The article analyzes the errors created by the idealization of mathematics and the inertia of classical physics. The reasons for the emergence of an erroneous opinion are considered. It is shown that the destruction, in order to obtain an "initial" particle, has a limitation. A mathematical study of the processes that create the stability of the existence of particles of matter has been carried out. The result of the union is shown, based on positive and negative feedback. An example of science ignoring reality is the analysis of the movement of time. On the basis of the absence of dimension, when the time moves, explanations of the properties of time are given. A conclusion was obtained about the movement of time, as a change in the rate of time, over the period of the duration of the event. A verification method is proposed.

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10 days later

I think that you had missed a third possibilty of duality in mathematics as:
Const1/x=Contant2/y and x & y are dual.
The interaction between x & y will be so great where y is so near x in value.
In physics I think the most important interaction is described here in the website of the article of AntPony as the interaction between two identities of a corpuscle: an identity in time and an identity in space. When dealing with tinny particles the inetraction between the two identities is so strong.

Mathematically, the idea is interesting. I don't see the actual implementation.

I highly appreciated this work. I have traveled the same path in my time, facing the same questions. I offer you my conclusion.
Time doesn't really exist. That is, time is a characteristic invented by us for convenience, linking two real variables: matter and its velocity. It is pointless to talk about the properties of time (except when it comes to financing ☺).

7 days later

"Time doesn't really exist. That is, time is a characteristic invented by us for convenience, linking two real variables: matter and its velocity. It is pointless to talk about the properties of time (except when it comes to financing "
Eugene, similar example.
"Since time is not a physical unit, the "the acceleration of the rate of time" makes no sense."
Movement is m/sec, i.e. space/time. How to measure speed by dividing by zero? We have a paradox. There is time, there is no time. The paradox is resolved by separation. Time, like the present, is. Time, as the duration of an event, is an abstraction. The present is a period of transformation of the future into the past. Being in the present, we can only measure the rate of time of other objects.
P.S. To improve science, essays are encouraged to check. not deny. A verification method has been proposed.

A causal relationship cannot arise at zero. I agree with you that the concept of time was created for convenience. People did not know that time is stopped in a photon, i.e. there is "Stopped time" and moving time.

Please explain what ontological (generating) structure underlies your new scientific picture of the world?
Have you ever dealt with the problem "with a hundred-year-old beard" - ontological basification (justification) of mathematics, and hence knowledge in general?

"Please explain what ontological (generating) structure underlies your new scientific picture of the world?"
Dichotomy of emptiness:
zero, because emptiness.
infinity, because no limits

"Have you ever dealt with the problem "with a hundred-year-old beard" - ontological basification (justification) of mathematics, and hence knowledge in general?"

"For matter, the
resulting speed of movement in space and the speed of movement in time is constant (Lorentz
invariance). When the movement of time is stopped, the maximum speed of movement in
space is constant and one (zero one)"
Of course the case of mouvement in space for matter is constant than its mouvement in time is constant. In fact the mouvement of matter in time is always constant and equal to c the speed of light. But when the mouvement of time is stopped (i.e. matter becomes pure time) the maximum speed of mouvement in space is constant and equal to c (not zero).
To resolve this ambiguity if we accept that matter can be in rest in space than it also can be in rest in time. For example imagine two photons having different frequencies and are in rest in time than they should have different coordinates in time according to their energies. The ratio between the energy of a photon and its coordinate in time is an universal constant. This universal can be used as a tool to associate for any massive corpuscle a coordinate in time whe it is in rest or it is in motion in space: the ratio between the times are the same ratio between its energy in rest and its energy in motion.
In anotherway I can give the following resume: every corpuscle have two identies: an idnetity in time and an identity in space. We can associate every corpuscle a quadrivecteur identity length and so there is always a ratio between its quadrivector energy-momentum and the quadrivecteur identity lenght, also another ratio between its quadrivector frequency-wavevector and the quadrivector identity lenght--> duality wave-corpuscle. In other terms there is a unique Natural sytem of unities to measure everything (Not Planck system).

