Here is the idea general about the tool that I have inencted, the spherical topological geometrical algeberas, I give here the general idea without the details in maths , I work about this .
This mathematical tool permits to create different partitions in function of choices. Let s consider first a parameter for the serie of Spheres chosen.
S being the serie , n the number of spheres. We can choose the specific volumes at the place that we want in the serie. Let's consider an operator for these volumes with a topological meaning for the place in function of the number of the serie . We choose the volume of the sphere at the place that we want.
The motions now are considered in the same logic that for the volumes, with a sense of rotation and an angle and a specific velocity. The spin, the angular momentum can be correlated .
Let s consider now parameters for the mass and energy.
An operator is created when the series merge and where the volumes are preserved and the number of series are preserved , that implies changes of densities and other motions and we can insert operations topological.
Let us now consider the geometric algebras for the tensors, vectors, scalars, phases,spinors, torsors, numbers....the aim being to associate the scalars and vectors to these spherical volumes at specific topologies of series for the specific volumes.
Let's consider an operator for the deformations of spherical volumes at specific place of series in function of motions. Let's consider an operator for the oscillations of these spheres at specific places of series too.
Let's consider the associativity, the non associativity, the commutativity, the non commutativity in function of choices topological and geometric.
Let's consider specific series for the photons, and let s link with the special relativity, the general relativity and the electromagnetism.We correlate so with the works of Hestenes and Einstein considering the spacetime where the electromagnetic field is a bivector fields for the electric and magnetic fields.The Lorentz force is considered for the motions and the electromagnetic charge.
Let's now consider a specific serie for the particles of Cold dark matter.
Let's consider a specific serie for the particles of Dark energy .
The photons are under the special and general relativity ,they are quanta of Energy ,the mass can be seen differently in function of the partitions utilized for the series , they can be considered massless or with a very small mass in function of choices.
The fact that the 3 spacetimes imply a superfluidity generally speaking can be changed about the viscosity in function of spacetimes and topologies and mechanisms. Mathematical operators are chosen .That permits to consider the astrophysics, the quantum mechanics, the quantum fields theory with groups and subgroups in function of choices and properties of series.
Let's converge with the raking actual of our baryonic matter like result of 3 series merging in considering the main informations in the space vacuum of the DE , the QFT is considered and the fermions and bosons and the properties of particles, charge, mass, spin,angular momentum....The Lie groups become important and specially the E8 exceptional group for the rankings, convergences and groups and subgroups, 4 E8 and these series of spherical volumes can be considered, one for the photons, one for the cold dark matter, one for the dark energy, one for the baryonic matter like result of 3 merging and implying this standard model.