The real relevance of this space vacuum of the DE is that it solves the problem of the Dirac sea, permit to solve the constant cosmological problem and permits with the DM to solve the quantum gravitation. The fact to have these 3 main primordial series of spheres 3D , the main codes in this vacuum of the DE and the two others , the photons and the cold dark matter imply when you apply specific finite series of spherical volumes for these series in begining with the central biggest volume , and in considring the dirac large number the same oddly than our cosmological finite number of spheres , so that implies this superfluidity for the 3 spacetimes and all is in contact. That implies also deep philosophical questions but it is an other story even about the consciousness.
See also that the antimatter is understood in this reasoning also . The foundamental actual problem is really at my humble opinion to consider only this GR and these photons. The photons are just a tool forthe universe, they are just quanta of E permitting the GR, and in being encoded in this space vacuum to create the electromagnetic fields and the thermodynamical properties. They permit also to observe because without light we cannot observe. But the fact to consider the photons alone and the GR is reductor and cannot solve the deepest unknowns.
A relevance now is to consider this hypothetical BB , in logic a number finite precise of photons has been created at this begining and so they exaplin also the life death of matter and a kink of evolutive logic. See also that the DE and DM disponible permit to explain also the evolution and we can predict the future of the universe. Maybe even we shall have an expansion acceleration anti gravitational push of this DE and after a decceleration towards the maximum volume spherical and afeter the opposite an accel deccel of a contraction towards the minimum balanced spherical universal volume. This DE , this vacuum is intriguing philosophically speaking.
All this reasoning implies relevances, we have maybe a fith force appearing stronger than our nuclear forces and we have also an explaination for the anitmatter and the quantum gravitation. The universe seems simple generally speaking and the fact to consider only the GR and photons and strings in 1D have many philosophical and ontological problems. If my intuitive equation about the matter energy E=m(c^2+Xl^2)+Y is on the good road, we can better understand the matter energy equivaloance and know better the origin of this universe. Of course this GR is important , it is a tool permitting to better understand our observations at this comsological scale, but the fact to consider the fields like philosophical origin is a problem, and the same for the strings in 1D at this planc scale connecte with this 1D cosmic field of the GR. That cannot solve the deepest problems simply.