Yes and now we repeat the newtonian mechanics with a small antiverse here , m1v1 equal m2v2, mgh equal 0.5mv squared , after F equl ma and a equal dv on dt and a positron here with rigourous maths there like a new potential and so new RIGOUROUS maths of course and complex plane and an aniverse like balance, yes of course and all from the GR of course because of course they oscillate at different frequences these photons due to the fields of the GR , this explains that of course

lol and antivanity from an antigeneral relativistic spacetime you know it you lol it is like an anti universalism of course with rigourous maths and anti padics analysis and potentials

Returning about the noise of Gravitons in this LIGO experiment with the gravitations waves discovered .It is an assumption and now li,ke Wilczek has has a nobel prize , so now they consider his paper about the noise of gravitons like the quanta of gravitational waves like true .All this seems total non sense because these gravitons cannot be massless , and so cannot be the quanta of gravitational waves. I repeat but maybe the biggest error is about the massless photons too furthermaore and the mass energy equivalence not complete . The photons could have simply a maximum speed of c and a very very weak mass, it is there that all this becomes important about the coupling , if the unlimited range is renormalised with a deeper logic added to the couplings and that the bosons os spin 2 are beyond this relativistic analysis and the stress energy tensor, and it is there the error and it is still the philosophy the error in considering this GR like primary essence.And so that is why they cannot unify the QG and this GR but apparently I repeat but nobody sees this and even the best continue on the same non renormalisable road. The gravitons cannot be mass less and connot be the quanta pof gravitatiponal waves and they are not photons oscillating differently simply.It is not possible.The noise of the particles of these gravitational waves are photons of this GR oscillating and furthermore probably having a very very weak mass.

I like a lot the works of Wilczek, but it is not because a thinker has had a nobel prize that his assumptions must be taken like true . It is just an idea, an attemps but it is not renormalisable in this way of reasoning.

The foundamental problem is to try to unify in this line of reasoning of oscillations of the curvature of the spacetime the charged accelerated particles for the electromagnetism and the mass accelerated travelling at c for the gravitation, it is purelly not possible in a pure general point of vue.

So yes I insist we must think beyond the box and consider this DM and DE and forget a little bit this prison of the GR like primary essence. If the gravitons are not massless I repeat that solves the QG and the constant cosmologicalo problem and furthermore that helps to complete this standard model and quantum mechanics in understanding better the antiparticles wich are not from an aniverse of this GR but from this DM encoded in this spacevaccum with the encoded photons too. Einstein was famous but has created a prison and a enormous problem in philosophy and about the mass energy equivalence, his EFE theories can be utilised but with relativity simply.

Well, all general thinkers can see the foundamental problems about the renormalisation if we consider only this GR and photons like primary essence. You know ^probably the predictions of einstein and the gravitational singularities.It is a problem and the loop quantum gravitation has tried to eliminate these singularities, so it is a good attemp because it permits to consider a different way where the gravitational field is not infinite and it is there the main problem and if you consider gravitons with strings for example for the GR like quanta of grvitatiponal waves , that does not permit to solve the problem, so they cannot be the quanta of gravitational waves. Even if I disagree with the loop QG , it is a better explaination than the strings or the ideas of Witten because the infinite gravitational fields disappear and so the gravitons don t interact with themselves infinitelly. But there is a problem too with the loop QG and it is still this philosophy of origin, now if you superimpose the DE3 and DM and if you consider different foundamental objects, and a massive gravitation, that permits to solve.There is so a kind of bridge between the works of Ashtekar and my humble reasoning and it is there that it becomes relevant for the foundamental objects at these smaller scales.

Einstein was famous but his theory and this GR mainly and the feidls like origin cannot explain nor centers of the BHs , nor the quantum gravitation, nor the constant cosmological problem. Even the BB must be rethought .

11 days later

There is a difference between the noise of gravitons like in this paper and just photons oscillating of these gravitational waves. The gravitons are particles bosonic of our standard model ,if the professor Wilczek told us that it is the noise of gravitational waves , it seems better because I repeat but nothing can affirm that the gravitons are the quantaq of gravitational waves, it is still this general philosophical problem of origin of our universe, the majority are endoctrinated by the photons like prinmary essence and this GRand its fields like the only one truth, furtheremore since when we can affrim that this standard model and baryonic matters are from this GR and these EFE. If you take a deeper logic in considering for example the space vacuum of this DE possessing the main codes and that this DE encodes the photons and the cold DM to create the baryonic matter, so all is different, the cause of this baryonic matter is not this GR and fields. The fields in this logic are just emergent.