    There is no ambiguity.
    Types of time:

    1. Present (the plane in which we are sitting). With respect to the present, we determine the past, the future and the "arrow" of the flight. While in the present, matter moves at the speed of light.
      1. Stopped time - the future and the past. The future and the past are analogues of the essence that created the origin of the Universe.
        ((According to you: " We can associate every corpuscle a quadrivecteur identity length and so there is always a ratio between its quadrivector energy-momentum and the quadrivecteur identity lenght, also another ratio between its quadrivector frequency-wavevector and the quadrivector identity lenght-- > duality wave-corpuscle.In other terms there is a unique Natural sytem of unities to measure everything (Not Planck system)".))
        In one philosophical article, this conclusion is made. If, after July 11, there is a desire to read, I will make a link.
    a month later

    You wrote: "In the “chicken-egg” circle, the cause-and-effect relationship is broken." Well, in reality there is no such circle but undeniable causality. No chicken stems from its own egg.
    I agree with Ritz rather than with Einstein's denial of the absolute real border between past and future. I will give a better reference to Ritz than I gave in a hurry in my essay "No standstill ... ".

    You wrote: "In the "chicken-egg" circle, the causal relationship is broken." Well, in fact, there is no such circle, but there is an undeniable causality. A chicken does not grow from its own egg.
    Not from my own egg. Only from chicken - mothers. The chicken-egg relationship creates a chain. The question "Which came first, the chicken or the egg" allows you to accept any element of the chain as the beginning. The sequence of transformations closes the chain into a circle, eliminating the spiral of evolution. "And the ring has no beginning and no end."

    I am a chemical engineer and the words of the poet are clear to me: "There is only a moment, between the past and the future, it is he who is called life" My hobby is the study of the pace of time. Not time, but the speed of time. My conclusions: the movement of time is a process that makes it possible for secondary processes (including life) to exist. Between the past and the future lies the present. The present has its duration - the period of transformation of the future into the past. I'm waiting for a link to Ritz.

    As a chemical engineer, you will perhaps not doubt that causality has a direction from earlier to later. Process literally means this peculiarity. I do not say Einstein was a moron when he listed past and future with present time in between. Everybody is clever using fuzzy expressions like today, presently, ect. when it does not matter or it is even impossible to pinpoint something with respect to what our clocks in principle read. Nonetheless, from a logical perspective, I don't see presentism justified. Past and future are quite differen abstract categories. Do not confuse poetry, subjective perception, Einstein's religious belief etc. with the only reasonable measure of steadily growing or shrinking, respectively, temporal distance between two (idealized) points of time, an earlier one to a later one or vice versa. Time does not have a speed. It is rather used to measure speed.

      Eckard Blumschein
      "Time does not have a speed. It is rather used to measure speed". The essay analyzes the change in the pace of time. We need a check, then a conclusion.

      "Past and future are quite different abstract categories". Like the duration of an event, past and future are abstract. As a physical phenomenon, past and future are different types of energy.
      I will accept your denial if you explain the differences of one molecule in solid, liquid and gas.

      Past and future are not merely distinct from each other. They do also belong to a conceptional category that is quite different from an extended present "moment now" alias event of unspecified duration between the far past and far future.

      Unfortunately, you did not refer to any published work. You merely mentioned Kozyrev. I wonder if he could explain your idea and how to avoid errors as to make science better.

      Alaya Kouki

      Dear Khaki Heron,

      just followed the discussion here and saw your post about "resting in time". Now I wonder, do your statements also keep their validity in general relativity (GR)? Spacetime is a unit there and the metric splitting between space and time already requires space-time to obey certain symmetries. But assuming these are fulfiled. Then, resting in time, in my opinion, would still require a reference point more than just the time coordinate (as GR does not care about coordinates). we would rather have to specify with respect to which (other) reference frame the entity we are considering is resting in time. Would you agree? (I am also thinking about this in the context of Roger Penrose's idea, actually going back to Einstein's vision of GR that the spacetime metric has to be generated by all masses within our region of interest and that we can only make sense out of locations on this metric in the sense of relative relationships between different masses and test masses.

