Summary of author's foundational new ideas in physics:
Within essay:
The formation of structure before the 'big bang'.
(ii) The Archimedes screw model for a particle graviton.
(iii) Gravitons travelling around a wraparound universe can mimic a particle force of repulsion and act as an explanation for dark energy.
During discussion period with other authors:
(i) Anti-gravitons can model a particle force of repulsion.
(ii) Descartes was using the same helical screw ideas to solve magnetism.
(iii) My previously devised Inclination Hypothesis can explain the galaxy rotation curve anomaly currently attributed to galactic halo of dark matter.
(iv) My previous devised Inclination Hypothesis has the potential to explain the recession of the moon away from the Earth.
Before essay which wasn't included:
(i) The Inclination Hypothesis which combines the ice age problems and a new gravity model to explain anomalies with each current model.
(ii) The unearthing of research finds which show how Amazonian monkeys fully particpated in the megafauna of the last ice age.
(iii) The hypothesis that the sun is stronger during the ice age (due to reduced cloud cover?) and therefore the vegetation more abundant to explain worldwide ice age megafauna. The drop in temperature being due to a severe drop in global ocean tidal strengths leading to glaciation feedback scenario.
(iv) The analysis of structure before the 'big bang' is likely to result in a gravitational compression of the opposing structures against the force of creation. This means that it isn't necessary for the structures to travel around the universe as proposed in the essay, just the early graviton emissions. This model doesn't require such a near perfect spherical hypersphere and therefore seems intuitively more likely.
I wish to thank FXQi for the opportunity to express my work to a wider and more professional scientific audience. I'm also indebted to a number of author's for taking the time to engage with my enquiries and for their much valued feedback and inspiration.