. At the macroscopic scale we assume things are as they are and are not changed by measurement. However imagine trying to measure the velocity or area of a large shoal of fish by interacting with it with a clock and measuring rod. Whenever it is approached it changes direction and shape. Whatever you have measured is not the velocity or area of the shoal.

From the article: "

" Entanglement is a quantum property that allows events to have mysterious connections--correlations that can't fully be explained in terms of common causes with the classical rules of causality." I think it probably can if the common causes are not just the preparation and maintenance of the relation established at preparation but how that relationship affects the outcomes of same tests on each partner.

"But they do know that whatever direction it snaps to, its partner electron will immediately snap into moving in the opposite direction." It is not the electron velocity snapping to, but the measurement coming into being and from that the knowledge. Those are products, 'effects' of the experimental procedure.

a month later

Many of the paradox's in physics are as a result of Einstein's biggest blunder:

the "photon".

Planck argued with Einstein that discrete energy levels only exist within the matter, there after radiation evolves as per Maxwell. Einstein disagreed based on sound energy conservation grounds. Some years later Planck solved Einsteins dilemma, by proposing a universal sea of energy, some of us refer to as zero point energy. This sea, biases the Planck threshold of all atoms in the ground state to transition to another state with a very small amount of additional energy, well below a Planck unit of energy for any particular frequency. This sea is stochastic, and self regulating, because any random fluctuation that exceeds a Planck energy threshold of an atom absorbs the energy from the sea thus maintaining an average energy of half Planck's constant per frequency. This sea accounts for QM's quantum fluctuations and the uncertainty principle, along with quantum noise. A small group of scientists have embraced zero point radiation and have derived an alternative quantum theory named, stochastic Electrodynamics (SED). To be continued if comments are favorable.

I eagerly await Comments.


    Hi Mr Gilbert,

    All this is very interesting, we have evolved a lot since this wonderful period where the best past thinkers spoke together to explain the unknowns about this matter energy. It was easier I must say for them due to easier measurements and the fact that they worked about this electromagnetism, of course einstein , plancl , Maxwell and the others were famous and have well detailed this electromagnetism, but now these persons have created also a kind of prison , where the thinkers don t go deeper , they consider only these photons like the primoridal essence, the general relativity and this electromagnetism, and now with the strings inside these photons in 1D connected with a kind of 1D main field at this cosmological scale with the GR, so they turn in round for me even with the geometrical alg like this E8 or other mathematical tools like the non commutativity. The matter energy is more I believe than this , we have evolved a little bit and we have these new unknowns, like this dark matter, this dark energy , the consciousness, for me we must not unfy the QM and the GR, G c and h only we must unfy the others also , that is why I have considered 3 aethers superimposed in considering series finite of 3D spheres instead of points of strings, one space vacuum of this DE for the main codes and the two other series are fuels , the photons and the cold dark matter and when they merge they create the topologies, matters, geometries, fields electromagnetic and gravitational, we have so a deeper logic for the energy and matters , it is the meaning of my equation inserting the dark matter and the DE , E=m(c^2+Xl^2)+Y with X a parameter correlated with th cold and l their linear velocity and Y a parameter correlated with this DE , we have more energy that we thought in resume, the energy matter is a reality but why they are transformed and why they give this reality and diversity, the real question is there . The sea of E is more than we can imagine and we need a kind of transformator of this energy infinite of pure consciousness beyond the physicality, that is why this central consological sphere is essential in my model of spherisation sending the primordial informations with this finite series of 3D spheres coded, this center can be seen like a super matter energy able to create all matters simply. The electromagnetism and the photons are not the only one piece of our universal puzzle simply. Regards


      I was unaware of that disagreement between Planck and Einstein. I would appreciate some references of select reading. Does this go to Planck's 'pre-loaded' hypothesis? And did Planck argue an inherent causality. There are good arguments that the Planck Constant (however tiny) is an averaged least observable, empirically derived value. Constantinos Ragazaz (I'll have to refresh on spelling) offered an Essay Contest entry on the subject with a mathematical argument, several years ago. I'll look it up later and post a link, or watch here for an edit. Cordially, jrc

      Hi John, it is this planck constant and the fact to consider only these photons wich has created this philosophical prison with the strings added,that implies that all they consider now that the frequences, vibrations oscillations of photons are the only one piece to understand the matter energy tranformations and the energies, that is why they have inserted the geometrical algebras , if my equation is correct, we must add several things and not only this , so the aim is not to unify G c and h only

      Of course this constant and the frequences are essential for our electromagnetism and for the photoemectric effect, we measure these effects due to fact that we can only measure these photons and their properties, but if we measure beyond our actual logic, we have probably the two other energies to consider , probably in considering observations different and also in going farer in our scales for the main codes of this DE , for the DM the cold probably balancing is the answer. The actions in fact must be considered with a superimposed different reasoning added. That implies so a constant correlated also for this DM, and an other for this DE and all is balanced together under a gravitational logic. The electromagnetism so is emergent and the gravitation is the main chief orchestra simply, it is an opposite general reasoning in fact.The problem is that it is not easy to observe, measure and check them, because it is not relativistic.


