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Hi LinenBlackbird
Sorry for the delay in returning to your essay and rating it. I didn't want to do so until I had the time to focus properly.
I like what you're suggesting, equipping individuals with a basic knowledge toolkit on how to universally approach science and also everyday tasks and challenges. Developing people's intuitions. However whenever you make a suggestion of how to do it, and it involves fundamental changes to schooling, and pop influencers and governments and science itself, I wonder how on earth such big changes can be so widely coordinated and implemented. I think changing the mindset and direction of institutions is a difficult task. And I'm not saying this to be negative, because I wonder if there is not another avenue.
You talk about how things have improved and how 90 percent of people are highly literate in the modern world. And so things are moving in the right direction. And yes institutional education played a significant role in this. However moving forward from here I think we need to empower people to educate themselves rather than rely upon others. Maybe its just because I've recently written an essay about AI, and so I see it as a solution to everything. But maybe it is the best solution for delivering the changes that you prescribe, that it will become an educational tool of the characteristics you describe. AI can dumb down complex themes making them accessible to the novice. And to do so it would be well advised to follow your script, breaking themes down in tt step by step explanations.
So yes, I'm with you. Its just that I think changing institutions from within would be frustrating. Instead I would hope for new technology to disrupt their inadequacies and complacencies, and AI might be just the thing to do it.
So anyway I'm about to give your essay top marks. I wish you well in the essay contest, and don't forget me when you've changed the world and are famous