Dear all.
My observations have lead me to the notion that people can be roughly divided into three camps:
#1. Practical, hands on realists, seeing is believing and tend to be boring although handy in a crisis (your car breaks down).
#2. Don't know, don't care, wont commit, follow the crowd.
#3. Love Disney land, conspiracy theories, supernatural stuff, astrology, Theism, and the wonderful, mystical world of Quantum mechanics, abstract mathematics and beauty of paradox's It physics. Oh! did I forget Aliens and ghosts!
There are overlaps in these camps as the boundaries are soft. These camps extend or apply to physics and physicists. If you combine this with "Paradigm inertia", then you have the present "crisis in physics"!
What crisis you say? There is confusion between the wonderful advances in ENGINEERING technology, say: optical fibres, the internet, lasers, cellphones, space travel, jumbo jets etc.
Much of this advancement is commonly attributed to modern physics and QM. I beg to differ, the field effect transistor (FET), the most important advance in technology since the wheel, was patented in 1926, and not by a QM. The inventor of the laser, H R Townes, was told by Niels Bohr that it could not possibly work because of the uncertainty principle.
Why did Feynman say this: "From a long view of the history of mankind, seen from, say, ten thousand years from now, there can be little doubt that the most significant event of the 19th century will be judged as聽Maxwell's聽discovery of the laws of electrodynamics." how could he get it so wrong, Maxwell is all but forgotten, he is certainly ignored by the current generation.
My thought's for comment.