Hi Steve...

I assume inquires regarding UQS are request for structural details of a unified spatial unit quantization of a sphere, and I reply, as I did to your previous queries regarding UQS, with a directive to a highly illustrated... i.e. no math required... Open Source Online Introduction to UQS.

REF: UQS Consciousness Investigation Geometry http://www.uqsmatrixmechanix.com/UQSConInv.php

Can I presume that you pursued that directive?

In any case, I thank you for herein providing an opportunity to convey the underlying logic precepts that mandate a "spherical" quantization geometry, in order to verify the referent quantization geometry... i.e. spatial structural intelligence... as utilized by Fundamental Quantum Operatives, and synch ones' perceptions of reality to it.

1. Emission, or collapse of minimum/indivisible spatially defined units of potential momentum... i.e. QE... from a single point, requires a symmetrical distribution structure/intelligence at the point of emission or collapse.

As a distribution structure/intelligence, for QE emission or QE collapse, the UQS "sphere", as quantized by minimum/indivisible unified planar 2D spatial units (QI), facilitates a non-perturbative distribution of QE, from or to a single point, equally in all 6, as a minimum requirement for 3D volumetric expansion, of the momentum axis directions.

REF: UQS Origin Singularity Emission (6 sec) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sbzf6NlU8q4

2. As spatial units, spheres do not pack in a manner which facilitate unified unit spatial quantization.... i.e. are not conducive to Einstein's unified/uniform unit 3D field geometry.

Formally speaking, the UQS singularity as comprised of the 6 momentum axis sector UQS Base Volumes, encapsulating the single point of QE emission or QE collapse, is not a true "sphere"... i.e. it has facets... but faceted spheres, as a consequence of singularity quantization, facilitate infinite expansion of a unified unit quantization geometry, as faceted "spherical" shells, with radius increments of one unified UQS Base Unit Volume... i.e. the UQS quadhedron radius.

The geometry to facilitate emission of single point sourced spatially defined minimum/indivisible units of Energy (QE) equally in all 6 momentum axis directions, is required Fundamental Intelligence "... to account for the quantum nature of the emission of particles...", and as the significance of quantization geometry, as QE distribution intelligence, becomes more apparent, focus on spherical conceptualizations inherently emerges.

In that one's Space Time Energy mental model, is the software with which one's mind processes one's experience of reality, in one's pursuit of "just curious", may one's consciousness expand in its capacity to query Fundamental Consciousness, for the intelligence required to facilitate spontaneous, harmonious resolve of one's reality.

Sue Lingo

UQS Author/Logician


Hi Sue, Thanks for developing,

I am happy that people focus on spheres, like you can see in my model I consider a pure 3D at all scales and deformations of these spheres with the symplectomorphisms and I consider also their motions, rotations oscillations vibrations and the volumes, densities .

For the packing, it is solved with a specific serie applied, and the space disappears in fact .That implies a superfluidity. I believe that for the consciousness and the quantum computing we must mimate the universe and we have in logic 3 primoridal series different, two fuels and one for the main codes in the space vacuum. I can develop if you want.


Dear Sue I have some ideas for you for your model, in considering these 3D spheres to reach the quantum computing. The Qbism is a key in this logic, the quantum Bayesianism, and in considering the bloch spheres, that can permit to rank the quantum states . Now let s go farer in considering a kind of universal serie primoridal of spheres 3D , finite, like if it was the choice of the universe, let s take so the finite number of the cosmological spheres, I have calculated approximatelly, let s assume it is the dirac large number inside this universe and its more than 10000 billions of galaxies and their BHs , stars, planets, moons.

So lets assunme that the finite series of quantum spheres have the same number. And now let s assume that we have mainly 3 primoridal system merging together to create the topologies, geometries, matters, fields in a superfluidity of these 3 ethers.We have so the main codes without motion in this space vacuum of this DE, and we have the two fuels, the photons and the cold dark matter and when they merge the number does not change but the motions, rotations, oscillations, densities.... yes . These series are like a relativistic pic of this universe but let s generalise without the fact that each spheres cosmological are unique, and let s apply the numbers in begining from the number 1 the biggest spherical volume for the center and after let s apply 3 smaller around after 5 smaller around the 3 and after 7 smaller around the 5 and we continue with this dirac large number. See that the space disappears between these spheres and so implying a superfluidity for these 3 spacetimes superimposed.

