How to formalise these couplings of scalar fields of the DE and DM in our standard model.The lagrangians exist , but how to formalise this enormous puzzle with these series primary of spheres and in considering these deeper primitive structures.

The 3 main lagrangians for the cosmology exist , one that we know for the GR an photons , but the two others must be considered and formalised, one for the cold dark matter and one for the DE and after they must be superimposed and in a psecific dynamic and mechanism to create this standard model. The superfluidity of 3 spacetimes is important and the fact to preserve the number of series of spheres and the volumes too when they merge to create this SM.

See that my humble reasoning seems on the good road about the fact that this vacuum of the DE possessing the main codes and informations encode this cold dark matter and these photons to create our standard model. Many unknowns can be solvedl, even the neutrons problems and their lifetime, this cold dark matter encoded permit even to solve this quantum gravitation, the gap mass and even to consider a deeper logic for this consciousness philosophically speaking. The antimatter too is better understood and the aim is to find all the mechanisms where this DE encoding this cold DM and these photons permit specific mechanism for the fermions, the bosons, the particles and their antiparticles and all this under deeper fields and under even this main scalar field of the DE .

the difficulty is that these mechanisms are more difficult to experiment due to their weak interactions or farer interactions . It was easier with the photonic and electronmagnetic reasonings for the experiments, now we are arrived at a difficult moment to experiment because these interactions, couplings and others are more difficult due to fact that this SR and GR are not really the answers

maybe that said there are interactions and couplings with these photons and electromagnetism and this GR and maybe there are lagrangians and motions relevant at all scales but we weak these interactions.

What could be the correct experiments to find these mechanisms, they exist these mechanisms it seems evident but not easy

maybe the simplicity of these spherical volumes are the key in the superfluidity of the universe but we don t know the number and the volumes of primary series , and still less the universal mechanisms of these photons,particles of CDM, particles of DE, the same when they merge for the standard model and the same if they create exotic particles at this cosmological scales even before to be encoded in the SM, You imagine the complexity without knowing these series of spheres and their motions.

E=m(c²+Xl²)+Y , I must probably improve it but here is the general equation about the matter energy of our standard model when the 3 systems merge to create the ordinary matter . Xl is for the cold dark matter, Y is for the DE , that implies new scalar fields and probably a fith force too. Xl in logic is for this DM and does not give a lot of E because they bare quanta of mass mainly these particles of DM, X is a parameter correlated with the cold , but Y is relevant like antigravitational energy .

The equation that I have writen here is intuitive and needs probably some improvements but you can see the general idea and that makes sense if my reasoning is correct about the fact that this vacuum of the DE possess the main codes and encodes the photons and the cold dark matter to create our ordinary matter and this standard model. The problem actually is that we consider this SR4 and GR alone to explain this standard model and the emergent geometries and topolgies like if god or this universe played with the fields and oscillations and waves of these photons to create this reality. It is an assumptions simply and this reasoning that I explain can be true and can give new roads of reasonings and interpretations . If we have these deeper mechanisms in our standard model , it is relevant to find them. The philosophy correlated is interesting too instead to turn always in round in this GR of einstein. If the equation that I have put here on FQXi is on the good road, you imagine the revolution about the energy and the possible technologies correlated .

In reading the paper of Maudlin quietly, I have ideas , The aim is to consider an entangled entropy for this

