You know Sue, the problem foundamental to understand this philosophical origin and the foundamental objects is to be logic and when we analyse the generality of this universe transforming this main primoridal energy that we cannot define. A simple evidence appears, we need codes and transformations of this Energy and this energy has created matters, it sees logic to consider a central main cosmic sphere , a super matter energy , it is there that this infinite eternal consciousness has created a 3D and created also a matter energy beyond our understanding. The pulses or fields to transform the energy are not sufficient and have many problems considering what is the matter. It is easier in considering distributions coded of this matter energy, in fact all is a little bit the same like the mendeleev table , but the matters and the energy disponible are just activated differently due to these fuels permitting the electromagnetic fields and gravitational fields. That is why this space vaccuum of this DE for the main codes are relevant , all is the same there but not the codes of activation, it is when this space merges with the two fuels that the matters appear.If the hydrogen has 1 prton, 1 neutromn and one electron it is because these photons and this cold dark matter encoded in this space vacuum activates the codes of this vacuum , it is like an energy permitting to give the properties to matters. The dark matter is just to balance this electromagnetism and to create a relativistic spacwtime that we can observe, because without light we cannot observe and that permits also the heat. The dark matter is different but has the same reasoning and explains the evolution with the DE. This DM permits the cold and the quantum gravitation and the antiparticles. In fact in my reasoning all thi9s is well made, and permits to give even the thermodynamical properties, all is coded in the fields and in thermo simply, if a molecul of water H2O has its thermodynamical properties, it is due to this, the two fuels merging in this space, all matters is different because activated differently.
Can Choices Curve Spacetime?
Looks' like a test to see if there is active human moderation.
Surely the longer the ad. remains visible the more incentive to post such stuff.
One X, Therefore One God
X = matter or non-object. Information can have meaning without matter. This is how a misunderstanding of reality can be created by mind. Reality is comparable to self-configuration. Wisdom is information coming from a single source (reality). Meaningless information comes from many (objects).
My belief was incorrect we create meaning, just as our minds contain a self-configuration of reality, which is self-configurating along with reality (psychologists are still unclear as to what the mind is). Where the mind is not static and therefore not concept, it is self-configuring and therefore unbound. The SCSPL is intrinsic as well as is spacetime due to structure S which distributes over S (self-distributive). Spacetime is thus transparent from within. Where objects in reality are s, possessing the structure of one that merges the concepts and is self-dynamic and self-perceptual that is S. S is amenable to theological interpretation.
Hi,we can have of course our philosophical interpretations but we cannot affirm to know nor the origin philosophical and ontological of this universe and what are the foundamental objects and also how is transformed the energy. We don t know in fact all this puzzle about why we exist and if we have a kind of infinite eternal consciousness or if we come from a mathematical accident. We have all our own intepretations intuitive but nobody knows the truth. The sciences have many assumptions , we can have assumptions, but we cannot affirm them, we must always prove our assumptions with rigourous mathematical proofs. Best Regards
Hello Steve,
What I wrote while high above is revolutionary and can be considered a "baby proof' of God. It demonstrates that because the mind is contains a self-configuration of reality which is self-configuring along with reality it is thus unbound.
Reality is self-perceptual, therefore consciousness can and does exist outside of the body.
Reality is processing information.
It is easy to deduce what atoms are thinking if we observe their behavior.
Physics gives rise to observer-participancy, observer-participancy gives rise to information, information gives rise to Physics. A "closed loop". The CTMU makes no distinction between matter and information. "Concrete matter now vies with abstract information abstractly representing matter".
By distributing the design phase of reality over the actualization phase, conspansive spacetime also provides a distributed mechanism for Intelligent Design, adjoining to the restrictive principle of natural selection a basic means of generating information and complexity. Addressing physical evolution on not only the biological but cosmic level,...
You are the universe creating itself by observing itself. The physical body and matter appears to you (where physical laws act as restrictions on state from the nothing of which things are) and it is created by your conscious viewing and perceiving.
Hi Nicholas, I consider in my model and it is an intuitive intepretation , an assumption that I don t affirm. I consider an infinite eternal consciousness in 0D creating this universe in sending informations in series coded of 3D spheres from the central cosmological sphere , a kind of super matter energy in 3D. But I must say that we are limited about our assumptions that we cannot prove. All this is beyobnd our understanding still.