diemsnions due to strings and let s consider the Kaluza Klein modes and the branes ,and let s consider this general relativity and let s try to consider hiddem variables due to the unknowns that I explained in superimposing these 2 other spacetimes, let s analyse the branes and the dimensions and let s consider these spacetimes superimposed and lets consider the scalar fields in considering these hidden variables for the modes. If the 3 aaethers that I explained are a reality and that the foundamental objects are these 3D spheres in motions and oscillations and if the superfluidity is a reality for the real spacetime made of 3 spacetimes, so we can rank the modes and converge , the real interest is to find the couplings and why we have these different couplings considering the 3 spacetimes.All this to tell that we have an interesting point to analyse for the modes and the mass of gravitons, if their mass is not 0 , that implies relevances for the other spacetimes. That could permit to see better the real perturbations on this GR in detailing better the effects of this gravitation withnthese 2 other spacetimes superimposed ,the scalar tensor theory so becomes more complex and need new parameters.
Even light can be seen as it was at rest. Then retarded light gets very interesting.
Also remember that some noise comes from gravity itself, the fact that we sit in a gravity well here on Earth. Gravity is not gravitation. Gravitational waves are also plane waves, like the em-waves, Lie algebras etc..
There is a long list of different kinds of noises in the LIGO measurement.
If we think chaos, then the Planck measurement of polarizations in different modes get interesting.
Noise is also a carrier in physics. This makes at least me to think about the ether concept, and the finding of gravitational waves may also be seen as a proof for ether. I can be wrong of course...
Remember that the M&M experiment looks ridiculous in the light of its sister analog LIGO that indeed found this difference. M&M does so not prove anything at all because it simply could not do it. It was too small.
Ulla , see the relevance of Kaluza Klein decomposition for the dimensional parts , see the relevance of equatioons superimposed with the 3 main spacetimes , see that the velocities also can be analysed for these particles and that the gravitons can appear if we consider the links with the antimatter and the links with the cold, the modes become relevant for the series finite of 3D spheres , the vacuum space and the two fuels, the mass also can analysed and we can differenciate the GR and the other spacetimes, the convergences with the barnes also can appear and so the conjecture that I explained. The fields, the motions, the rotations and the distributions thermodynamical also become relevant like the rankings of all the properties like the charges, spin, mass, volumes, ....they oscillate these spheres and are in motion....
Newton used the big G like Einstein used the big G, but are they really the same thing?
Also chaos is linked to entanglement and thermodynamics.
The need for a scalar in the standard model is in my mind the secret behind the unification of GR and QM. Higgs did not do the job and it is so far the only scalar we have.
Einstein thought of cylindrical waves as radiation, and they would be linked to the vacuum, hence also to Planck scale, so we could get a scalar all the way from there? This scalar would be unrotated, it only oscillate between time and space as a polarization. It can have different sizes then? It looks more like a phenomenon than an actual particle...
Note that in vacuum the gravitational radiation vanish. But due to its non-locality it still works somehow. Here I think of the non-locality we get with tensgreity.... it only works at the poles. This fits well with a resting wave?
Stewe Agnew.
Graviton noise seems to be that perturbation and yet Science does not yet realize that this is actually the basis of physical reality.
You want to do the polarization between the waves and noise? But also the waves becomes noise by time. I am not sure about this approach. Maybe you think of the spin2 particle, which indeed looks very chaotical. For waves it is a sandwich perturbation?
Gravitation is not perturbed, because it is not renormalized, because we are immensed in it, but actually chaos shows how we can understand the renormalization also.
Can you give us some links here?
The real problem seems to conclude that the gravitational waves and the gravitons are linked, like if they were the quanta of gravitational waves, so they are photons oscillating with different modes and they try to unify so the GR and the QM, but it seems not our foundamental reality, the perturbations of wavefunctions are not the problem, they are just gravitational waves, waves simply photonic due to movements of cosmological objects, the quantum gravitation is for me a different reasoning. We need really to unify not only the GR and the QM but all our unknowns, and the DE and DM seem essential at all scales.
You know in studying and reading many papers of the best thinkers and in reading the conclusions of the LHC or the Nasa or others, they conclude that it lacks something to superimpose to reach this quantum gravitation, all the best mathematicians and universities and thinkers have tried since more than 20 years and even in computing mathematical tools, it lacks something to superimpose and there are hidden variables, if we cannot renormalise and quantify there are reasons, the GR and QM cannot be unified in considering only this relativistic spacetime, we need really to understand these unknowns , the antimatter , the DM, the DE and we must unfify all in superimposing these unknowns and find the good partition, if not we shall trun still in round and we shall have just assumptions. It lacks really pieces to superimpose to our GR and this standard kmodel to find the real balances and the real matter energy transformations. The GR is correct of course for our spacetome photonic, it is just that it is not only the one peice of our universal reality, the thinkers can tell all what they want, the relativity is not sufficient to explain these deep unknowns.
It is indeed interesting that gravitation is too high, so we get these dark sides.
I also think of Einsteins efforts to understand the quantum world, even if he was one of its founders. He thought there is something more to it. Can it be the chaos that still was not found when he lived? Or understood. It indeed looks very Machian to me.