quantum information and even quantum gravity but in thinking beyond the box of this GR like I explained and in considering deeper parameters added and scalar fields unknowns, the problem is that they are unknown and we don t know their mechanisms .But the densities can be relevant with the good partitions in considering the works of Shannon and von neumann about the entropies. These entangled entropies can be ranked and sorted in function of their nature , and this GR and QFT can be ranked and sorted with these new parameters superimposed.It is a little bit if I said that we rank these entropies, gibbs, shannon, von neumann and the new entropies due to these new scalar fields and parameters considering this vacuum of the DE . We can utilise like harmonic oscillators for this vacuum possessing the main codes and being the main chief orchestra. That implies like bridges between all the entropies and informations , that implies a necessity to rank correctly all this and this GR. There are probably conjectures between these strings, branes , the GR and these 3D spheres in the superfluidity considering the main informations and the 3 systems primary, the photons, the CDM and the DE. If we consider only these photons and this GR, so we cannot solve .If reduced densities and matrix exist , so what are they really considering their harmonical oscillating properties . If we take now the ads cft correspondance and the works about the strings, Mtheory and branes and that we consider this bridge beyond this GR , in adding these deeper parameters and scalar fields , and in considering this quantum gravitation differently , some roads appear to quantify it with massive reasonings. That could permit new couplings in considering the main informations in the vacuum of this DE encoding the photons and this cold dark matter. This reasoning implies new mechanisms for our standard model and the axions like other mechanisms seem relevant anbd even a fith force appears due to this DE . That even gives a road this reasoning for the quarks and gluons problem,

We know that there is a problem to unify the QFT and its energy of the zero point and the value of the density of the energy of the vacuum. The problem is still the general philosophy of this universe in considering only the actual GR, QFT and SR . The energy of Planck , the energy of the vacuum, the energy of the zero point need to consider a deeper logic superimposed. The main problem is how we interpret this mass energy equivalence of einstein, this equation is for me not complete and has implied confusions. My intuitive equation about the mass energy equivalence considering the DE and the CDM added permit to solve the problem. It is how we consider the inflation and the fluctuations of this vacuum which permit us to see differently all the problems ontologically and philosophically speaking.

GR and gravitational attraction and this mass energy equivalence have difficulties to solve the problem even with the Lorentz transformations with the scalars, tensors, and pseudoscalars.

This dark energy and its negative pressure implying a kind of anti gravitational force is relevant generally speaking and can be considered for the vacuum.

This DE in my opinion has nothing to do with this GR and is simply particles of energy antigravitational of the vacuum and I believe strongly that this DE possesses the main codes and informations and in encoding the photons and this cold dark matter permits to create the ordinary matter and this standard model. It is like scalar fields but not like the scalar fields that Einstein considered in his GR. It is really how we consider the density of Emergy of the vacuum the key and this GR and QFT alone cannot solve the problem. That implies that we cannot consider the SUSY only with our actual reasoning between the fermions and bosons. It is even the reason why we cannot solve this quantum gravitation too because simply we have considered that these photons and GR were the only one piece of the puzzle. This GR has many relevances but I speak about the primary essence of the universe and how we have too quickly considered this gravitation. It is important to reconsider this ether, the ether is simply the energy antigravitational of the vacuum of this DE and it is coded and possesses the main informations. That is why the fluctuations of this vacuum are important. This DE is there at all scales , at this cosmological scale and at this quantum scale .Probably that the works of Fourier could help like the works about the oscillator harmonics to reach this vacuum and its properties. It is there that my intuitive equation is interesting E=m(c²+Xl²)+Y . This implies a deeper philosophy than just this SR snd GR and it is mainly about how we interpret the mass energy equivalence, if we take the Heisenberg uncertainty and the duality waves particles, we arrive still at this problem of why we exist and how this universe really transforms the energy. See well that the reduced planck constant and the uncertainty and the fluctuations of the vacuum can be solved with this DE and my equation. The Einstein equation of einstein alone cannot solve the massive particles. We need this vacuum and its fluctuations and codes to create massive particles with even the CDM added . The diagrams of Feynman can be improved or completed simply by adding the two other parameters , the DE and the CDM.

The idea here is to consider a vacuum made of series of 3D spheres and they can be considered like harmonic oscillators but not relativistic and in a pure 3D instead to consider the strings in 1D at this planck scale in this GR. A Hamiltonian must be created.

In all case, we have strong evidence now that the universe is composed of 4% baryonic matter, 23% dark matter, and 73% cosmological constant where the cosmological constant is this DE and if we want to solve the quantum vacuum energy density which does not converge with the observed cosmological value, that implies a necessity to think beyond the box of this GR and actual QFT.

