- Edited
Fot the record:
I m not a climate change denier. if I have not made rt clear ,
climate change is happening.
Average global temperayure is currently increasing
I have stated that co2 is a known greenhouse gas.
Human's are releasiing Co2 into the atmosphere ,so some temperaturee rise maytbe attributable to that.
I have also stated that co2 increases plant growth . (Fact utilized by greenhouse plant growers.)
I have made some points applicable to science in general;
Correlation does not prove causation. Models are effected by the theory/hypotheses used to construct them. Science is never proved and progresses (In part) by falsification
Consensus among a group of scientists does not mean that every sensation press story is correct. Or that every individual expressing alarm and urging rapid action is responding proportionately to the IPCC's own models. The last video, in which a mathematician explains,shows this
Response must be carefully considered before and after any implementation ,to be sure we are not making things worse, Aside from the science itself there are sociall enginerring, political and financial reasons for fearmongering.