I repeat also , when einstein has created his theory he doubted himself that this GR and photons were not probably the only one truth, and furthermore his matter energy equivalence implies a lot of problems considering thje particles free cosmologically speaking, this equation is for the baryonic matter, not for the generality and furthermore this equation is not complete if you follow my reasoning with a fith force appearing and these gravitons fronm the cold DM and the antimatter too , we need a balance and a kind of qutrit universal system. The reasoning of einsteinj told us that so a photon can become a mass, that has no sense even if I consider them with a very very weak mass because they are coded too to be what they must be. If the majority of searchers focus only on this GR like cause of our topologies and geometries, there are problems , they consider mainly 2 E8 and extradimensions and points or strings , and they try with the non commutativity or non associativity and groups, subgroups ... to explain all the fields of our baryonic matters like if the fields of this GR were the cause with specific vibrations oscillations of the mass energy equivalence but that seems not logic because the mass and energy are not really the same if we consider 3 main systems cosmologically free and a fourth one for the baryonic matter like result when they merge. Even the problem of informations is different.

I respect of course the works of thinkers, but why this prison of this relativity and photons and now the strings, you beleive really that god plays at guitar you like this , that has no sense and even philosophically speaking there are many problems considering a kind of infinite eternal consciousness , I consider a kind of god but not playing with the fields and oscillations and photons,I consider particles in a superfluidity it seems more logic considering how god creates this universe and in considering the evolution.

23 days later

Here is the link of a paper of Pnerose in 1976,

Roger Penrose in 1976 about the gravitons and the quantum gravitation, we see that we have not evolved a lot and that the majority consider still the same reasoning with the GR like primary essence. All has been tried in this line of reasoning since moe than 70 years, and nothing, that is why we must think differently and mainly maybe about massive gravitons and this cold dark matter permit to solve, this GR must in logic be modified and the quantum gravitation is not with gravitons spin 2 massless, just because the vacuum is made of this DE encoding the photons and the cold dark matter to create the baryonic matter, this reasoning permits to solve many problems , the QG but too the constant cosmological problem , even the hard problem of consciousness could be extrapolated

    If I can, I like these thinkers , wilczek like penrose,they are nobel prizes, but we can critic their assumptions, it is not because they are nobel prizes that their assumptions are true. We see a problem inside the theoretical sciences community, the GR and the photons like primary essence have created a kind of prison and it is mainly due to the philosophy correlated, like if god had only created photons and that now with the strings inside them in 1D and the matter energy equivalence of ei nstein, so all they consider the fields like the cause of all,but in fact it is just an assumption even if we observe and measure photons in our standard model. If now we consider for example that we have 3 main systems free cosmologically speaking, the photons, the cold dark matter and the dark energy and that we consider that these systems are made of series of 3D spheres , let s consider even that they have the same number than our cosmological serie , oddly I have calculated it is the dirac large number, now let s consider that the real vacuum and the main informations are in the DE , and let s consider that this DE encodes the photons and the cold dark matter to create this baryonic matter . That permits like I said to consider a massive graviton and that solves this quantum gravitation in respecting furthermore the newtonian mechanics.

    That does not change really the QFT because the photons are encoded too and permit this electromagnetism, our error was to consider the EFE alone and these gravitons massless like the quanta of gravitational waves. Thes ephotons are just a fuel for the universe, permitting the electromagnetism, the fact to observe the photons and the reality, they permit too the heat and thermo because they are quanta of E, but why to consider these photons alone and these strings or points in 1D inside them and why to consider 2 E8 for this, one for the QM and one for the GR and why to play with the modes and numbers to explain this baryonic matter, the problem is the interpretation of Eoinstein of this gravitation like a curvature of the spacetime at high velocities,that does not contredict newton, furrthermore the QM must respect newton, and if these gravitons are due to this DM encoded and if they have a mass and if the higgs permit to activate the process, so we can better understand our standard model simply and even with the informations of this DE we can even better understand the evolutiona and the diversity of the mendeleev table,it lacked things to add to our SM, our QM, our actual reasonings don t explain the deep unknowns

    Enstein was a genius but he has created a prison and now the thinkers turn in round in forgetting to think beyond this relativistic bridge.I doubt that god and the universehas only created photons and that this God plays at guitar in a simplistic vue, it is even not possible ontologically and philosophically speaking these fields , waves, oscillations,vibratio9ns, strings like cause of our reality, that contredicts even the evolutio n and god and how this god interacts or creates this universe.