This DE becomes an extension of the gravitation in the GR or in the Newtonian mechanic , and it is antigravitational permitting to balance and permitting the evolution furthermore and the complexification of matters like the diversity of matters. This DE furthermore permits to predict the fate of the universe and its evolution. We arrive at an important point about the evolution spherisation of this universe considering the reasoning that I explained about the 3 systems merging to create this baryonic ordinary matter and this SM. The fact that this DE is antigravitational and that the ordinary matter is gravitational. The pressure, the density of energy and the vacuum energy become relevant to analyze deeper these parameters superimposed. We don't need to consider the Einstein Hilbert actions of the general relativity with higher dimensions and deeper scalar tensors theories of the GR to explain and solve this constant cosmological problem, the same for the quantum gravitation problem and the gap mass problem even, We just must think beyond the box of this GR in adding, superimposing these deeper parameters that this universe has created.

A fundamental problem actually is how we consider this gravitation due to this GR like if all energies contribute to gravitation, it is not really true. I d say that this gravitation and anti gravitation are more than we can imagine. This equation matter energy equivalence of Einstein has created confusions and how we consider the gravitation about the energy and the mass.

I have understood I believe humbly. So these gravitons in fact are not the quanta of gravitational waves and in fact the error is our interpretation of the universe from GR and SR and the mass energy equivalence of Einstein . Now let's consider what I explained with the vacuum of the DE possessing the main codes and encoding the photons and the CDM to create the ordinary matter and our standard model. In fact we have for each known forces a gravitational balance , the photons even I believe are not massless, They have just avery very small mass. In fact if we see the quantum gravitation like a balance of the electromagnetic forces, we can simply add for the electromagnetism a gravitational field balancing due to particles of dark matter encoded and after we make the same for the weak interactions in increasing simply the number of photons and cold dark matter encoded under mechanisms, and after for the nuclear forces we make the sme we increase the number of particles of photons and CDM encoded and we have a solution for the missing mass . That implies in fact that the quantum gravitation is not the weakest forces but several forces balancing the other 3 known forces and after the anti gravitational force of the DE permit to balance these mechanisms. That is why quantum gravitation is purely Newtonian because the massive particles are a reality, if there is a thing massless it is this vacuum of the DE , this DE in fact and the fact to be antigravitational proves this. No mass , no gravity. Now the aim is to find the mechanism of all these forces, and in explaining the mass for each particles and the mechanism . The higgs have been found but need to add the anti gravitational field and the Dark matter . The universe seems very simple in its mechanisms generally speaking , That is why qutrits are essential , the anti gravitation, the electromagnetism, the gravitation , the 3 dance together in specific mechanisms. I dont affirm my assumptions, I just give new roads of thoughts and I try to be general about how the universe acts really at all scales.

    I want to insist on the fact that I don t affirm my assumptions, I just give new roads of thoughts. If the gravitons are the quanta of gravitational waves, I will accept if it is proved and renormalised but we can see quickly that it is not renormalizable in considering them like the quanta of the gravitational waves, all the partitions possible with the lie groups, the non commutativity, the numbers, the strings, branes, Mtheory , extra dimensions...have been tried since many years and that does not solve the problem.

    I don t tell that this GR must abandoned , there are many relevances for the referential of observations , I just tell that we can complete the works of Einstein and Newton about this gravitation in adding these deeper parameters at this comsological and quantum scales. I have studied this GR ,his GR has been a revolutionary work from Einstein, where the gravitation is interpreted differently than with Newton . It is for GR a curvature of the spacetime at high velocities , due to the special relativity and the energy implying motions at this cosmological scale. This gravitation is not a force between mass at slow velocities like for Newton but a curvature of this spacetime in resume due to the distribution of the Energies and mass like kinetic energies. That depends also on referential of observations, it is important the fact that these observations are considered, that means that Newton is not false too.

    The problem actually inside the theoretical sciences community is the unification of this quantum mechanic and this GR to reach, renormalise, quantize this quantum gravitation in considering these gravitons like the quanta of gravitational waves.

    If we consider the referential of observations in taking the Minkowski spacetime , all depends on the metric of referential. the localities and the effects of this gravitation.

