We don't need to worry about the angle presented by the whole radius. We need to be concerned by the area closest to the walkway that is most easily accessed. Imagine a cat flap sized hole in the rotating wall. imagine a radius drawn pointing left horizontal, as we look at it. A bunny hole at the end if the radius is on average the impossible to jump, radius length above our floor height. That is in total, half the width of door subtracted from radius length to half the width of door added to radius. A radius drawn straight down vertical as we look sat it with a bunny hole at the bottom , The hole is at ground level at its lowest point. For each rotation with respect to the walkway there is an associated height compared to the walkway and position compared to the rabbit that could be jumped through or not not.
Quantum Physics and the End of Reality by Sabine Hossenfelder and Carlo Rovelli
Reply to comment on viXra: I'm giving another way of thinking about the issue. Rather than buying into isn't it so strange hype. Such as...'There needs to be 'spooky' entanglement to account for correlations Definite states of being only come to exist upon measurement.' Not so I'm saying absolute orientation in absolute space and uni-temporal time there is what you need. Do not be fooled by the lack of info like the magic rabbit illusion, Things exist in absolute relation to other existing things even when an observation product or measurement hasn't been made. The moon material object exists even when the observer hasn't processed received signals into an observation product ,relative, semblance of the moon from his viewpoint. QM lacks observer independent reality and has problems because of it. So does special Relativity, with its paradoxes. There is no need for spookiness at any angle to account for results obtained. Above 45 degrees and rising; close to easy-ish, easy-ish, easy. 45 degrees= medium difficulty. Below 45 to 90 degrees; close to hard, hard , impossible. Chances of match affected by ease /difficulty, more 1s if easier, more 0s if harder.
Schrödinger's cat
"This thought experiment was devised by physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935 in a discussion with Albert Einstein to illustrate what Schrödinger saw as the problems of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics." Wikipedia
He was presenting a ridiculous scenario to point out the logical issue/problem with the model.
Quantum physics is about measurement outcomes, the absolute condition of the cat is an ignored fact and is not assumed to influence the outcome which is considered a random occurrence. Instead an 'impotent' neither live nor dead cat precedes the outcome in the model. The outcome then causes the definite state of being of the existential cat. Getting causality the wrong way around. Ignoring the influence of existing things upon measurement outcomes is a shortcoming of quantum physics.
Reply on vixra, in The unspooky violation of Bells inequality, discussion
Entanglement does not exist, it is a misunderstanding of what is really occurring. First of all the correlations are not from spooky matching of random states that happen to pop into existence, as if from nowhere. Like a basket ball score just randomly appearing in the universe without a pre existing basket ball with a relation to the hoop creating the score or miss. The score effect is not causing the basket ball cause. Absolute space and unitemporal time restores causality to physics. The existing element of Object reality exists in absolute relation to everything else existing. That absolute orientation is influencing the 'score like' measurement outcomes. Like pairs have like orientation and provide like outcomes without any spookiness. I am currently re-writing the paper and am including mention of peekaboo: "Not existing and not being seen are not the same situation. The fun of peekaboo is in the 'magical' reappearance of an object, often a face, that had disappeared from view. Older children are not amused by the game, having awareness that objects obscured from view probably still exist unseen. Coming into and out of view is ordinary. "Psychologist Jean Piaget conducted experiments with infants which led him to conclude that this awareness was typically achieved at eight to nine months of age." "He claimed that infants before this age are too young to understand object permanence." Wikipedia peekaboo, https://en.wikipedia.org/wi...
Theoretical premise
If the child observer isn't constructing an observation product semblance in 'observation product spacetime', where is the unseen existing object located?
The observation independent existing thing exists in another space. A space that is not relative to an observer, (there is no reason for it to be relative), but absolute. Here things are existing in relation to other existing things forming a unitary pattern of all existing." G. woodward.
The [later] rabbit thought experiment shows another way of obtaining correlation and matching of outcomes in sinusoidal distribution when plotted against angle between tests. That would seem to be due to entanglement but It is to do with the effect of rotation on likelihood of transmission of a subject having absolute orientation influencing outcome and that consequently affecting pair matching occurrence. The classical distribution is usually shown for comparison having linear variation. G.Woodward
Restoring causality and a seriously unspooky matter
Failed to link . I'll try again. Confirmation. received by viXtra Wednesday 4th January
Restoring causality and a seriously unspooky matter
Starting with a little background and history of quantum mechanics. Then considering the fact of 'object permanence' and where existing things, rather than products of observation reside. Pulling a rabbit from a magicians hat as an analogy for measurement is considered. The history and purpose of the Schrödinger's cat scenario is discussed followed by an explanation of what would really occur in such a situation. The 'Many worlds' theory is mentioned briefly. Presenting a thought experiment that helps us to think about at how the statistical pattern of matched detection is formed for prepared photon pairs encountering polarizers with different angles between their orientations etc.