      Best wishes,
      Beige Bandicoot.

        Jenny Wagner
        My statements are of course in Restreint Relativity and not in GR . The 4-vector identity which I introduce in the first time in Minkowski space-time is as follows:
        4-vector momentum= universal constant times 4-vector identity
        4-vector identity=(speed of light times inertial time of the corpuscle, speed of the corpuscle times inertial time of the copuscle)
        Inertial time of the corpuscle =universal constant times the energy of the corpuscle
        It is evident now that:
        4-vector wave-vector= universal constant times 4-vector identity
        The inertial time is like a five dimension of space. The ordinary time is only change. Inertial time does'nt change if the energy of the corpuscle is constant.

          Alaya Kouki

          Thanks for the clarification! Well, I was pondering that the concept of time gets a very juicy matter when
          i) adding the problem that we do not have a unique global reference frame like flat Minkowski spacetime to anchor everything or
          ii) considering macroscopic, averaged quantities that break the symmetries of all our microscopic laws of physics that allow for time reversal.
          but as it seems, it is even difficult to grasp the notion of time for a simpler system.

          Beige Bandicoot.

          BeigeBandicoot, KhakiHeron.
          To your discussion, my opinion about space (part of the article).
          Can the real world be n-dimensional?
          To increase the dimension, there must be a ruler of dimensions 1,2,3,4….n. Linearity implies a dual system (1 and 3 are dual to each other, with respect to 2). For the emergence of the 3D world, the next possibility is to combine the 2D and 4D worlds and separate them into dual components. Two 4-dimensional worlds create 3-dimensional and 5-dimensional. From two two-dimensional worlds, a 3-dimensional and one-dimensional one arises. A variant of the emergence of a one-dimensional "arrow of time" and a 3-dimensional Nature was realized.
          Why are space, matter, energy, etc. 3-dimensional? The 5th dimension is more diverse and more complex. In existing conditions, the main property of Nature is the desire for stability. Stability is achieved in two ways: by maintaining the potential in dynamics (conservation laws) and by accepting a minimum potential. In the cases under consideration, the minimum for the decay into integers is two.

          About the starting point.
          Nature is dual (zero splits into dualities). Therefore, the starting point must be and not be. Taking as a reference point the Void (the basis for decay), we make an analogy with the Universe. In the Universe, the property of the Void is possessed by Space. The universe is huge and in fact there is a reference point and there is no point.
          Example. Start on a spaceship, the observer sees the Earth is moving away with acceleration. The observer makes a fundamental discovery: "There is a "dark" energy that can accelerate the movement of the Earth.
          If we take the resting Space as a starting point, then the Nobel Prize will be awarded to another researcher.

          Causal relationship.
          A cause-and-effect relationship is given by an analogue of thermodynamics - the movement goes from a large potential to a small one. This is how learning arose, that is, human behavior is subject to the same laws as physics. The great potential of the mind created the desire to know the unknown.

          Question. How do you feel about horror in physics? (A lot of darkness, uncertainty, etc. terms, but fear / horror is not yet used).

          Alaya Kouki BeigeBandicoot, KhakiHeron.
          To your discussion, my opinion about space (part of the article).
          Can the real world be n-dimensional?
          To increase the dimension, there must be a ruler of dimensions 1,2,3,4….n. Linearity implies a dual system (1 and 3 are dual to each other, with respect to 2). For the emergence of the 3D world, the next possibility is to combine the 2D and 4D worlds and separate them into dual components. Two 4-dimensional worlds create 3-dimensional and 5-dimensional. From two two-dimensional worlds, a 3-dimensional and one-dimensional one arises. A variant of the emergence of a one-dimensional "arrow of time" and a 3-dimensional Nature was realized.
          Why are space, matter, energy, etc. 3-dimensional? The 5th dimension is more diverse and more complex. In existing conditions, the main property of Nature is the desire for stability. Stability is achieved in two ways: by maintaining the potential in dynamics (conservation laws) and by accepting a minimum potential. In the cases under consideration, the minimum for the decay into integers is two.