    The Minkowski spacetime is a spacetime of dimensions 4 and we associate a vectorial space with tensorial metrics with scalar products and riemannian varieties . All the mathematical tools utilized in this spacetime and referential permit transformations and groups , like the Lorentz transformations and the poincare groups implying subgroups.

    In general relativity several tensors are utilized , the tensors of einstein, the tensors of riemann, the tensors of Ricci, these tools permit to interpret the gravitation in function of referential and velocities . The Poisson equation can be considered for the Newtonian gravitation and with the gravitational potential and the density of mass , that permits to correlate the different interpretations of this gravitation in function of the curvature .Even if the tensor of Einstein with the other tools permit to reach all the other interpretations of this gravitation, it is the philosophy of origin of the universe which implies confusions about the quantum mechanics and its origin. That is why even this cosmological constant problem and this quantum gravitations problem cannot be solved with the correlated philosophy of this GR. Unfortunately the majority of thinkers inside the theoretical physics community have difficulties to think beyond the box of this GR. It is really this mass energy equivalence of Einstein and this philosophy of GR which imply these non renormalizable problems.

    It is important for the quantum gravitation this different philosophy and if the 3 systems merge to create this stanmdard model. That implies in fact that these gravitons have nothing to do with the GR you know. And I d say that they are linked with this Dark matter and that in fact that implies a new physics of our standard model where this cold dark matter encoded having a mass create a balance for all forces, the higgs is one mechanism, and we have probably different gravitational quantum fields simply in a pure newtonian mechanics . This quantum gravitation nis not the weakest quantum force but a force different in function of balances with our actual forces and the mass is correlated .And the balance electromagnetism graitation is balanced by the anti gravitation of the DE , that is why we have deeper scalar fields and mechanisms in our standard model. The problem I belive humbly is that the thinkers have considered this GR like the cause of our quantum mechanic but in nfact this GR is not a theory of QM , the confusion is because we have photons in our QM and so they have considered the mass eneregy equivalence and interpreted all this with a specific philosophy. But if you consider my reasoning, it unify the DE, the DM, the GR, the QM . The aim was not to unify G c and h, the GR and the QM , but to unify all and in going deeper in philosophy.

    Here is the idea general about the tool that I have inencted, the spherical topological geometrical algeberas, I give here the general idea without the details in maths , I work about this .

    This mathematical tool permits to create different partitions in function of choices. Let s consider first a parameter for the serie of Spheres chosen.

    S being the serie , n the number of spheres. We can choose the specific volumes at the place that we want in the serie. Let's consider an operator for these volumes with a topological meaning for the place in function of the number of the serie . We choose the volume of the sphere at the place that we want.

    The motions now are considered in the same logic that for the volumes, with a sense of rotation and an angle and a specific velocity. The spin, the angular momentum can be correlated .

    Let s consider now parameters for the mass and energy.

    An operator is created when the series merge and where the volumes are preserved and the number of series are preserved , that implies changes of densities and other motions and we can insert operations topological.

    Let us now consider the geometric algebras for the tensors, vectors, scalars, phases,spinors, torsors, numbers....the aim being to associate the scalars and vectors to these spherical volumes at specific topologies of series for the specific volumes.

    Let's consider an operator for the deformations of spherical volumes at specific place of series in function of motions. Let's consider an operator for the oscillations of these spheres at specific places of series too.

    Let's consider the associativity, the non associativity, the commutativity, the non commutativity in function of choices topological and geometric.

    Let's consider specific series for the photons, and let s link with the special relativity, the general relativity and the electromagnetism.We correlate so with the works of Hestenes and Einstein considering the spacetime where the electromagnetic field is a bivector fields for the electric and magnetic fields.The Lorentz force is considered for the motions and the electromagnetic charge.

    Let's now consider a specific serie for the particles of Cold dark matter.

    Let's consider a specific serie for the particles of Dark energy .

    The photons are under the special and general relativity ,they are quanta of Energy ,the mass can be seen differently in function of the partitions utilized for the series , they can be considered massless or with a very small mass in function of choices.