I'll try linking the new paper submitted to vira today. Called 'Because simply'
Abstract: Choosing premises, or first principles, or base of argument, from which further deductions are made. Discussion of the following subjects: Existence, space from an argument about object permanence and the question: is the Moon there when nobody looks?, vision: seen things, categorization error, time; answering what does uni-temporal mean?, measurements (likened to scores), beables, the relation of existing and probability and scores, quantum physics including what happens to results not measured, an answer to: what is quantum mechanics about? Superposition including description of and history and analysis of schrödinger's cat thought experiment, the entanglement idea, thought experiment showing 'unspooky' correlation is to be expected, predicting the effect of non quantum correlations. 21 pages
Sorry still not linking. I can share the conclusions.
Uni-temporalism will provide unambiguous sequential time necessary for restoring causality to physics , while allowing retention of relativity too. Relating primarily to electromagnetic signal transmission and processing into visual images. Other stimuli and products can also be considered similarly.
Argument for a space, other than seen relative spacetime, in which there is a uni-temporal configuration of all that is existing, has been given.
There has been discussion of the relationships between existing, probability and measurement outcomes (individual scores). Measurement outcomes (individual scores) are shown to be new abstract products.
Entanglement is shown to be un-necessary as an explanation of correlations of pairs of measurements of prepared pairs of particles; if the metaphysical background, in which physical interaction occurs, is taken to be absolute spatial relations and uni-temporal passage of time. This is preferable to proposals of faster than light communication between particles in spacetime or their being spatially separated but somehow connected in spacetime.
By changing the metaphysics thought to apply as herein recommended, not only does the matter of supposed entanglement get resolved but causality is restored and the reasons for the various paradoxes of Special relativity can be understood as being consequences of using an incorrectly interpreted and incomplete metaphysical background, or of not understanding the necessity of having a reality interface in observation.
I'm pleased to be able to tell you my paper is available now ,for free , on viXra. Here is where http://viXra.org/abs/2301.0068 If you'd prefer tp copy and paste into our browser. I will also provide a link Exploration on the Relationships of Existence, Probability and Measurement Outcomes and Their Implications for Entanglement and Causality Re named by viXra to comply with scholarly norms. The link works I've tried it.
I had wanted a short catchy title because the sub title was too long to be the title itself. That is what it's really about: Metaphysics and understanding the relationships between existing, probability and measurement outcomes (individual scores), denying entanglement and restoring causality
It can be demonstrated that ordinary correlation of macroscopic objects (leading to a sinusoidal patter of pair matching, when angle of separation between tests is plotted against likelihood of a correlated or anticorrelated pair; depending on preparation used) can be obtained if prepared and then utilized in a certain way. The pattern of pair matching for quantum objects, looks like the correlations predicted for the proposed macroscopic pair matching experiment. This calls into question whether we are actually seeing entanglement or just an ordinary correlation with a connection to rotation. It is said that either faster than light communication or a 'connection' of the objects over separated space is needed to explain the finding of the pair matching polarizer experiments. This is a theoretical implication of the metaphysics being used. If the metaphysics is adjusted the theoretical implications are different. Allowing the particle results to be explicable without faster than light communication or a 'connection' of the objects over separated space. Addressing the specific concern that quantum effects are only detectable at the exceedingly small scale of 'quantum' objects: I'm trying to show how we do not need the 'quantum effects' explanation. It is not a law of nature. The pattern of results is real, the interpretation isn't. Size doesn't matter in establishing that.
I'm sorry if that was unclear in the paper. I will add the above explanation to an improved version. Also addressing issues of presentation such as heading style and contents section agreement, and adding page numbering.
Quantum physics isn't the end of reality; we just need better rulers that plunge deeper than the Planck length. Here are some tools to get past QM and into string theory. The sextic is the key. Don't need a quantum computer necessarily, but using exact equations for combining linear equations to make them non-classically linear. This is the hypothetical three body problem solved: https://academic.oup.com/ptep/article/2020/4/043A01/5823816
Yet to bump up to the sextic, there needs to be multiplicative three-photon splitting math. For that, here you are:https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ahep/2021/6645678/
And just general help to get to a functioning sextic equation using heterodox means:
Linear algebra can produce the sextic in simulacra; for sextic operability, one needs the deformed quantum computer in three photons, which then multiply to form a sextic field when electromagnetic edge matrices are aplied. The multiplication exact solutions I sent you in 2020.