    I am going to explain why it seems not possible that the waves, the fields , resonances, oscillations , vibrations of photons cannot be the truth about the reality and God, I know that all the thinkers are persuaded to understand better the laws of God and the universe but let s analyse this. The majority so considers this GR and photons like primary essence, and so that god is a kind of infinite conscious heat and that this god so plays with the waves and fields and that we are so a result inside this . But if a god has been able to create a so incredible complkex universe with more than 2000 billions of galaxies and that we evolvesl, so why god has not created a more perfect universe more quickly with resonances, fields, waves , and why god who is omnipotent does not stop a murderer or an accident before it arrives with specific ocillations. So in resume even in disturbing the philosophy of people , it is not possible that God plays with these waves, fields, oscillations, vibrations of photons to create the reality , that has no sense . So yes my model and theory and these spheres and spherisation are a problem for their philosophies mainly because they were persuaded, but thei reasonings contredict a kind of God and how this God creates this universe. The GR , the photons and these fields alone cannot be the truth , they are just emergent properties probably from particles, maybe 3D spheres in a superfluidity and this DE and DM must be superimposed to this SM and GR with or without the approvements of thinkers persuaded to understand god and the physics

    Yes, I am still around, just otherwise distracted.

    Today it is even more clear to me that graviton noise is what makes things happen and is the source of wavefunction collapse a la CSL, continuous spontaneous localization.

    My latest and greatest is that it is actually two entangled photons that make up a graviton. Graviton exchange a la QED is not between bodies but rather graviton exchange is between each body and the rest of the universe. Gravity attraction, then, is simply a manifestation of universal matter collapse, which is the destiny of the universe.

    Here is a diagram that shows the all the black holes of the universe provide the bonds that hold the universe together and in an eternal collapse... eternal only in the sense of until the next antiverse cycle.

    Graviton noise, then, are the perpetual waves in this gravity universe that continuously collapse the biphoton bonds to black holes that are the backbone to the universe.

      I can't win for losing... let's try a link... []DiscreteMatter Gravitons]

      Hi, how can you be sure that the gravitons are the quanta of gravitational waves and that the photons like the GR are the primary essence of our reality , explain me the proof of this reasoning, and why two entangled so photons for this quantum gravitation, what are the renormalisations proved.

      I cannot see your paper, I d like to read it but not possible.

      I have put the link of the paper of Pnerose in 1976 , you could be interested to read it, already at this moment in 1976 they considered these gravitons being the quanta of gravitational waves and since more than 50 years all has been tied in this line of reasoning but no renormalisation.

      What I tell steve is true, we cannot affirm that thies ephotons and GR like primary essence is the only one truth. We know nothing still even in 100 years of relativity since einstein.

      What I find surprising is that all now in majority consider this GR and photons alone like the cause of all , even the cause of our quantum mechanics, I have difficulties to understand this because we have so many limitations and probably deeper paramters to superimpose, the photons are just photons ,they permit this GR that we observe of course, they permit the elecytromagnetism of course, the heat because they are quanta of E, but why to consider them like the primary essence, and why to consider the fields and the oscillations vibrations of these photons with points or strings inside them in 1d to try to explain all. I find this odd in fact.We know so few, we can comnapre our knowledges in physics at this quantum scale like our knowledges about this cosmology, even mars we don t know well , so imagine what we must still know for this QM and cosmology, sometimes I tell me that einstein and witten have created a philosophical prison and now we turn all in round inside this prison. Maybe the problem comes from the philosophy too and thiese religions maybe considering the light like correlated with god, in all case it seems odd knowing our limitations and knowledges. If the universe has created 3D spheres like foundamental objects and that these photons are not the only one truth so the DM and DE permit to solve many things if this vacuum of the DE encodes these phtons and cold dark matter to create this matter baryonic, so why to consider these gravitons like the quanta of gravitational waves, why to consider these photons like primary essence of this universe, why simply to consider these gravitons like if they were photons simply oscillating differently, we couls solve many problems like the constant cosmol problem, the QM in respecting newton with my humble reasoning, so why ....

      There is plenty of proof that gravitons are equivalent to biphotons since a biphoton has the right spin, has the right symmetry, and the biphoton is consistent with the exchange and Feynman diagrams of QED.

      The proper question to ask is how to test my proposition.

      Renormalization is just the same as that of QED and although it is convenient to think of photons and gravitons in space with momentum, in QED photons exist with mass in the action integral, not really with momentum in space and time.

      Thus, the universe exists as a matter-action causal set of precursors and outcomes and it is only from those outcomes that space and time emerge...

      so give me the proof here now in writing it with the maths and the correct arguments and in the same time, give me the proof that they are the quanta of gravitational waves,and give me too a concrete proof that the photons and the GR alone are the primary essence ,

      there is no proof simply that these entangled pairs of photons are the gravitons and that these photons and the fields and this GR are the primary essence of the universe, it is only simple than this , there is no proof too that the gravitons are the quanta of the gravitational waves. There is no proof too that the gravitons must be relativistic and I d say even that they must respect the newtonian mechanics and that we must even consider a deeper logic added to this standard model and even a fith force appears . That implies that the QFT is just emergent and is due to mphotons yes encode3d but that is all , nothing of odd.