      It was Dirac that told about his Sea,not Planck, what I know about.

      There are models describing electrons surfing the edge of this Sea, together with light and other massless particles, like the presumed graviton, neutrinos etc.

      Puthoff, Haisch, Rueda etchas done great work with this. But it is indeed odd that gravitons does not give an action principle,other than the weight impact on mass and the supposed curvature of geodesics. We still are a bit unsure what really is the inertia principle at its heart, etc. Together with Jerry Decker, publ. at vixra, I have discussed these things a bit.

      Now a stochastic Seais coded in bytes too, like a computer. It is information,but how is it explained in physical terms? It cannot possibly be entropy, because it is a classical outcome from just Plancks constant. Von Neumann had something about a quantum thermodynamics, but there should be other models? Does anybody know about it?

      I think it should be something holographic. Also the Dirac Sea must be chaos then and the quantum model we use must start from chaos. It is hard to unify with detrerministic thinking? We need non-deterministic models?

      Regards. Ulla Mattfolk

      Barry, and others,

      along this line of reasoning, Constantinos Ragazas essay 'A World Without Quanta' was his entry in the Essay Contest - 'Is Reality Digital or Analog?' (2010-2011).

      Good mathematically supported argument. jrc

      Dear John, Steve, Ulla.

      Planck preceded Dirac by about 20 years, with his second quantization paper or, presentation. I will start with a Scientific American article (SA) before they went to pop science. Please pay attention to the highlights in the SA article


      The discussion on Planck's work To be continued.

      Regards All



      I have noted the classical Plancks constant earlier. Then nobody was interested in it.... Note that at Plancks time we had no quantum physics.

      Here the link to discussions.


      I will read the article later./Ulla.

      John said

      I was unaware of that disagreement between Planck and Einstein. I would appreciate some references of select reading. Does this go to Planck's 'pre-loaded' hypothesis? And did Planck argue an inherent causality.


      If you go to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-point_energy#Second_quantum_theory

      You will find Planck comes up with the notion that we now know as "zero point radiation", I have not heard of the "pre-loaded" hypothesis in the old literature, but Eric Rieter refers to it. I suspect that that the "pre loaded" hypothesis, and zero point radiation have morphed over time to be the same.

      Note, Einstein states, Planck's zero point radiation is as dead as a door nail early in the article. "Zero point", whether real or virtual, is considered crucial in modern physics.



      5 days later

      Dear all.

      My observations have lead me to the notion that people can be roughly divided into three camps:

      #1. Practical, hands on realists, seeing is believing and tend to be boring although handy in a crisis (your car breaks down).

      #2. Don't know, don't care, wont commit, follow the crowd.

      #3. Love Disney land, conspiracy theories, supernatural stuff, astrology, Theism, and the wonderful, mystical world of Quantum mechanics, abstract mathematics and beauty of paradox's It physics. Oh! did I forget Aliens and ghosts!

      There are overlaps in these camps as the boundaries are soft. These camps extend or apply to physics and physicists. If you combine this with "Paradigm inertia", then you have the present "crisis in physics"!

      What crisis you say? There is confusion between the wonderful advances in ENGINEERING technology, say: optical fibres, the internet, lasers, cellphones, space travel, jumbo jets etc.

      Much of this advancement is commonly attributed to modern physics and QM. I beg to differ, the field effect transistor (FET), the most important advance in technology since the wheel, was patented in 1926, and not by a QM. The inventor of the laser, H R Townes, was told by Niels Bohr that it could not possibly work because of the uncertainty principle.

      Why did Feynman say this: "From a long view of the history of mankind, seen from, say, ten thousand years from now, there can be little doubt that the most significant event of the 19th century will be judged as聽Maxwell's聽discovery of the laws of electrodynamics." how could he get it so wrong, Maxwell is all but forgotten, he is certainly ignored by the current generation.