Let s consider now the probabilities and the properties of these quantum series, and let s consider their momentum, and the wavefunctions superimposings in considering these 3 primoridal series. The copenaghen intepretation can be so extrapolated and we can respect the pure empirical determinism with these motions, oscillations of these Series of 3D spheres merging together, the symplectomorphisms can be utilised instead of a ricci flow for the deformations and the codes are in this space vacuumm. Many things can be explained and even the consciousness. :) Regards

Hi Sue, I have an other idea to add, let s assume the bloch spheres but in 3D and instead of qubits, let s assume qutrits with the 3 series that I have explained like in my theory of spherisation, and so we consider the evolution of quantum states ,a relevance is that we can consider the hopf fibrations on surfaces of these 3D spheres , in my model they permit to rank the quasiparticles. The hilbert spaces can be correlated and we can consider also these two fuels that I explained , with the photons for the general relativity and the cold dark matter for an other non relativistic spacetime in the cold.

Now let s assume the 3 series that I explained and now let s assume also 3 E8 sueprimposed in replacing the points or strings by these series of 3D spheres .See that an universal spherical turing church machine appears and if the number finite does not change, that becomes very very relevant for the sortings, superimposings, synchronisations and the Evolution of quantum states. The tensors, spinors....of these two spacetimes like fuels encoded in the space vaccuum become so an universal key permitting to explain and reach our deepest unknowns.

Hi Steve...

In that I am confident that Alice's and Bob's perception of Space-Time Energy distribution can be synched by "analysis of the differential in Alice's and Bob's perception/measurement, made from within a valid Fundamental referent geometry", I will participate in an attempt to identify the common elements of UQS and Spherisation geometries... but one step at a time:

1. Make note that the UQS geometry is specific to resolve of QE emission and subsequent QE/QI distribution from a single point pulsed QE Source.

2. Verify for me that you have spent 9 seconds to watch UQS Origin Singularity Emission https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sbzf6NlU8q4

3. Utilizing the 9 second CAD animated UQS geometry expansion sequence, visually identify the UQS spaceless Source point of QE emission.

4. Now for a moment, constrain your Spherisation conceptualization to the visual structural geometry required to distribute an initial Source pulsed emission of momentum potential.

5. Is the Spherisation model emission Source geometry a spatially defined 6 momentum axis volume... i.e. the asymptotic volume as defined by mutually adjacent packing of 3 spherical volumes?... or is the Source a spaceless point??

6. What structural geometry form does the Spherisation pulsed Energy assume on initial pulse?

Note: submission of a simple 3D graphic illustration, would augment understanding of any verbalized geometric form.

7. Reply utilizing ONLY terminology that is visually verifiable in the UQS and/or Spherisation models at emission time = .5 QT.

Note: superfluidity, cold dark matter etc., are subsequently derived concepts that have no meaning at this level of "Fundamental".

Sue Lingo

UQS Author/Logician


Hi Sue, I need to know more about your general philosophy , do you consider so only this general relativity for the space time ? and so you consider the points in this spaceless and after singularities UQS if I understand well ? So you consider a kind of geometrisation from these points due to fields , tensors,... in the einstein fields equations?

Like I said I don t consider the fields like the origin philosophical and ontological of this universe, I consider coded particles, 3D spheres and 3 main series . Of course these 3 series are numerous sent from the central cosmological sphere , a kind of super matter energy able to create all informations coded and so all kind of matters in distributing the codes of this space vacuumm with the 2 fuels merging with it.

The cold dark matter seems essential to balance and the DE is essential also to consider the evolution and to solve the cosmological constant problem. It is due to fact that we consider only this spacetime of the GR, it is not sufficient and don t permit to explain our deepest unknowns.

The emergence of geometries and topologies so for me don t come from the geometrical algebras of this GR and its spacetime, it come from the deformations of coded particles, the 3D spheres, see that the symplectomorphisms preserving the volumes permit these deformations.

The properties oc particles come from coded series , not from pulses , the rotations, oscillations vibrations, momentum, densities, volumes, angles, senses of rotations, densities of encodings, all this can be ranked with the 3 main series that I explained, we don t need fields or pulses or tensors from this GR to understand our reality .

