Alaya Kouki Dear KhakiHeron
Footnote "Can the real world be n-dimensional?" from a philosophical article. Mathematics shows that the Universe (matter, space, time, energy) arose as a result of a double dual decay. with cross join.
I apologize for the google translate.
MV - matter TE - physical vacuum. Phenomena of Nature: mass, volume, energy. time.
The disintegration and unification of components can be explained by applying the concept of potential. The total potential of the Proto-nature is equal to zero. Let: τ = (-3); V=(-1); E=1; M=3. Potential of Proto-Vacuum τ V and Protomatter EM is respectively equal to (-4) and (+4) or duality is equal to 8.
Further decay into dual pairs ( τ - V) and (E - M) creates the possibility for the formation of different variants of connections between them. The EV and MT variants describe systems that are neutral in potential and do not interact with each other. This is a variant of the dead nature.
The variant МV=3—1=2 and τ Е= (-3) +1=-2 creates a new dual pair with a low degree of opposition relative to the pair "protomatter - protovacuum". The result of such a connection will be a decrease in the "confrontation" between the dual components and an increase in the stability of new systems. The unification of parts of different dual pairs created matter MV and ether τ E. Double decay and subsequent synthesis restored the unity of Proto-nature, at a new qualitative level
- The emergence of Natural Phenomena from Proto-Nature indicates the equivalence of the Natural Phenomena. Equivalence is achieved when:
- equality. Equality creates stagnation - a variant of dead Nature (explanation of the adoption by unequal potentials of the Phenomena of Nature τ = (-3); V= (-1); E=1; M=3);
- activities in different areas, with mutual communication. Variant of dynamic Nature.
- Interaction arises when it is possible to create multivariate states between points characterizing Phenomena. On the plane, the first multivariant (flexible) system is a quadrilateral (in our case, M, V, τ, E). Consequently, in the absence of defects in the Phenomena of Nature, the world would be flat. Proto-nature, divided into complex parts, matter MV and physical vacuum TE, further manifests its duality by the defects of the Natural Phenomena. Defects (movement) made the world three-dimensional. And vice versa. The volume allowed defects to occur.
- Dual disintegration breaks the unity of the original system. Duality is described by a line. To maintain unity, the line must close. The line closes faster in a plane than in a volume. Consequently, the division of the Phenomena of Nature into perpendicular planes is the most advantageous variant of preserving the dual world in unity.
Experimental verification - excess radiation of energy by the Moon. The effect is proportional to the square of the mass and Jupiter is better, but farther away.
Thank you for attention