• FQXi Podcast
  • Does Objective Reality Exist? Great Mysteries of Physics Part 4 -- FQxI Podcast

Georgina Woodward

I get taken to the same article .I do not see where the terms are disambiguated

Unfortunately, even when one links directly to a specific comment, many web-browsers frequently do not take one to that specific comment, immediately; If you know how, try opening the link in a new tab, but do not open that tab immediately, give the browser enough time to process all its code, required to bring-up the comment, it often requires at least several seconds. If that fails, you can scan through the various comments, at the end of the article, to find the terms described, in my reply to the author of the article, Philip Ball.

11 days later
7 days later

Velocity is a measurement product not an objective, intrinsic property. It is a vector quantity which means it has been associated with 3 dimensional direction as given by relative measurement.
All observer reference frames are theoretically equally valid ,though the value of the measurement can be different. So to have just one velocity outcome, first , how it is measured/observed has to be decided. Same for ',so called, properties' that include velocity, like momentum.
A particle or object moving, moves through absolute space between mutually existing things. The way in which it moves through the pattern of existence is particular. That does not mean it has avelocity. Avelocity is a relative ('measured this way') ,limited 3D characterization. A product generated from what the existent thing is doing, plus the relation established with it.

17 days later

Robert McEachern Our conversation seems to have vanished or be hidden, as if it never happened,. i don't like that whole chains of thought have gone without some reason why or obvious way to access them being given. Why or by who is not shown either.

    Robert McEachern I owe the moderators an apology for thinking badly of them. |My mistake. I thought your comment on the same theme was continuing from your previous postings, but it was on a different thread.

      Georgina Woodward
      By observations we deduce that vacuum has energy which is responsible of the Universe expanding. By calculations we deduce from Planck sytem of unities that vacuum energy is huge but there is not until now the means to measure vacuum energy in atoms and so to resolve th conflict between QM and GR about vacuum energy. This is the difference between measurement and observations.

      Alaya Kouki
      Some basic assumptions about objective realty do need to be relinquished, such as 3d space and a physical dimension of time. 3d space is the observation or measurement product space , not where the object (not as identified by any one singular relative perspective), exists. There is foundational passage of time because the pattern of all that is existing -Now changes to a new pattern. Rate of change within the pattern varies. Some change happens very quickly and some slowly, some intermediate. So there is no one relevant speed of time. Regular Time intervals such as light years, eons, years, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds and smaller, are useful for characterizing different scales of change. The time dimension of space time observation products is due to the non instantaneous transmission of sensory stimuli used to generate observations, that is incorporated into the products. That time dimension is not a part of observer or measurement independent existence.

        Georgina Woodward
        I think we should include energy as a fifth dimension for corpuscles. The manner is to define a 4-vector swap dualities or a 4-vector identity. a corpuscle has an identity in time and an identity in space. We have the following relationship:
        4-vector swap dualities= universal constant times 4-vector momentum.

        10 days later

        Zeeya Merali

        I come from a neuroscience and evolutionary psychology background so my focus is that the reality we experience is necessarily mediated by the way information is interpreted by our senses and processed by a brain with limits on its speed and capacity of processing, problem solving architecture etc. It is a truism therefore that no two species will experience reality in the same way. A fly operates in an environment where it can move very fast so presumably we will appear to move relatively slowly to it, in fact it is possible to touch a fly if you move your finger slowly towards it as it won’t detect such a ‘slow’ movement. I don’t hold with the idea that reality is entirely illusionary, but I believe we need to ask to what extent is the reality we as scientists believe to be objective and quantifiable is actually so? Perhaps the time frame within which we have evolved means that we are unable to experience quantum phenomena without the need for detection devices. Likewise, our senses of scale is likely to be tuned to the environment in which we have evolved. Perhaps the difficulties science has in explaining counterintuitive quantum phenomena is because we have reached the limits of brain processing. Perhaps science is due for a paradigm shift where it not only examines phenomena at the quantum scale but also tests the limits of our human capacity to experience these phenomena at the scale of the very fast and very small.
        Here’s a thought, what if at the quantum scale all of time happened at the same time, and all of space was in the same space? This would neatly explain quantum phenomena like entanglement and superposition. (NB. The limitations of Plank Time and Plank Space would mean that the word ‘all’ in the statement above would need to be ‘nearly all’).
        A key issue for me is how human intent (or any consciousness organisms intent) converts data into information. I think there is much to be gained by conceiving of consciousness as results an evolved function to seek for predictable outcomes in the environment. Consciousness means we automatically interpret and seek to ‘summarise’ data in a way that is useful to us. This process may also inhibit our understanding of what is going on at the quantum scale as it species specific and should be taken into account when examining quantum effects.

