Hi Barry, I asked me the same questions in being young, and at the age of 17 I have searched deeper answers in the religions, I have read all the sacred books, the bible, the talmud, the coran, the hinduism and vedas, the buddhism, ...after I have continued in reading many philosophes, descartes and the discourse about the method, nietsche, freud, and greek philosophes also,ptolemee, and this and thatmany french writers also, hugo, balsac...and my favorites are kant and spinoza, but the answers were not really convicing even if I consider like spinoza and einstein a god of nature, a god of spinoza,so like I was in secondary in maths , sciences strong, 9hours of maths and 9hours of physics, chemistry, biology more 4h of labs by week and after at university in geology in belgium, I have stopped due to an epileptic coma in 3 , so I have made agronomy after 1 year in resting. So I have searched these answers in the sciences and I have found my theory in ranking in fact the animals, vegetals, minerals, maths, the evolution, the physics, the chemistry , I have seen the evolution of brains since the selacians , and we see a relative spherisation of hominids brains, it is just a page of a book of biology wich has given me this eureka if I can say, I told me oh my god all is in this relativie logic of spherisation and spheres, it is this evolution the most important in my model, not only the quantum and cosmological 3D spheres but the evolution optimisation of this universal sphere or future sphere.
I cannot stop to continue to improve it in fact this theory and I agree that we must live and contemplate the nature but it is stronger than me this theory, It is in me I believe. I want to go farer, I cannot stop to study the physics and maths in fact lol. The paradox indeed can be solved in a pure empirical deterministic way I believe. The mysticism like you tell is fascinating, this infinite eternal consciousness, the main energy in 0D in my model coding and transforming this E to create this physicality intrigues me, but we are linited in knowledges unfortunally but I know that this thing exists .
You know Barry , about the quantum gravitation, I have quantified it , I was surprised to reach it in thinking beyond the box, it is not an emergent electromagnetic force, I will publish correctly, in fact the GR and G c and h are not sufficient to reach it even with the non commutativity , the tensors, the geometrical algebras and subgroups, this weakest quantum force has a simple universal logic , the standard model also is emergent, it is the error of many thinkers to consider only the fields and the EFE and the GR , in fact the solution is an opposite reasoning. We know so few and the other ontological and philosophical error of thinkers if to consider the photons like the only one piece of puzzle, they forget the two other spacetimes, so yes this DM in the cold and this DE permit to solve our deep unknowns and answer also to this priniciple of evolution.We can even predict the future of our universe.
About the BB , even with the CMB you know it is an assumption, and we have a deeper logic than this , it is still the error philosophical to consider like if we had an infinite heat for god and after photons and after strings at this planck scale inside,and lol god plays at guitar with the oscillations but if the main energy of god is not an infinite heat, so we must think differently and it is what I have made. The electromagnetism and the heat are just emergent, they are not the main primoridal essence, the space vacuumm of this DE is probably the main codes and the cold dark matter permits to balance in being encoded and explains also the anti matter and this QG. All is a question of general ontological philosophical origin and foundamental objects . To be continued , Spherically yours Barry , they turn so they are, so we are :) friendly