Hi Amrit. Do you not agree with the following? How do your see your essay as being consistent or inconsistent with the following please?
Since dreams make thought more like sensory experience (including gravity and electromagnetism/light) in general, the idea of "how space manifests as electromagnetic/gravitational energy" is not only demonstrated in dreams (as I have shown), but this idea is then ALSO understood to be NECESSARILY central to an improved understanding of physics/experience in general.
According to Jonathan Dickau, my idea of "how space manifests as electromagnetic/gravitational energy" is "right on" as a central and valuable idea/concept in physics.
Also, how do you account for the following:
Do you understand the GIGANTIC significance of the following three statements taken together?:
1) The ability of thought to describe OR reconfigure sense is ultimately dependent upon the extent to which thought is similar to sensory experience.
2) Dreams involve a fundamental integration AND spreading of being, experience, and thought at the [gravitational and electromagnetic] MID-RANGE of feeling BETWEEN thought AND sense.
3) Dreams make thought more like sensory experience IN GENERAL (including gravity and electromagnetism).
Now, also consider the following:
These are the essential parameters/requirements regarding the demonstration/proof of what is ultimately possible in physics.
1) Making thought more like sensory experience in general.
2) Space manifesting as gravitational/electromagnetic energy.
3) Balancing/uniting scale.
4) Exhibiting/demonstrating particle/wave.
5) Repulsive/attractive.
What is ultimately possible in physics cannot (and should not) be properly/fully understood apart from this great truth:
The ability of thought to describe OR reconfigure sense is ultimately dependent upon the extent to which thought is similar to sensory experience.