      My thought's for comment.


      a month later

      What is the reason for the existence of the universe?

      The only exact answer, in my opinion, is the life of the universe.

      According to the New Unity Physics, the universe is defined as a living being that on Earth resembles an angiosperm plant. This plant is from the seventh level of circulation in the universe.

      Each galaxy or constellation is also the same angiosperm Galactic or Constellation Plant. The Galactic Plant is of the sixth level, and the Constellation Plant is of the fifth level of circularity in the universe.

      Different areas of space are different Galactic or Constellation Plant.

      Each plant is a biological living matter.

      There is no physical definition of biological living matter yet. But one of the necessary conditions for a matter to be alive is to have gravity.

      Is the existence of the universe a cause, or is it a consequence?

      The existence of the universe is defined as a single cyclical process. In this cycle, one passes into another continuously.

      This is the cycle of life of the universe. This cycle can generally be expressed this way:

      The four bison convert dark matter and dark energy of the first kind into familiar matter and energy.

      During the existence of the universe, matter is converted into energy, and energy is converted into matter.

      At the end of the universe, matter and energy are converted into first-kind dark matter and dark energy.

      What is causation in the universe?

      Causation is organized in nine different levels of circulation.

      At the beginning of each level begins from the created matter at the front level. At the end of the level created so far, matter forms biological living matter, which in turn creates the necessary matter to build the next level of circularity. This is a model of the most economical, self-regulating, stable, and securely functioning way of creating matter in the universe.

      This model cannot be "copied" when creating Al.

      What is Al? Al is made of non-living matter. For this non-living matter, a program has been created under which Al performs certain actions. This program cannot foresee the modification of the environment, which is living matter. These changes depend on the dark energy of the first species, which creates the conditions for the corresponding change.

      How is the question of mathematical models of causation necessary for the developer to decide on complex medical treatments and dosages of drugs?

      The approach of thinking about such Al is inaccurate. This can be done without a mathematical model. It is only necessary to make an analog "device" that measures the space-time continuum of the person for which the drugs are. This device uses the nature model with which the universe was created, and the answer is simple, instant and 100% sure.

      This isn't about Minkowski's space-time. It's a space-time continuum of Hawkings. This continuum is a factor.

      The analog device measures the patient's space-time continuum, which is one number. Then the patient takes in his hand, for example, a pill. The space-time continuum is changing. Depending on the modification of the continuum, a quick and correct decision is made. For each patient, there is a different pill and a different amount that is easily analyzed and established.

        We don t know in fact simply, we have our own philosophies but we have too much limitations and we cannot affirm to possess the truth. Personally I work my theory in physics , the theory of spherisation, an optimisation evolution of the universal sphere or future sphere with quantum and cosmological 3D spheres to be very simple.

        The philosophies and the religions have created confusions and they are mainly assumptions, and it d be odd to pretend to affirm the truth. The sciences community is divided about the origin of the universe , a part consider a kind of conscious infinite energy that we name god, others consider that we come from a mathematical accident , but nobody knows, we have the same problem about the foudamental mathematical and physical objects creating this physicality, we don t know what they are really, we are divided also inside the theoretical sciences community, a part consider points and geometrodynamics, others consider strings in 1D at this planck scales oscillating, vibrating connected withna 1D cosmic field of the gneral relativity , so they try to explain the geometries, topologies with different geometrical algebras like hopf, clifford, lie or the hilbert spaces or others in extending the euclidian space. But we don t affirm to know in fact the truth.

        Personally Like I said I consider an infinite eternal consciousness beyond this physicality and this thing that we cannot define in my model has created a central sphere , a kind of super matter energy physical sending informations coded in the quantum spheres to create the universe and its more than 10000 billions of galaxies. But I have many limitations of scales about these foundamental objects and the philosophical origin of this universe.

        We search answers and a sure thing is that we are obliged to prove our assumptions, we cannot affrim them , the same for a general philosophy about the origin of this physicality and from what .

