Georgina Woodward
Georgina Woodward can't accept the conclusions reached by the majority of professional climate scientists, who, taking all factors into consideration, have come to a consensus opinion about the world’s climate, and its causes.
She calls the considered, consensus opinion of the majority of the world's professional climate scientists (and the opinion of those who accept the considered consensus opinion of the majority of the world's professional climate scientists) "fearmongering", and she seems to believe that the majority of the world's professional climate scientists (and those who accept the considered consensus opinion of the majority of the world's professional climate scientists) have hidden agendas: "sociall enginerring, political and financial reasons".
Georgina Woodward can't face the facts about the real world, so she turns to loony woo-woo videos, and she INSULTS HONEST SCIENTISTS, and the people who trust the work of these honest scientists, by accusing them of fearmongering, and of having hidden agendas.