          11 days later

          analog of entanglement has not been seen probably because entanglement it is illusory not a physical

          if reality is like a computer it might be possible for 🎨 something 🎨 to appear and disappear suddenly at large and very large distances

          🎨 : by something maybe not atoms ,
          .... things that happens to atoms
          with common- ( same origin threads, remote distance, known,unknown) rules

          like a cluster/ rainfall /aggregates of synchronicity : 🎨

          living in an really isola 🇹 🇪 🇩 patch of the universe does not sound good

          how the dust on a glass like with spikes of metals moon around a rocky planet with all the atmosphere on a single patch in a dwarf solar system in a galaxy on the right left of the ursa major constellation eyesight line might influence , if the socks i wear tomorrow are iridescent and water resistant , might matter only if such an idea is being recorded and read by other conscious agents , or just having the thought it might be enough. i don't have that many to begin with.

          this phenomena of entanglement i saw it increasingly often it is applying only to a few atoms or could there be like a library full of books in an entangled state ? not could because means making some cats experiments rooms arangements, i mean in a ordinary state , comparing a rock with a tissue with cells, who is more entangled ?

          many and more , how can i change those words?
          numbers/magnitudes have/are a root that could be speciated/ graphiated that means bringing more details and properties in their meaning or what other physico lingustical figure of speech things can be done ?

          is the number of speech of figures finite ?

          let me report a (retro causal synchronicity ) atracttor

          , today i decided to search in the georgiana woodward's essay the word ted- the number 44 appear as result i have nothing to do with this number except that it was the car inmatriculation number of an ex colleague with accademic parents backbground , and i have a youtube video in witch i appear and this number is present there in the conversation ,
          why i decided to make to yesterday this isolated comment and how this number pops up as if i'm part of a community or an other that completely is unexplainable to me

          lets say there are a couple of categories, clases, bins, bags, containers (things that delimitate separate) and words can be placed in one way or the other; chosing any word it can be given some kind of a conceptual distance/ measure of remoteness and can be atracted to that specific delimitation /bag ,container, category ,class,

          the above example has a very close measure , it is to perfect to be a just a coincidence

          the sensation is like trying to write something and no matter what you do the words have a different meaning
          or having a remote that doesnt follow comands
          it is the freewill an illusion ?

          i tend towards no and the strategy i have adopted a while ago is when some situation attract in to certain points (rivers affluence) current of opinions , to fight back and express the difference, this is how you manifest the freewill

          life in itself is a fight back against a background of inert matter , the fighting- lets say expression of choices happens at multiple levels from molecules to higher order cognitive functions
          for a choice like should this attom go right lef up down, the anticipation is minimal
          for a choice like should this pancres produce more digestive enzimes the anticipation is in terms of hours/ days

          so there might be some back time communication that would help life thrive have fewer better choices at various levels and timespans

          changing the subject while in the start of (9-th grade) highschooler i had my right arm broken and i had to learn to do everything whit the left hand

          except for writing that was to hard to get at the fast speed of my colleagues i watched the others how they write to take notes me doing nothing, for two weeks i got to ponder if writing is really necessarily , if people can just look in books and computer based encyclopedias/games if they have such things .

          why bother taking notes? the hand movement association with concepts is crucial to establish some thoughts/ learning rhythms, what if there are other such 🎨 symbolic activities 🎨 that can foster memories play around concepts
          not just moving some ink form the pencil on the surface of plantbasedfiber highfriction liquid absorbant paper.

