Georgina Woodward
You seem to be somewhat unfamiliar with how FQXi's new website functions:
1) To reply to a specific post, hover your mouse over that post, until its specific "reply" button appears.
2) Hyperlinks are now shown in bold; so my quote is also a hyperlink, to an article with that specific quote in its subtitle, and to my comment regarding that article.
In regards to your own comment, like most people with any interest in physics and "the measurement problem", you continue to confuse "measurement", "detection" and "inference" - and that's another hyperlink - that explains the distinction, and why it is fundamentally important to any understanding of reality:
Quantum Theory is not a theory dealing with "measurement"; so there can be no possible "measurement" problem. There is only a "Detection" problem, that has been, and continues to be, systematically, totally confused for a "Measurement" Problem.