Thanks for your reply. I have studied your essay, and there is much I like about it. I think we agree upon the desirability of "a physical view that makes sense".
You state: "I just don't believe that the Universe operates by some God-given Universal Laws and we can 'know' them! This is the Metaphysics of Physics and I just don't believe in it! But I do believe in a Creative and Evolving Universe. As such, the Universe 'creates' its own Laws..."
If you read my first page, you will find that that is exactly what I am saying, that the laws must evolve from the universe itself.
As for the C-field, Maxwell first noted that if mass replaced charge, and gravity replaced the electric field, then Coulomb's law and Newton's law are identical. He decided, based on this symmetry, to use G and mass in place of E and charge in all of Maxwell's equations. But since there is an (electro-)magnetic field, he needed an analogous (gravito-)magnetic field to complete the equations. The C-field is my name for what Maxwell and others refer to simply as the gravito-magnetic field. It has nothing to do with the magnetic field, it is the gravity analog thereof.
Later it was found that the same equations fall out of the 'weak field approximation' of General Relativity.
So the field exists. There is some argument as to the strength of the field. Martin Tajmar has measured it to be 10^31 times stronger than Maxwell believed (based only on simple symmetry) and my calculations agree with Tajmar's results.
You seem to think that your mathematics is 'observed' by the behavior of the universe. I hope you decide to give 'my mathematics' the same chance.
Edwin Eugene Klingman