Dear CinnabarHoverfly,
One can consider the nothing to be everything when there is a balance of opposites at play. In the no space, no time, no mass and no charge of the no contrast giant liquid helium singularity. The He the Father, God particle puts a Helium Bose Einstein Condensate (He-BEC) at centre stage in the formation of the universe. I consider the functional role of nothing and everything from nothing as not being constructive with respect to the first law of thermodynamics, where energy cannot be created nor destroyed but only transformed. If everything stated in an isotropic homogenous state of the He-BEC singularity, then the new science of SUSY inversion and singularity physics model provides a framework in which nothing is everything and the one thing was all things. If you are interested in exploring the mathematics of singularity physics please take a look at [].
Kind regards Dr Keryn Johnson PhD MSc BSc