          About the starting point.
          Nature is dual (zero splits into dualities). Therefore, the starting point must be and not be. Taking as a reference point the Void (the basis for decay), we make an analogy with the Universe. In the Universe, the property of the Void is possessed by Space. The universe is huge and in fact there is a reference point and there is no point.
          Example. Start on a spaceship, the observer sees the Earth is moving away with acceleration. The observer makes a fundamental discovery: "There is a "dark" energy that can accelerate the movement of the Earth.
          If we take the resting Space as a starting point, then the Nobel Prize will be awarded to another researcher.

          Causal relationship.
          A cause-and-effect relationship is given by an analogue of thermodynamics - the movement goes from a large potential to a small one. This is how learning arose, that is, human behavior is subject to the same laws as physics. The great potential of the mind created the desire to know the unknown.

          Question. How do you feel about horror in physics? (A lot of darkness, uncertainty, etc. terms, but fear / horror is not yet used).

            Aleksandr Maltsev
            "Two 4-dimensional worlds create 3-dimensional and 5-dimensional." as you say.
            I can consider the 4-dimentionnal space as the inertial time of a corpuscle so we get in all five dimension (4 space and 1 time). Let's continue and we can say "Two 5-dimensional worlds create 4-dimensional and 6-dimensional." but the question what is the significance of the 5-space dimension ? we built theories like this and we haven't any issue to prove it experimentally. It is like string theory which I had never beleive in it because there is no issue for experimental data or procedure to do it.

              About dark energy we should thrust in maths. The first time when scientists speak about vacuum energy is Planck book 1911 "Theory of heat radiation" -. Planck conclude that when an oscillator is in its fundamental state its energy is not equal to zero ( he take the mean energy of an oscillator when it is in quantum state n and in quantum n+1 so for n=0 the energy of the oscillator is not equal to zero). The Planck constant h is the area of the space phase of the oscillator between the level n and the level n+1. At n=0 the area between n=0 and the origin of the space phase is equal to zero so vacuum energy is also zero according to Planck model of the black body radiation but Planck take another way in considering the mean energy of the oscillator and he conclude that atoms are filled with energy.
              In fact we can get the same Planck conclusion by considering Shrodinger equation to get the energy of an osciilator and by applying Bohr priniple of correspondance in quantum mechanics. The area between the level n=0 and the origin of phase space of the oscillator will not equal to zero: it is equal to h/2 and so there is vacuum energy because all the oscillators when temeprature tends to zero will lies in this area. This is the power of maths and principles.

                Alaya Kouki Dear KhakiHeron
                Footnote "Can the real world be n-dimensional?" from a philosophical article. Mathematics shows that the Universe (matter, space, time, energy) arose as a result of a double dual decay. with cross join.
                I apologize for the google translate.
                MV - matter TE - physical vacuum. Phenomena of Nature: mass, volume, energy. time.
                The disintegration and unification of components can be explained by applying the concept of potential. The total potential of the Proto-nature is equal to zero. Let: τ = (-3); V=(-1); E=1; M=3. Potential of Proto-Vacuum τ V and Protomatter EM is respectively equal to (-4) and (+4) or duality is equal to 8.
                Further decay into dual pairs ( τ - V) and (E - M) creates the possibility for the formation of different variants of connections between them. The EV and MT variants describe systems that are neutral in potential and do not interact with each other. This is a variant of the dead nature.
                The variant МV=3—1=2 and τ Е= (-3) +1=-2 creates a new dual pair with a low degree of opposition relative to the pair "protomatter - protovacuum". The result of such a connection will be a decrease in the "confrontation" between the dual components and an increase in the stability of new systems. The unification of parts of different dual pairs created matter MV and ether τ E. Double decay and subsequent synthesis restored the unity of Proto-nature, at a new qualitative level