        6 days later

        G'day Steve

        "Hi Mr Gilbert,

        All this is very interesting, we have evolved a lot since this wonderful period where the best past thinkers spoke together to explain the unknowns about this matter energy. It was easier I must say for them due to easier measurements and the fact that they worked about this electromagnetism, of course einstein , plancl , Maxwell and the others were famous and have well detailed this electromagnetism, but now these persons have created also a kind of prison , where the thinkers don t go deeper , they consider only these photons like the primoridal essence, the general relativity and this electromagnetism,"

        I in my opinion the "prison" is not classical physics or Maxwell, but Quantum theory(QT) and theoretical mathematicians. Since Maxwell has been abandoned by physicists, physics has not progressed, but returned to bizarre nonsensical mysticism. QT tends to ignore the myriad of paradox's, e.g. EPR, Young's two slit etc. Many folk are titillated by the magic of QT but I'm not one of them. Fortunately, engineers have developed modern electromagnetic(EM) theory, derived from Maxwell to a remarkable degree. Laser, optical communications, 3 4 and 5G cellphones, stealth and anti stealth technology,internet and great advances in astronomy. We are still communicating with the 2 Voyager spacecraft at over 40 light hours round trip. The received signals at the receiver input are equivalent to several RF "photons" per bit. Remarkably, they don't use photon counting equipment(photo multiplier tubes, avalanche diodes etc.), as theoretical physicists might expect, but amplifiers, mixers and filters. This is problematical to those who believe in "photons".

        My conclusion is that the foundations of physics should be revised, using modern EM theory right down to the atomic level.

        Below is a link that includes using an EM simulator to analyse the behaviour of Silver atoms passing through the Stern Gerlach apparatus. Highlight the link and paste it into your search engine.



          Hi Mr Gilbert, like I told we have more difficulties to reach the unknowns . The actual works consider like I explained the GR , the photons, strings at this planck scale in 1D connected with a 1D main cosmic field of this GR and so with the geometrical algebras and the extradimensions they create the topologies, geometries,... Their philosophy considers a kind of god , and it is not really mysticism, they just try to understand how this infinite eternal energy probably conscious tranforms this energy.

          I consider myself also a kind of god , but in respecting the pure determinsim and I never affrim my assumptions. You know the best past and actual thinkers consider philosophically this kind of god of spinoza , that permits to consider a coder, transformer.

          A sure thing is that we are limited in knowledges and nobody knows the answer, personally I don t consider only this GR and the strings, I consider 3 main ethers and spheres like you know.

          I agree that the foundations of physics must be revised , we must superimposed deeper logic for me , I doubt really that this universe is just an infinite heat and after has just created these photons and after strings inside, the truth is deeper than this.They are just a tool for this universe these photons, permitting the electromagnetic forces, the fact to observe and the heat, that is all, these forces are just emergent and the main chief orchestra like force seems the gravitation.

          Best Regards

          You know Mr Gilbert, if we find these bridges beyond this GR and the electromagnetism, we shall understand deep unknowns very relevant. All seems a question of philosophy about the general origin of this universe and these foundamental mathematical and physical objects. The evolution also must be considered, it is a little bit the meaning of my theory of spherisation , an evolution of the universe. There are several major problems in considering only our actual logic with this GR , the main problems cannot be explained and all the best thinkers have tried with many mathematical tools but the hierarchy problem, the cosmological constant problem, the gap mass problem, the quantum gravitation, the gluons problem, the consciousness even also, and others are not explained, it proves that it lacks pieces in this puzzle and for me this DE , this DM, the foundamental objects like spheres coded and 3 main primoridal finite series seem the answer to solve these deep unknowns. We turn in round actually in this GR prison. The fields also like main origin are a problem, they are just emergent and under a deeper logic also. So the EM theory and these photons have well been detailed and they don t solve , we need to superimpose other foundamentals for me. The problem is the scales and also the obsetvations non relativistic . Other mathematical tools also must be invented , that is why I work about these spherical geometrical topological algebras and spheres 3D like foundamental objects. The non associativity and non commutativity are important to go beyond this relativistic bridge at my humble opinion. The EM forces and photons cannot answer.

          21 days later

          Dear Steve

          The whole edifice of modern theoretical physics is predicated on the flawed concept of QM and nonsensical abstract mathematics. A case in point is the pioneer anomaly. Space scientists were flummoxed by the observation that pioneer space craft was decelerating, new physics was proposed. The space craft's electrical power was was provided by, heat generated by several kilogram's of Plutonium, heating one side of an array of Peltier cell's, radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG, RITEG). Peltier cell's are 20% efficient at best. For every 100 watt's of electric power, 500 Watt's is rejected to space. This radiation provides thrust, a well known and observed prediction of Maxwell. This thrust could have been used to accelerate the spacecraft if it had been oriented correctly, instead of decelerating it. This fiasco was caused by insufficient knowledge of Maxwell's equation's. Maxwell or your average RF engineer would have solved this problem. There is a simple resolution of the EPR paradox using Maxwell.

