In all the cases , we must find the real origin philosophical and the real origin of geometries, topologies, matters, fields and properties of matters.
The actual crisis inside our theoretical sciences community at my humble opinion is to only focus on photons, strings or points and this GR. So they consider god or not these photons like primoridal essence and after with the geometrical algebras and the fields , they play with the partitions in maths and numbers and also with extradimensions begining in 1D at this planck scale. But all this is an assumption, they consider the spacetime of this GR, the minkoski works or others and after they try to unify G c and h , the QFT and the GR. But if all this is not the truth philosophically and ontologically speaking, so they are in a kind of prison.
The utilise the flows like the ricci flow to explain these geometries or topologies but the 3D spheres too can be deformed in preserving the volumes if the qutrits and main codes are in this space vacuum made of sphere too of this DE. All can be too explained when the 3 main series of spheres merge together.
So all seems really a question of philosophy and primordial essence after all . The real question so about these Spheres is , are they primoridal these 3D spheres like a choice of this universe, mathematical accident or god, or are they emergent from these geometrical algebras in resume. Personally I believe that the 3D and the Spheres are the choice of this infinite eternal consciousness . The extradimensions so are not really necessary , we can rank the fields in considering the motions, rotations, oscillations vibrations of these Spheres , we can respect the 3D at all scales and we can consider this time simply like correlated with the motions of these spheres.
About the consciousness, that becomes relevant considering the main energy of this infinity in 0D creating this physicality. We have so deeper logics to add to this strabdard limited model , the quantum BHs farer than these protons and the fact that this space vacuum encoding these photons and this cold dark matter to create the ordinary baryonic matter can be relevant even for the consciousness. I have reached the quantum gravitation like this and the antimatter is better understood. It is simply due to fact that these photons and these cold dark matter are two opposite suystems considering the matter energy, the photons have more energy than mass and the cold dark matter have more mass than energy ,and the DE is the main codes.
That implies even a fith force that we cannot still reach and it seems maybe antigravitational. The quantum gravitation is simply a newtonian mechanics but it is not the force between protons and electrons, but between quantum BHs of the DE and positrons.....
I beleive that the theoretical sciences community can a little bit think beyond the box and this prison of photons, strings and GR. They can return at this old schools. The GR seems correct for observations but it is just a tool , nothing tells us that this GR and photons alone are the only one truth.