                1. The emergence of Natural Phenomena from Proto-Nature indicates the equivalence of the Natural Phenomena. Equivalence is achieved when:
                2. equality. Equality creates stagnation - a variant of dead Nature (explanation of the adoption by unequal potentials of the Phenomena of Nature τ = (-3); V= (-1); E=1; M=3);
                3. activities in different areas, with mutual communication. Variant of dynamic Nature.
                4. Interaction arises when it is possible to create multivariate states between points characterizing Phenomena. On the plane, the first multivariant (flexible) system is a quadrilateral (in our case, M, V, τ, E). Consequently, in the absence of defects in the Phenomena of Nature, the world would be flat. Proto-nature, divided into complex parts, matter MV and physical vacuum TE, further manifests its duality by the defects of the Natural Phenomena. Defects (movement) made the world three-dimensional. And vice versa. The volume allowed defects to occur.
                5. Dual disintegration breaks the unity of the original system. Duality is described by a line. To maintain unity, the line must close. The line closes faster in a plane than in a volume. Consequently, the division of the Phenomena of Nature into perpendicular planes is the most advantageous variant of preserving the dual world in unity.

                Experimental verification - excess radiation of energy by the Moon. The effect is proportional to the square of the mass and Jupiter is better, but farther away.
                Thank you for attention

                Aleksandr Maltsev
                Observations of the cosmos shows that vacuum energy=1E-9 Joule/m3 which correspond to a frequency of the fundamental state of the electromagnetic field v=1E12 Hz: I do a model for this which is:

                Consider that Universe is a black body. Take the Planck model of the black body radiation. When the temperature tends to zero than all the oscillators tends to the area of space phase equal to h/2.
                The mean energy of an oscillator is as follows:
                -Replace in Planck formulae of mean energy hv by hv/2.
                -Replace in Planck formulae kT by hv0/2 where v0 is the mean frequency of oscillator in Boltzmann model
                -Integrate for all frequencies the density of energy--> you get a law proportionnel to the forth power of v0--> so you can deduce v0 from General Relativity.
                v0 is declared as universal constant.
                Integrate the new ideas in Quantum mechanics-->you can deduce the Newton potential from quantum mechanics when you consider space as a collection of an infinite oscillators.

                "To unify quantum and classical physics, consider temperature."
                Temperature in classical physics is the mean kinetic energy of a gaz in a given volume.
                In quantum mechanics temperature tranduce the entropy of an oscillator of a black body i.e. it transduce irreversibility or chaotic mouvement. If the vibration of the oscillators of a black body are perfect than there is no entropy and the potentiel energy of an oscillator is transformed periodically to its kinetic energy without any loss.
                If the vibrations are chaotic than there is entropy and the mean energy of an oscillator depends of its frequency and the temperature of the medium.
                Consider now cosmos, its temperature tends theoritically to zero so there is no radiation but cosmos is expanding due to vacuum energy or constant lambda of General Relativity. Vacuum energy can be considered as the density of energy of the fundamental state of the electromgnetic field so we should need a new universal constant to modelise the mean energy of an oscillator in the classical case (Boltzmann case) as hv0/2 so we can deduce the value of v0.
                Combinig this constant with Planck constant and speed of light we get the unique abslute system of unities in which all interactions are unified in one interaction: the case when considering the space as a comosed of an inifinite number of oscillators lead to the Newton gravitationnel field.

                  Alaya Kouki The definition "Temperature in classical physics is the mean kinetic energy of a gaz in a given volume" does not allow one to unify quantum and classical physics. To emit a photon, an electron, in a classical molecule, reduces its energy.