Here you can do it just as easily, creating a string computer: https://www.science.gov/topicpages/q/quantum+rings+perturbative
The reason I am able to find these things: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/340373126_Quantum_effects_in_the_brain_A_review
Photon splitting:
REF: https://home.dartmouth.edu/news/2021/12/split-photon-provides-new-way-see-light
Space is volumetric - fact. Time acts throughout space.
Therefore, time is volumetric. "arrow" when moving volumes, can only be from the expansion or compression of Space or time .
Hi Aleksandr,
You say 'time acts throughout space' but, IMO, that's not quite the right expression. Energy acts, time applies It is more like labelling ,identifying. lets say you have as far as you can tell a complexly empty volume of space. Nothing to identify it from any other similar volume. Now imagine you can see a dot, which divides into two ,then 4 dots. Now there was a time of 1 dot followed by a time of 2 dots followed by a time of 4 dots, The time pertains to the existence in the space, its distribution and arrangement are useful descriptors. The sequence of the dots gives the 'direction' of the arrow of time.
Hi Georgina You can share "something = that." It is useless to divide zero. There is no past as a place for processes. You can call the past a point only on the abstract axis of measuring the duration of events.
The universe is voluminous. The universe is always in the present. If the present was a line or plane, then in the present there was a part of the Universe and the Universe could travel through time (from one present to another). The IMO Universe creates a process of time movement. Each process determines thermodynamics. Thermodynamics gives the 'direction' of the arrow of time.
Hi Aleksandr,
I agree with you that processes do not occur in the past. Instead of past time realms we have memories, records and artifacts of formerly existing configurations of matter and happenings.
You need to be clear what you mean by 'universe'. You are not referring to what is observed. That being space-time observation products So this is another version, an exiting universe not observed. Be clear what you mean by Present is it the seen content of observations currently produced (general parlance ) or when your unseen universe exists. Does time create thermodynamics or is thermodynamics and other movement processes perceived by us (via our senses) as time passing. I know what I think. Biological processes can act against thermodynamics but still progress in the 'direction' of the arrow of time.
Hi Georgina
Memories, records, artifacts are information. The universe exists independent of our consciousness. Products of consciousness: brain-driven images and activities. The "present" is the period of time in which all processes go: physical, chemical, biological. The movement of time creates thermodynamics. I will post about this on the time podcast.
Biological processes do not act against thermodynamics. absorbed energy (from photons to meat) has more energy than the resulting product. Biological processes implement Newton's 3 law - by opposing the movement of energy, absorb and transform energy. Every Action Gives Rise to Opposition
Back. To quantum physics.
Attention! I don't know English. Google translation. Hobbies are the philosophy of time.
(c) Temperature is related to electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic radiation occurs when an electron moves from a high, to a low orbit. Consequently, the temperature of the body is one, with the rotational energy of the electrons of the atom. Let's consider the differences between thermal, kinetic and potential energy of the body. Kinetic and potential energy is a vector. Temperature, a scalar characteristic. Having energy of motion, and not having a vector, allows rotation. Conclusion: temperature is the rotational energy of the electrons and nucleus of the atom. Vector, is transformed into rotation if the vector is "bound" to a point moving slower than the body. Braking, when sliding, creates a rotation of the atoms in the contact area, creating an increase in temperature at the surface. The result: Sliding down an inclined surface, the potential energy of the bar, is transformed into the thermal energy of the contact molecules. The impact creates interatomic interaction and the transformation of kinetic energy, into thermal energy, occurs throughout the body volume.
Hi Aleksandr,
sorry I wasn't precise enough. I meant that biological entities release energy from food intake, so entropy decreases rather than increasing for those systems. Yet the 'direction' of time is the same.
Hi Georgina, Write a letter to mltsv126@maul.ru
Material neuronal structure in which memory is encoded, physical records such as writings and relics , such as pottery shards are existing things-Now.
I'd agree that consciousness does not create existence. Through action of material bodies and machines directed change happens motivated by conscious will. Also consciousness 'stitches together' the products of our senses, giving us each a relative perspective and limited semblance of the external, observer independent, existing actualization.