It is there dear Dr Rinkus that your sets become relevant in ranking all this and in trying with the spherical topological geometrical algebras and the 3 primoridal series and in correlating the informations to explain many relevant unknowns. Your physical states become relevant with the good partitions and numbers for the 3 spacetimes with a bridge beyond this GR. The probablibilities densities functions and the simultaneities can be correlated with the predictions in time in sorting, superimposing, synchronising correctly the informations in time.
It is like a ranking of events, states and in considering the evolution and the most important in going beyond this general relativity wich is unfortunally always taken like the only one piece of puzzle for the spacetime.
This idea that I explain implies qutrits instead of qubits and the main informations primordial are in this space vacuum of the dark energy. But the actual qubits and reasonings of waves that we have invented that also be considred for the sortings and synchros of these informations, that implies deepe philosophical questions about the body mind problem and the time lifes. That is why the densities and the volumes of these spheres become relevant at my humble opinion.
You can so correlate with your ideas and the numbers in considering the entities and the universe. It is there that your spatial emergent dimensions become important in considering the 3 spacetimes.
I liked your idea about the quanta of space, and I believe that you can correlate also with the superfluidity that I explained due to specific series of spherical volumes. I have always thought that this palnck scale was not a reality, but maybe we can consider these series of spheres and the paradox is that the central sphere is the biggest volume. In all the cases that can converge for the rankings of particles of our standard model and a better understanding of the universal origin of the universe. Your quanta of space and the 3D are relevant and the partitionings of fermions and bosons, in adding the two other systems, the cold dark matter and the DE , like a bridge between the qubits and qutrits and in considering the Volumes. The subsets that you utilise so can be correlated for the subgroups of these spherical topological geometrical algebras of series of 3D spheres.
I liked a lot how you extrapolate the informations with the vortex and brains, and the ideas of Penrose and Hameroff added with the microtubules more my humble ideas and your sets can permit to understand this consciousness and even the quantum computing with the qutrits. I don t know if we can create a conscious AI , because maybe it is towards these central spheres the main codes, but maybe I don t know, maybe also it is not our aim us the human to create these kind of machines but maybe. Yous 3D corpuscules are interesting also and still can be correlated with the 3D spheres.
An other point can be the informations and the competition , cooperation correlated with the volumes and densities for the importance of infomations and so implying the sortings, synchros, superimposings in function of localities butr also universally.
I see also a link with the manyworlds and your works, in tellinbg us about the multiverse, Ma tegmark has beautiful extrapolations in maths about this. And we can consider the multiverse inside an unique universe with the different interpretations of the QM, copenaghe, born rule, relational QM,manyworlds, Qbism.
Best Regards and congrats still for your general work.