                    Aleksandr Maltsev
                    OK. I don't say this. Quatum mechanics and classical physics are unified by Bhor Principle of Correspondance. Bhor consider this principle as a quantum principle and it is valid for any quatum level. Fot high quatum levels quatum mechanics is the same as classical physics. For low quantum levels Bhor consider that there is a classical measuring which correspond to the level, that's why he consider the principle as general. I use it to found that vacuum have an energy.

                      Alaya Kouki I start with Newton. I use the Lorentz invariance, the characteristics of a moving body, to describe matter as a unity of mass and volume MV (Newton did not take into account the volume). Further algebra, geometry and differentiation.

                      5 days later

                      The answer to the question "What binds
                      matter into stable neutrons, protons, photons, neutrinos and an electron?" practically not

                      while reading around rotations , a bug (german red kitchen roach) entered the left corner of the new laptop a place that i previously saw insects (lenovo ideapad3) this made me ponder (made free creative associacions) about conscioussness and roatation aliens communicating from the future 🙂

                      what is this thing called rotatie (ro), drehen (de)

                      an other potentially weird idea i thought last year what if the atomic number of elements by witch they are classified has something to do with objects that have a topological dimensional shape related to that number for example something like a bunch of rods glued with the same elemental material to have an axes origin , for example for the helium witch is two or three ( depending how you start counting the elements ) it supposed to make a two perpendicular lines of material three like the corner of a cube, with carbon six or seven
                      when arriving at the last element it should have a number that the the sight cannot percieve because it would luk like a round spiky thing, maybe with with longer arms somebody experimentalist try to check properties about 3+1spacetime maybe li or be are the elements witch can say something about

                      also there might be other kinds of (feed)backs , (and forwards lateral sideways etc), comparing the positive negative with past and future maybe there are narry groups generalisations there is an article an invitation to n arry science i think is worth mentioning.

                      In the end of this FQXI competition I would to add more pages to my article because the main important ideas I had sad them in comments. Those ideas comes from the articles in this competition and I think that If I add new pages it is possible to made a new paradigm in physical science but the rules of FQXI team don't permit this option.

                        Alaya Kouki

                        Hear you, Khaki Heron, I also gained so much valuable input that I will definitely amend my essay afterwards! Someone already suggested to join forces and publish essays together in some journal afterwards. We should do that (irrespective of winning awards here in the competition) and then we can insert the input we got here, too. 🙂

                        Beige Bandicoot.

                          I agree. Contact me after the end of this competition and I will send you my new text to be a chapter for a common book. All writers in this Competition are wellcome.

                          I swell that ChatGPT or any other AI can't be more intelligent than all the participants in this Competition. Ask him what is 4-vector identity: he can't get any consistent response.

                          Response of chatGPT now ( I create now an account in chat GPT):
                          "In physics, a 4-vector identity refers to an equation or relation involving 4-vectors, which are mathematical objects used to describe certain quantities in spacetime. 4-vectors consist of four components, typically representing the three spatial dimensions and time.

                          One common 4-vector identity is the Minkowski metric, also known as the spacetime interval or the metric tensor. It is a mathematical construct that relates the spacetime distance between two events to the components of a 4-vector. The Minkowski metric is often denoted by the symbol η, and it has the following form:

                          η = diag(-1, 1, 1, 1)

                          Here, "diag" represents the diagonal elements of a matrix, and the values -1, 1, 1, 1 are placed on the diagonal in the order of (time, x-axis, y-axis, z-axis). This metric allows us to calculate the spacetime interval between two events using the equation:

                          ds2 = ημν dxμ dxν

                          In this equation, dxμ and dxν represent the components of the 4-vector describing the displacement between two events, and μ, ν take values from 0 to 3, corresponding to the four components of the vector.

                          The Minkowski metric is a fundamental tool in special relativity, as it provides a way to define the invariant spacetime interval, which remains the same for all observers regardless of their relative motion."

                          It is a very general response . It resolves nothing and can't improve science.

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