    The fact that the 3 spacetimes imply a superfluidity generally speaking can be changed about the viscosity in function of spacetimes and topologies and mechanisms. Mathematical operators are chosen .That permits to consider the astrophysics, the quantum mechanics, the quantum fields theory with groups and subgroups in function of choices and properties of series.

    Let's converge with the raking actual of our baryonic matter like result of 3 series merging in considering the main informations in the space vacuum of the DE , the QFT is considered and the fermions and bosons and the properties of particles, charge, mass, spin,angular momentum....The Lie groups become important and specially the E8 exceptional group for the rankings, convergences and groups and subgroups, 4 E8 and these series of spherical volumes can be considered, one for the photons, one for the cold dark matter, one for the dark energy, one for the baryonic matter like result of 3 merging and implying this standard model.

    The Spherical Topological Geometrical Algebras is a new tool in fact and that must be created in being clear in the formalism, even for the quantum computing it seems relevant , the people can create their own partitions like this .Ths tool can be relevant in all humility I believe in superimposing our actual physics and philosophies and interpretations , many different partitions can be created to explain the deepest unknowns.. Regards

    I believe that I found a kind of logic about this quantum gravitation and this gravitation. Here is the assumption. see this reasoning, like I told the DE the vacuum possesses the main informations and encode the cold dark matter and the photons to create this SM, now imagine that weare all false about this SR and GR and that these photons have a very small mass, now imagine that this cold dark matter permit the gravitons, so the gravitons are like the bosons but in being a gravitational field and now imagine that for each force of the SM ,we have a paralel gravitational field , so we have 3 main gravitational fields for the SM and all is balanced by fields of this DE antigravitational, that implies 3 new general systems to add to the SM, the gravitons and let s name them the negatons for the DE , that implies a kind of logic and specific mechanisms, these quantum gravitational fields cannot be still measured but weaker than the other forces and different , imagine that it is this simply in a pure newtonian mechanic so the weakest QG is for the electromagntic force with a photon and a graviton which is a particle of CDM , so the force is between them, after we have the same logic for the weak interaction with more photons and more particles of DM and a QG a little bit stronger than for the QG of the electromagnetism, and the same for the nuclear forces with more photons and particles of CDM,. The higgs is one of this mechanism and the axions an other , that implies 9 forces in resume fot the standard model and 4 main general particles, fermions, bosons, gravitons and negatons, that is why the universal system is like a qutrit.

    I believe strongly that de broglie, Planck, Laverne and others are right about the mass of photons and that changes all the interpretations of our reality . Even the mass energy equivalence is different ,I have completed with my equation and even the GR is different if the photons have a very small mass between 10 exp в€'51 kg and 10 exp в€'54 kg, the gravitational waves so are just a pure newtonian menchanic acting on these photons due to mass and if the CDM interactacts with these photons implying specific gravitational waves with small frequences and small wavelenghts and that we correlate my reasoning for the quantum gravitational fields being the forces between photons and gravitons where the gravitons are due to this CDM encoded , that becomes relevant to unify all , the QM, the GR, the DE, the DM simply. These Quantum gravitational fields respect a pure newtonian mechanic and are weaker than our actual forces. The Gap mass problem too can be better understand withnthis reasoning and the missing mass too.

      You know, I repeat the philosophical general different idea about this origin of the universe and how we interprea the transformations matter energy. Since the GR and SR the thinkers have considered a specific philosophy like if it is really these photons oscillating and the fields which were the origin of all our reality. It is really this mass energy equivalence of Einstein and his equation whic has implied this philosophical prison. The equation of einstein is probably just a part of the puzzle but the problem is that all the thinkers have considered this equation like conmplete. And with the correlated philosophy , so they try to unify and explain the quantum mecanic with this reasoning .

      When we make a nuclear reaction like the fission we just take the photons of the ordinary matter , it is not that these photons change their oscillations from other photons with specific fields having a mass, not it is there the error , we take just photons from this vacuum having encoded the cold dark matter and these photons and if we loose a mass during this reaction, it is because we loose particles of cold dark matter too simply at my humble opinion that we don t see.