You know Sue, the problem foundamental to understand this philosophical origin and the foundamental objects is to be logic and when we analyse the generality of this universe transforming this main primoridal energy that we cannot define. A simple evidence appears, we need codes and transformations of this Energy and this energy has created matters, it sees logic to consider a central main cosmic sphere , a super matter energy , it is there that this infinite eternal consciousness has created a 3D and created also a matter energy beyond our understanding. The pulses or fields to transform the energy are not sufficient and have many problems considering what is the matter. It is easier in considering distributions coded of this matter energy, in fact all is a little bit the same like the mendeleev table , but the matters and the energy disponible are just activated differently due to these fuels permitting the electromagnetic fields and gravitational fields. That is why this space vaccuum of this DE for the main codes are relevant , all is the same there but not the codes of activation, it is when this space merges with the two fuels that the matters appear.If the hydrogen has 1 prton, 1 neutromn and one electron it is because these photons and this cold dark matter encoded in this space vacuum activates the codes of this vacuum , it is like an energy permitting to give the properties to matters. The dark matter is just to balance this electromagnetism and to create a relativistic spacwtime that we can observe, because without light we cannot observe and that permits also the heat. The dark matter is different but has the same reasoning and explains the evolution with the DE. This DM permits the cold and the quantum gravitation and the antiparticles. In fact in my reasoning all thi9s is well made, and permits to give even the thermodynamical properties, all is coded in the fields and in thermo simply, if a molecul of water H2O has its thermodynamical properties, it is due to this, the two fuels merging in this space, all matters is different because activated differently.

2 months later

Surely the longer the ad. remains visible the more incentive to post such stuff.

5 days later
  • [deleted]

One X, Therefore One God

X = matter or non-object. Information can have meaning without matter. This is how a misunderstanding of reality can be created by mind. Reality is comparable to self-configuration. Wisdom is information coming from a single source (reality). Meaningless information comes from many (objects).

My belief was incorrect we create meaning, just as our minds contain a self-configuration of reality, which is self-configurating along with reality (psychologists are still unclear as to what the mind is). Where the mind is not static and therefore not concept, it is self-configuring and therefore unbound. The SCSPL is intrinsic as well as is spacetime due to structure S which distributes over S (self-distributive). Spacetime is thus transparent from within. Where objects in reality are s, possessing the structure of one that merges the concepts and is self-dynamic and self-perceptual that is S. S is amenable to theological interpretation.

    Hi,we can have of course our philosophical interpretations but we cannot affirm to know nor the origin philosophical and ontological of this universe and what are the foundamental objects and also how is transformed the energy. We don t know in fact all this puzzle about why we exist and if we have a kind of infinite eternal consciousness or if we come from a mathematical accident. We have all our own intepretations intuitive but nobody knows the truth. The sciences have many assumptions , we can have assumptions, but we cannot affirm them, we must always prove our assumptions with rigourous mathematical proofs. Best Regards

    • [deleted]

    Hello Steve,

    What I wrote while high above is revolutionary and can be considered a "baby proof' of God. It demonstrates that because the mind is contains a self-configuration of reality which is self-configuring along with reality it is thus unbound.

      • [deleted]

      Reality is self-perceptual, therefore consciousness can and does exist outside of the body.

      Reality is processing information.

      It is easy to deduce what atoms are thinking if we observe their behavior.

      • [deleted]

      Physics gives rise to observer-participancy, observer-participancy gives rise to information, information gives rise to Physics. A "closed loop". The CTMU makes no distinction between matter and information. "Concrete matter now vies with abstract information abstractly representing matter".

      • [deleted]


      By distributing the design phase of reality over the actualization phase, conspansive spacetime also provides a distributed mechanism for Intelligent Design, adjoining to the restrictive principle of natural selection a basic means of generating information and complexity. Addressing physical evolution on not only the biological but cosmic level,...

      See http://megafoundation.org/CTMU/Articles/Langan_CTMU_092902.pdf

      • [deleted]

      You are the universe creating itself by observing itself. The physical body and matter appears to you (where physical laws act as restrictions on state from the nothing of which things are) and it is created by your conscious viewing and perceiving.

      Hi Nicholas, I consider in my model and it is an intuitive intepretation , an assumption that I don t affirm. I consider an infinite eternal consciousness in 0D creating this universe in sending informations in series coded of 3D spheres from the central cosmological sphere , a kind of super matter energy in 3D. But I must say that we are limited about our assumptions that we cannot prove. All this is beyobnd our understanding still.

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