I really like the way your essay is written. Right from the outset you "lay it on the line." It is also written in a very clear way that takes the reader on a smooth journey from your original premise right through to your conclusion. It does not confuse the reader with too much information nor does it merely reiterate current mainstream thinking.
You said "Just as we can write bad literature using good English we can also write bad physics using good math. In either case we do not blame the language for the story. We can't fault math for the failings of Physics." That is so well said. I have tried to illustrate this in some of my blog forum posts, by saying how magical illusion described mathematically would make the magic appear to be real. You make the excellent point "mathematical truths are always conditional."Which you then go on to elaborate. You are right beautiful mathematics alone does not make something true.Just before your derivation of planks law you make a heartfelt plea for realism. It is a viewpoint that many will agree with , quite possibly more than will openly admit to it.
Although you have presented the derivation of planks law before. I think I finally get why you are doing this. You are showing that it is a result of the process of detection and not a Law of the Universe itself. Please correct me if I am wrong on this. So this quantity h is a threshold that allows a phenomenon to cross the boundary from unobserved reality to observed reality. There is certainly a difference between what can be detected and made a part of our experienced or as Edwin says "received reality" ( I call image reality) and what just is, unobserved.
I am not persuaded that it is time that gives objects physical existence but it is necessary for their detection, so that they can be perceived.They are manifest to us because of the duration of the processes by which we detect them. As there has to be an interaction with the detector which has duration and transmission and processing of the information to give awareness, which also has a duration. Though this kind of elapsed time could be considered at a foundational level to be just universal spatial change. For any object to go from what it was (configuration) to what it is (configuration) and from where it was (location) to where it is(location) time can be used as a description. Both configuration in space and location in space are spatial descriptions however. So that kind of time is not really foundational(what is).I think the spatial change is foundational and it is our desire to use terms of measurement that labels it with energy or time or momentum.
You are right there is "something" that is which allows causality. It is missing from the space-time model of the universe where time is a geometric dimension and there are theoretical points in time and space.I have tried to argue that both a model with universally uni-temporal time that allows passage of time to occur (through continuous spatial change) but is not a time dimension, and space-time which is a model of the appearance of reality, spread over time and space, are necessary.
I think in your final paragraph you are saying that physics is a man-made construct like history, culture and politics and not God given or written in the Universe. Again please correct me if I have misinterpreted your intention.I think that, if I have not misunderstood, that is a good point. All we can have are our man-made models of reality. They are not reality itself. It is a well written, enjoyable and thought provoking essay.I hope it gets the attention it deserves.