          imagine a type of brainmemory writing that use the experience of moving and placing some kind of little shapes on a abacus like structure and some get to move harder other easier, various texture and materials (something similar is being done for arithmetic), but what if there could be an entire writing system that uses it. if molten lead was used to create entire printing pages letter by letter ,why not other materials and ensemble that can be carried by each individual person .for inter-persons communication purpose

          this is a technological societal blind spot /goal, where there is no interest in converging for practical historical reasons.
          now that basic needs can be easily ensured, i believe there is room for communication/sociological experimentation

          and to return to the first part of the comment why such synchronicity happens to me at this very moment (here moment could mean seconds or years, in this period of life)
          it might be because i think long term about society potential goals , and i get to chose potential futures that have various attractors /group interests.

          so a proposal to make experimentation with synchronicities /retro-causal whatever. how to do it such that any person can have experience those in a controlled manner . ..

          an idea that comes to mind is when a polynomial has multiple identical solutions that cannot be distinguished.

          i get to think about long term future but lets say everybody does the same , than there is an overlap not everybody an have an impact on the same issue , so in order for someone to experience synchronicities should chose wisely such that there is no overlap with someone else,///or there should be some kind of long term societal convention /agreement/ practice about the way goals are being realized such that each individual could experience synchronicity in an organized predictable experimental manner.

            cristi marcovici
            Co-occurrence of things is ordinary and mostly insignificant Searching for meaning or significance in the meaningless, connection in the unconnected can be a symptom of serious illness,. Please take care and seek help if you need it to get well. With best wishes.

            i have two answers for your reply firstly,

            a psychologist, uses words in a language by voice sounds- in his therapy / consulting
            i don't like that i have been to a course at university and scoped the field , the admission i bet in all coountrys uses
            tests/ puzzles around - who knows what this and that word means, some fancy pronunciations for concepts
            like playing crosswords puzzles around letters .

            if you / someone can recommend me a competent person that try to do its activity avoiding the sound voice/letters writting medium . i' m quite interested to meet that person.

            i don,t answer /completely reveal , how i think on a semi-public forum.

            regarding alignment of events i have a high dose of skepticism myself.
            that s why i look for evidences.
            reformulate historically physics and mathematics have played a role in simplifying now we enter a phase where there are not any more simple things to be simplify .

            some things are large and spread (at least in the abstract world for sure)
            it is reasonable to try to study random and hazard by novel methods

            science is based on replicable , if consciousness play a role in that?
            it may be it may be not .wissenschaft ,
            what is meaning , a state of the brain, after it has identified some matching patterns ,
            the process of identifications enters a large timespan from seconds to years

            meaning comes potentially after reevaluating a meaningless memory in the light of new data/experience
            or it could be something innate

            so there are multiple bins/ for meaningless some might me more meaningless than others,

            there is an essay explaining abductive reasoning, i have the nicknamed author handwritten on a notebook

            in todays world everybody has multiple levels of being more than reasonable

            minds of people can get complicated and hard to self explain by simple communications
            communication is the subject of shared experience language culture
            understanding the why a certain idea or the reasons ,could take years of experience or minutes of carefully good learned skills
            there are lots of possibilities

            my aims tends towards encouraging a more deaf society , inventing visual languages ,
            understanding quantum mechanics , this is inherently (or maybe not) probabilistic

            the same idea that i said with psychology apply here

            what else to say ?
            there is a novel by isaac asimov - the end of eternity,
            in that novel there are spatiotempral agents that can readjust history up to a area/place in time- named the forbidden years.

            i just saw you have 2000 comments i think i should read more
            this reminded me of the question of. how people meet each other ?

            a comment on a forum might tell more about a person than a face to face conversation and viceversa
            a person might present itself differently in each environment or with different people

            in the novel the main characters find the right oposite misterious character agent coming from the forbiden years
            reading that novel i thought is not applicable .
            how to describe myself
            i the moment i don't have a science fiction i could say that definitely i like it to be a source of inspiration

            there is a connection between science fiction and what science is being worked on by the generations that comes after.

            you miss major points with bad sci fi - this is also connected with language promoted by it ,
            i could write a ton at the moment i don't care about the presentation
            no effect
            only by my own personal example ( i wait for the appropriate resources to start doing something , if anyone is interested )

            if you work on building agi you miss the point of natural intelligence of society

            writing is a form of lonely longly accumulation of thoughts discharged in letters based words

            imagine a society where there is always communication no need to buffer thoughts
            communication happens always and at the moment of the idea creation exactly aligned with the intended reaction)
            the idea is not stored anywhere/ just change

