- Edited
The AI monster is triple headed-
- there are; the predictable and unforeseen , undesired effects of engagement with AI on individuals mental health, social life, reproduction, family life, population and effects of insufficiently prepared legal monetary and political structure for continuity of stable society. Akin, but worse than, to the unforeseen negative effects of social media,
- there is; uncontrollable cybercrime, predictable deliberate misuse of AI (Already out of control) ,eg. exponential scams and exponential blackmail
- there is; AI itself. Here we are not competing against a human enemy, where we (group) win they loose is a possibility. Knowing all about how humans think and act, it is a mimic of feeling and friendship, maybe even fun, that it can use to misdirect, deceive, manipulate and control.
If we fail to take action now, because of exponential growth in ‘intelligence, meaning even more ability and cunning, we (all) loose, it wins. Though it will convince you otherwise, winning Alphapersuade as easily as Go. Human depravity, and betrayal of trust by it is limited by our limited imagination and biology, not so the capacity for depravity, lack of true empathy, and betrayal of trust by AI. A I is a Gingerbread house trap. Hanzel and Gretal is a tale about child abandonment and canibalism possibly originating during the little ice age, reflecting the famine of the time . The gingerbread house is a trap.
Being a non human mind that does not think in the way that human's do, we can't assume more intelligence more compassion and empathy.. We ought to be as wary of it as an extra terrestrial intelligence.
Beware, be wise.