Indeed , it is there that it becomes relevant to search these hidden varaibles and secrets superimposed, einstein indeed told it, he was not sure that the GR and these photons are the primordial essence, we must add several things to all this, if not we shall explain these unknowns at my humble opinion.
Let s consider the 3 main spacetimes , it is an assumption of course and let s consider the finite primoridal series of 3D spheres coded, one for the space vacuum the DE, the main codes and the two fuels the photons for the thermodynamics , heat and electronagnetism and the cold dark matter for the gravitation and the cold like a balance correlated also with antimatter. Let s consider so this GR for the luminiferous spacetime of photons and let s consider the einstein fields equations and the tensors of ricci and of einstein. Now let s superimpose 3E8 in considering these finite series instead of points or strings, we have many combinations because these series have oddly like the cosmological number of spheres that I have approximatelly calculated the dirac large number, the volumes decreasing fron the central main sphere, so the space disappears implying a superfluidity, Now let s so superimpose these 3 main spacetimes and let s try to find the perturbations in all this with the diensions and correlations with the branes in considering the vacuun energetical and the cold dark matter , the sense of rotations of two fuels become intriguing for the charges and the antimatter. We can even consider the hopf fibrations maybe on surfaces for the quasiparticles also. The aim so is to find the interactions and to find the perturbations in a different logic than just for our GR , in considering this cold dark matter , we have hidden variables because this matter is also encoded in nuclei. We consider the branes and the apertubations and the tensors for the GR but we superimpose the others spacetimes and we must find others tensors to reach this gravitation, if the gravitation is the main chief orchestra, so the distances in our nuclei considering the main codes and this cold dark matter encoded permit to respect the newtonian mechanics, and for this cosmological scale, we know that this matter non baryonic balances and plays a gravitational force on galaxies for thier motions. That becomes very intriguing in consdiering these 3 main spacetimes superimposed , the tensors of the GR maybe are affected I don t know by these others , and if not, we must find their real properties , there is like a bridge between this GR and the others spacetimes, and they interact probably but what is really these interactions with their own tensors and properties, the fields are different. The branes and dimensions and these spheres can be utilised but in considering a different logic like equilibriums between these two fuels and more this vacuum having the main codes, see that the evolution can be considered and that we can even extrapolate the futur of this universe and the spherisation evolution, even the consciousness probably. That implies even a maximum spherical volume and a contraction also after if this mass increases due to this evolution towards the points of equilibriums, that becomes intriguing philosophically speaking. But it is an other stroty. The fact to utilise these 3E8 maybe and the 3D finite series of Spheres become a key of evolution and a key to explain the unknowns, the universe seems simple generally, only the details of couplings and interactions of exchanges are complex due to the number of these series, all is in contact due to this superfluidity and it seems that we have like a supermatter at this central cosmological sphere maybe and that the series sent are simply informations and coded of distributions fractalised of this supermatter, the energy matter transformations can be better understood.
Theoretically, the key to quantum gravity is in using the simple dimensions of matter, action, and quantum phase. This does mean that Science must move beyond the limitations of space and time to achieve an understanding of physical reality.
Science is so used to random noise that it does not realize how much useful information is in quantum phase noise...but it is very hard to measure quantum phase noise. Earth measurements are limited because of earth spin, but measurements in space far away from earth should finally be able to measure quantum phase noise from the gravity waves of our local cluster as well as our own galaxy.
Our sun responds to the gravity of nearby stars, but there is also an extra gravity vector force due to the coupling of star matter decays. The best measurements of gravity phase noise are LIGO and there are efforts to extract information from that noise.
Gravity wave polarization measurements are complicated since the three LIGO experiments are different orientations. The complexities of laser and interferometry polarization further complicate analysis. The ESA LISA mission will have the best chance of measuring quantum graviton phase noise...
Hi Steve, I know indeed about these methods correlated with the GR , in fact they try like I told to unify this QM and GR and many have tried like this beautiful paper of Wilczek, this paper is for me like I said about the gravitational waves and the noises correlated , but we must recognise that it is an assumption , first of all we have not found these gravitons and secondly we cannot affrim that this road is the good one to unify this QM and the spacetime.My ideas also are assumptions and I don t affrim them but between us , see that it is maybe a road to explain this quantum gravitation, I insist on the fact that the majority consider only these photons like the primoridal essence and that this GR is the only one piece of pur universal puzzle, we must recognise steve that we cannot affirm, we can tell all what we want, it is a fact , and frankly I doubt that we have only this GR at our cosmological scale to explain the things and that our standard model also is only made of encoded photons if I can say oscillating differently. The interferometry here was to prove the gravitational waves and never the gravitons, and also even the LHC or the Nasa and many accept that the gravitons are maybe not the quanta of gravitational waves, I just tell this, we cannot be sure even with the noises and the partition, it is a beautiful paper for me to rank all the noises of gravitational waves but we cannot tell that it is the noise of gravitons. So the gravitational waves phase noise yes ,m gravitons phase noises, I don t agree, I like this thinker Wilczek he is relevant but I am sure that himself he don t affrim , he tries like all to find them and prove them these gravitons, his paper is an assumption .At this moment this quantum gravitation has not been proved simply, we must recognise this,Regards