      Because the photons and the particles of cold dark matter encoded in this vacuum of the DE simply are parallel in their mechanisms. That changes all about the mass energy equivalence if you consider my equation.

      The actual crisis in the physics community is philosophical and now they turn in round without thinking beyond the box and without being able to return at this old school of this pure newtonian mecanic and the motions of particles. There is an universal logic with these motions oscillations of spheres you know and it is purely newtonian. The gravitation and the mass are parameters foundamental, the fields are emergent from these motions oscillations of particles in this superfluidity .It is not the opposite. The geonetries too are emergent from deformations and topologies of these spheres, the spheres are not emergent from the fields of this GR. You see that it is totally different ontologically and philosophically. Why the minds have been so much endoctrinated by the works of Einstein, I don t understand how it is possible in fact . Of course his works have several relevances, I just tell that this GR is just for observations at high velocities of this spacetime made of photons and that this SR and the mass energy equivalence is not complete and has implied these confusions philosophical. The gravitation is newtonian and the error is to have considered this curvatiure of the spacetime like primary essence of this reality, the gravitational waves must be rethought at my opinion because if these photons are not massless, that change all and at all scales furthermore.

      That implies that said a relevance about the work of Wilczek, the noise of gravitons. The noise is important yes but these gravitons are not quanta of these gravitational waves, these gravitations waves are just waves of gravitation due to mass acting on these photons having a very very small mass,. It is there that it becomes relevant for the cold dark matter encoded in the standard model with these photons, because if there are waves of gravitation for these gravitational waves due to this cold dark matter, so they have a specific wavelenghts and frequences and the same logic can be found for the quantum gravitation. There are many different gravitational waves at this cosmological scales due to fact that we have photons free and if they have a small mass so, the waves have different comportments due to fact that there different mass acting on them, the paradox is that all is mixed implying a problem. But we can rank topologically these waves on photons due to this cold dark matter at this cosmological scale in considering simply specific topology cosmologically speaking .When we have their properties, wavelenghts and frequences, after we make experiments for the quantum mecanic with my reasoning with this cold dark matter encoded and the mechanisms between photons and particles of cold dark matter. There is a kind of logic about these waves and fields .

      3 months later

      The hilbert space and the riemanian varieties with the operators commutative in the general relativity and after groups and rings correlated with the QFT. Now let s consider 4 E8 and separated , one for the GR, one for the QFT , one for the DM, one for the DE , and let s consider a fith one for the ordinary matter in considering that the 3 main systems free cosmologically merge together to create this ordinary matter and this standard model . Now let s correlate this commutativity and the algebras and the numbers, now let s consider the 3D spheres like foundamental objects instead of strings or points and let s consider that a photon or a particle of DM or a particle of DE have the dirac large number for a serie and that these series begin with the central sphere the biggest volume and we decrease the volumes around and we see that the fluidity appears for the spacetimes and that the space in fact disappears, now lets consider the non commutativity for specific rings and groups and subgroups for the postitions, densitites, motions, rotations, oscillations, momentum,mass...... of these spherical volumes and lets consider my intuitive equationE=m(c²+Xl²)+Y=2 mc² for the massive scalar fields of the DM and the massless scalar fields for the DE possessing the main informations , eureka

      The aim of this general reasoning with the 3D spheres and the 5 E8 with the spherical topological geometrical algebras is to consider a non commutative standard model where we consider the gravitation and the antigravitation like the main principles and with the antigravitational informations of the DE possessing the main codes and being the main chief orchestra. We see that we have different spaces and so we must rank the groups and subgroups, rings with 3 main spacetimes , the GR, the DE and the DM. There are so connections bbetween all the groups where the commutativity and non commutativity are important to rank. The QFT and GR are invariant. I need help for the differenciations of functions and rankings. These scalar massive and massless fields of the DM and DE are not easy to renormalise. This general reasoning permits to reach the missing mass and give a better understanding of the higgs mechanism . Furthermore we have this energy antigravitational and it is fascinating even for the technology , the problem is that these fields of this DE are totrally different and we cannot measure and observe them.