I interpreted your earlier comment following my question as the answer to my question. Thanks for the more direct answer. I generally understand your answer. You and I have a different focus. Believing in 10**500 universes must make it easy not to sweat the details. I believe in only one universe, generally described in my essays, and the real details, especially anomalies, are where I think effort should be expended, but that's what makes horse races. You pays yer money, and you takes yer choice.
I am curious as whether the failure of the Higgs, SUSY particles, or any other conjectured particles to show up will give you pause, or whether the 10**500 vacua remove all such cares.
Finally, I don't know about Bohm's problems, but my theory seems to handle both photons and particle pair creation. I also suggest that if an alternate means of explaining the weak force mechanism and the strong force interactions between quarks, based on the Yang-Mills GEM fields, were to be true, then all justification for more than 4 dimensions would vanish, and a Calabi-Yau manifold would reduce to a torus. I base this on the 151 orders of magnitude change in the QED-GEM energies as well as the existence of physically reasonable, if not mathematically fully developed mechanisms that seem to provide all known particles with no need for Higgs, SUSY, or more than 4 dimensions, while also explaining physically many, if not most, of today's anomalies and mysteries. Of course I would like to have full mathematical backup for these arguments, but it is difficult, in five years, to compete with over a century of math developed by many thousands of bright guys. Yet the 4% accuracy of QED and QCD on 'simple' problems should worry anyone.
Thanks for your response. Probably neither of us will be moving into the others camp.
Edwin Eugene Klingman