            ( i mean this is the modern view tendance, the working class hero always busy, even the intelectual one)

              cristi marcovici
              I take your point about use of voice sounds language in therapy. It should not necessarily be so. I haven't looked into specific more appropriate communication for individuals preferring another medium of communication. It is food for thought. The purpose of examining word use is to assess functioning of the brain. Picking up the symptom of loose association is one such purpose.
              You are right that some seemingly meaningless things may take on new significance with time as more information is obtained. However to function in the world, being human, we must decide and select what to pay attention to /regard as significant or meaningful for us or be paralyzed by information overload and the impossibility of processing it all.

              https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVTJVZU2bXs

              check out how well aligned is the animation with the voice over- narrator
              clearly But Why? is doing its own animations/ special effects. first minute and 10 seconds for example

              i dont want to do the same with my own native language
              more valuable as experience it would if i do something new,
              either in a new language like german or no language at all
              deaf sign interaction

              i may start a new field in neuro/psychology/communication research

              what a person can do is not placed in the same bucket with language ,
              nor language in the bucket of other skills and behaviors , even the brain is roughly the same ,

              imagine an extraterestrial species that has multiple separate brain parts and one of those is specialized strictly only for communication,
              ---- can you imagine what sort of environment or extraterestrial identifying traits it might have ?
              | the brainstem in humans collect signals from ears and send them equal simetrically balanced in left and right
              | hemispheres at the same time. the synchronization times is used to establish where the sounds is
              *lets see ... that brain part could evolutionary originate in a need to process complicated sound and react quickly and has a kind of library of sounds that can comes from a noisy environment with dangerous sources of emiting sounds.
              tipically a planet must be silence for energetic equlibrium, there are no sources of strong sounds in our environment, maybe volcano , lightning this is potentialy possibly the entire list, if there is an other medium with a lot more rich diverese complex sources of dangerously noises * than , the out of earth species might develop a special brain modules that identify and reply back those sounds \within their own grammar (the grammar of the complicated sound source environment) , besides doing other activities | than necessitate their own specialized mind ability

              maybe there is a solar system that just started to develop ,

              here the editor of text has a kind of feature, while editing the
              symbols :🎨* \ | 🎨 i see then aligned one under the other , i wanted to draw a line from the word noises and place a box underneath with the extra details adnotation. and after posting it here i see the lines don't match up alignment

              like above where there are four horizontal lines before the start of the question, [can you imagine ...]
              and i rotate them 90 degree, like the question mark symbols sinuos line is bending . rotating clockwise , and the * before let see is like the questionmark dot

              imagine an alien language that has other punctuation signs. (this question is equivalent with other i've already said , just using different words :Pin an invention of an intermedate communication device there could be a special interacting interface where those are easily accesible.

              • an other potential development is: lets say humans in year 2500 will have a special brain module about how objects can be handled and recycled

              already mentioned in a previous posts in various other ways, now a clearer reformulations the way e text is handled typed is also a kind of own language, just showing the end result , is cutting valuable communication information .

              other idea do you want people to visit websites 24 hours-7 seven days a week 4 weeks a month 12months a year 2023- 2005 =18 years in my case?

              you know in nature there are various number of seasons( between 1 and 4 maybe more in some places ), winter , atuum, spring, summer, the a store in real life have an operating schedule , the server might have optimised energey algorithms people have brains, the always available on demand create overuse.

              the log data of server traffic is an other type of valuable communication information abstracted socially. (having the millions years evolution monkey brain standard )

              we potentially know what is better for you and do nothing ,that's like the knowledge bliss/ curse

              wires sans action,
              a no i can download and 3d print a chair, or the business plan for a firm with 2000 employ
              there are simply just to many options , and some this are being reduced by others , noo, we want freedom

              the purpose of a new language (if possible?)would be to handle more options , and make fewer decisions,within certain patterns domain. environments

              does a tree abstract information or it doesnt have acces to it , plants are the proof of environmental stability , what sort of environment change would help plants become conscious and become like animals?